Noticed that the name of Higurashi Mei Character Chisame(60033(12(3))) Kurosawa(9630(18)) means Mi 9.
Satoko Hojo’s name(3105) adds up to 9(of course if you take the 10 as a /0 then her name is Mika 4 Joe I.E. Rika 4 Cups of Coffee).
Miyuki Akasaka is Mi Yu K1 or rather “Me You K1 Akasaka!” which is a big fancy way for Bernkastel calling Ryukishi the 1000 Year Old Witch.
Of course Higurashi Mei may have Bernkastel forgetting that.
Chisame and Miyuki dying upon Ayaka giving up her name Aya is a reference to how Satoko being a Mika would die should the Rika personality collapse reviving Hanyuu and that Eua & her fake Hanyuu would turn into Lambdadelta just from having removed Hanyuu from Rika.
Aya fighting off Midori Kawata while Chisame and Miyuki use a gate to the Village in order to rescue Kazuho(despite Midori stating it’s a bad idea) is basically Satoko diving in to rescue Rika while Lambdadelta dives in to subjugate Hanyuu and force Rika in control in order to maintain her delusion of being Hanyuu(or more accurately her delusion of being petted by Hanyuu).
Red-Eyed Witch Hanyuu of course causes trouble to wake Hanyuu up and get her out of Rika while Lambdadelta works to keep her inside of Rika to maintain her lie of being Oyashiro-Sama.
Eventually Lambdadelta will have to accept a Role Card being shoved into Rika to maintain her lie of being Hanyuu. An Infinite-Use Hanyuu role card contained inside Rika would ensure the Bernkastel takes the form of Hanyuu so that Bernkastel can continue running the Loop in Hanyuu’s form comforting herself by patting Rika on the head while keeping Hanyuu as another pet cat in the process.
Bernkastel forgetting Mamoru Akasaka’s existence(willfully considering Miyuki apparently doesn’t like him) will come back to bite her as Takano Miyo seals her away because her story doesn’t need her anymore.
Takano Miyo(who existed before Bernkastel was born)'s name means 15(6) No 34(7)!
Riku(Lion I.E. Rion I.E. Ri 1), Irie(1 Ri AKA 16 AKA Yoshiya AKA Kanon) and Rena(07 AKA Shannon) used to belong to the same Player: The Ryuun who Hanyuu slew in her Backstory. Considering Vier/Mitsuyo is influencing Satoko through Rika just as Eua is manifesting from Rika the same way Eua manifested from Vier that means that Vier is implanted into Rika by Bernkastel.
Ah yes… Irie calls the source of the Paranoia Plague a Virus: That is tantamount to calling oneself furniture…
Vier judging from the descriptor Anomalous Spinal Column Entity LD-3105(7+9=16) has a Yoshiya Persona during her previous incarnation. Why did she call herself Furniture though? Ah right… That MIYAO Mi/0Ke(e is a number between 2 & 3) from Ciconia mentions being stuck to a machine so if Lambdadelta is in a machine.