Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Read this. It tells you everything you need to know.

Edit: Sadly, forum murlocs are not yet a thing. Typical lazy Blizzard forum design. :roll_eyes:

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Aww, I’m only a level 2 forum. I’ll never get out of Elwynn Forumest if there’s no forum murlocs…


what are the requirements for trust 3 again? I know it’s visit for fifty days, but what else? Besides never being banned.

Level 3 takes a minimum of 50 days to get. Don’t worry though. Some day, you will be as great of a forum poster as myself. Well, at least almost as great. I mean, if you work hard, you might be OK someday, I guess. Keep up the hard work, kid! :grinning:


Get to trust level 3 by…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of last 100 days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 500 topics
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 20,000 posts (both starting posts and replies)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)
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This works! :sob:


Wow, I’m sorry, that really sucks. For what its worth, I trust you, even if Blizzard doesn’t. :slightly_smiling_face:

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oh hello?
don’t mind me, i am just testing my new power!
prepare yourselves memes are coming.

muahahah this is great, /dance, oh wait, i can post a gif!

ok please continue :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok Aedren can you post this picture here please, please?

Your wish is my command. I will not rest until this injustice is corrected!


I started leveling my warrior and I suddenly remember why all of my other characters are leveling through anything that isn’t questing.

Maybe I’ll just chuck him into the pile of “will get to 120 eventually” with the others, I don’t want to hate questing when the Zandalari come out since I plan on leveling one for the heritage armor.

I was actually just doing that as well. I thought the lore was the refugees where already in Eorzea, but I think I spoiled myself on a wiki article and didn’t realize it was a semi-current event. I’m probably going to level both anyway, though, for roleplay purposes. Also, my Au Ra is max height and looks distinctly un-ninja to me anyway.

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Here’s some lost history for anyone interested.

I am slowly mastering the “I don’t do quests, I’m too pretty” method of leveling alts from 110 to 120. I strongly suggest swapping to a prot spec, running islands until you want to die, then swapping over to some BGs with the spec of your choice. From my experiences on now three toons, you’ll win about 66% and average a level every hour-ish to an hour and a half.

Do the war campaign quests when they’re up, then do the incursions/invasions. Forget the 10% xp hour, the quests give the real boost there. Takes about 15 minutes if you’re slow like me and you get at minimum a quarter of a level.

While waiting in BG queues, go work on gathering professions. It’s not big XP, but it’s some.

Other people will say just tank dungeons; I disagree. A lot of the levelers don’t know what they’re doing just yet and you’ll find your groups are either nicely paced or wiping on the first trash pack fifteen times. But that could very well be just my experiences.

I also usually do the quests around the city, just because they’re easy and convenient.

There ya go!

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I’ve seen a playthrough of what was completed of that game.

There are so many differences. A few of the more notable is that Orgrim doesn’t die in the original version, and is never made Warchief, but rather he and the other chieftains give it to Thrall outright for rallying them to begin with. This means in the original version Thrall had Orgrim, Drek’thar, Grom, Kilrogg and Kargath serving him.

Thrall kills Deathwing on behalf of Alextrasza, who then supports the Horde against the Alliance to return the favour. Deathwing was also Alex’s son. Rend and Maim killed Durotan and in turn are killed by Thrall after he learns they work for Blackmoore.

Honestly it really surprised me how different it was.

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My alts have been running island expeditions in between dungeon queues to keep their gear from falling horrifically behind and to always be doing something and then doing incursions when they’re up. Should probably go do the war campaign stuff though, I think they all have one or two of those built up by now.

Yeah, getting each of the opposite faction ports opened in a must. It makes it much easier to do the incursions, since they tend to be near the ports.

If you have crafters or friends who have crafters and love you, then don’t worry too much about the gear. I have a maxed blacksmith, leatherworker and tailor, so when my alts hit 120 I have a bunch of 310-340 gear waiting. Rings, trinkets and azerite armor’s all I need to worry about (until I cap my JC at least), and I usually end up at a 315 iLevel at the cap.

Even while leveling, the bad gear’s not too big of a deal. My shaman just capped tonight and I found myself replacing some Legion-era or 111 crafted gear at 120. Using that stuff when soloing made little difference; everything fell down quick. And watching my iLevel jump 55 points and my health nearly double had some amusement to it.

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Would have been interesting to see the flights rivaling each other within the factions imo. Such a missed opportunity… :disappointed_relieved:

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Hey folks, I have a question that probably doesn’t deserve its own topic. What is the status of the Dragonmaw clan in relation to the Horde after Zaela (and presumably the rest of the Azerothian Dragonmaw) sided with Garrosh in the civil war?

I miss Legion. And Order Halls.

They were written to all be traitors, but then they had a dead character with Drek’thar, who was not in a wheel chair, standing in Sylvanas’s chambers.

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