Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Tried driving around in the Holiday Inn parking lot looking for a Blizzard company car or something similar but didn’t see anything, didn’t see any Blizzard employees either, definitely not you. It was worth a shot, anyway.

have some prime rib. It’s still good, expiration date is still a ways off. Really looking forward to it. After that we can talk for a while, maybe drive for a while, of just hang out. it’s up to you, Steve.

sure you’ll have all sorts of friends you’ll want to introduce me to. I can’t wait to meet them, it must be really great working for a big company like Blizzard.

Trying to do two simultaneous holiday events is both fun and annoying, because the lunar one is making me remember where things are in zones I have not visited for over a decade, and I’m trying to navigate them on a faction I did not play very much!!

I forgot how Alliance people get to eversong Woods quickly, and now I’m lost in the Ghostlands!!


Grand Apothecary Faranell rambling while recovering from Maldraxxi spore exposure, 40 ADP, colorized;

Noticed that the name of Higurashi Mei Character Chisame(60033(12(3))) Kurosawa(9630(18)) means Mi 9.

Satoko Hojo’s name(3105) adds up to 9(of course if you take the 10 as a /0 then her name is Mika 4 Joe I.E. Rika 4 Cups of Coffee).

Miyuki Akasaka is Mi Yu K1 or rather “Me You K1 Akasaka!” which is a big fancy way for Bernkastel calling Ryukishi the 1000 Year Old Witch.

Of course Higurashi Mei may have Bernkastel forgetting that.

Chisame and Miyuki dying upon Ayaka giving up her name Aya is a reference to how Satoko being a Mika would die should the Rika personality collapse reviving Hanyuu and that Eua & her fake Hanyuu would turn into Lambdadelta just from having removed Hanyuu from Rika.

Aya fighting off Midori Kawata while Chisame and Miyuki use a gate to the Village in order to rescue Kazuho(despite Midori stating it’s a bad idea) is basically Satoko diving in to rescue Rika while Lambdadelta dives in to subjugate Hanyuu and force Rika in control in order to maintain her delusion of being Hanyuu(or more accurately her delusion of being petted by Hanyuu).

Red-Eyed Witch Hanyuu of course causes trouble to wake Hanyuu up and get her out of Rika while Lambdadelta works to keep her inside of Rika to maintain her lie of being Oyashiro-Sama.

Eventually Lambdadelta will have to accept a Role Card being shoved into Rika to maintain her lie of being Hanyuu. An Infinite-Use Hanyuu role card contained inside Rika would ensure the Bernkastel takes the form of Hanyuu so that Bernkastel can continue running the Loop in Hanyuu’s form comforting herself by patting Rika on the head while keeping Hanyuu as another pet cat in the process.

Bernkastel forgetting Mamoru Akasaka’s existence(willfully considering Miyuki apparently doesn’t like him) will come back to bite her as Takano Miyo seals her away because her story doesn’t need her anymore.

Takano Miyo(who existed before Bernkastel was born)'s name means 15(6) No 34(7)!

Riku(Lion I.E. Rion I.E. Ri 1), Irie(1 Ri AKA 16 AKA Yoshiya AKA Kanon) and Rena(07 AKA Shannon) used to belong to the same Player: The Ryuun who Hanyuu slew in her Backstory. Considering Vier/Mitsuyo is influencing Satoko through Rika just as Eua is manifesting from Rika the same way Eua manifested from Vier that means that Vier is implanted into Rika by Bernkastel.

Ah yes… Irie calls the source of the Paranoia Plague a Virus: That is tantamount to calling oneself furniture…

Vier judging from the descriptor Anomalous Spinal Column Entity LD-3105(7+9=16) has a Yoshiya Persona during her previous incarnation. Why did she call herself Furniture though? Ah right… That MIYAO Mi/0Ke(e is a number between 2 & 3) from Ciconia mentions being stuck to a machine so if Lambdadelta is in a machine.

I have a Vulpera shaman and it is hard to find a good guild.

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They do not! It’s “Lost in the Ghostlands a-go-go” for any members of the blue team!

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I must say, even as I played my Alliance Characters, I never once thought of sullying Quelthalas with the foul stench of Alliance!

(Ok maybe I did to kill the leaders for the achieve, but I was just summoned into the building by the raid group. Never made me own way to Quelthalas as Alliance)


Well, consider Quel’thalas well and truly sullied. It has not only been visited, but fully explored by a noobie druid trying to reverse engineer the paths throughout the zone to get to one specific spot for some dumb flowers for a dumb quest I only realized much too late rewarded transmog I’d just bought.

The lunar festival is dumb.

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Been toying around with a story idea.

It’s kinda a play on movies like “The Mummy” where this ancient slumbering evil is disturbed by the arrogant meddling of modern man.

But rather than it being some High Priest of Set or Aztec Warlord it’s based of Ea-Nāṣir, a Sumerian merchaht known for being the target of humanity’s oldest Yelp review. Dude apparently sold shoddy copper.

Because genuinely I think a guy who’s a few millennium out of the loop could still pretty handily swindle Silicon Valley investors.


You still look like a proper princess in pink and white. :blush:


But my forum avatar will not update!!

How can everyone see that I am a pretty pink and white princess of love, shooting love arrows into my enemies until they die from my love if my forum avatar will not update??


It is a adorable mog for sure :blush:

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Strangely enough, when looked at on my phone it is updated… so I’m guessing it’s got to do with how slowly the forums push asset updates into the browser cache.

Eventually the rest of the world will get to see your current ultimate form.

In all honesty that sounds like the plot of a rather mature anime…

Hello gutter, my old friend…
I’ve come to visit you again
Because a vision softly creeping


But do not worry, I have got this!!

This is my new Miss Main, and she is using the same transmog except with a staff instead of a bow. I am now a Druid of the Heart!!


We’ve got
We use it to fight!!


One thing you can do is push an update by using Ctrl+F5. This clears the cache and reloads all assets.

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And I’m over here using a troll leather set and a troll back piece for my worgen who I decided to RP as a half troll Druid.

Fun times :bear:


Ha-HA!! And now my inner Magical Elf Lady avatar form has been achieved!! I am Princess Mocha, defender of life and love eternal!!! With my heart-ish bow, I shall Barrage the darkness from your hearts and bring peace and serenity and love to Azeroth!!!


Having a bit of a RPer’s paradox.

Part of the fun for me in WoW and most games I play is coming up with a character. I do this in single player games where the character’s motivations will only ever be known by me.

Trouble is I’ll frequently really love a character but be bored of their class. There’s always the option of multi-classing but that is inherently kinda Mary-Sueish.

Think I’ve found an interesting enough work-around for Ben. I’ve written him as a Cleric who in D&D do wear heavy armor and melee.


Honestly surprised Clerics haven’t made a comeback in WoW. There is existing lore for them from both Stormwind and Lordaeron.