Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah, I had the same realization when I started playing ESO more seriously.

I got there a few days ago. It was actually at this very moment, with the expansionā€™s name plastered across the screen, did I finally realize it was called Heavensward and not Heavensword.

Also, they werenā€™t kidding when they said to get comfy for some long cutscenes lo.


Huh, I didnā€™t noticed that till you pointed it out.

Iā€™m trying A Plague Tale: Innocence on the recommendation of a friend. I just finished the tutorial area, and now Iā€™m thoroughly depressed.

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offers hugs


Hugs. But gingerly, since that kills Forsaken, now.



hugs the gardener elf

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I feel like itā€™s a setup, the only way Anduin would be able to (inadvertantly) commit an atrocity on the scale of the Burning of Teldrassil against the Forsaken.

The Hugging of Lordaeron.


ā€¦ please donā€™t give them ideas on how to weaponize his adorableness.


Then all those children he ateā€¦

You know itā€™s coming. Anduin becomes High King, and suddenly theres new lore that hugs crush Forsaken :thinking:

I donā€™t quest IC. Having my personality (and thus, my brilliant intellect), Gal couldnā€™t be duped into gathering abomination parts for an old man, mishandling a lichā€™s phylactery, freeing a Void entity from a dagger, and releasing an Old God, for a bit of pocket change.

Edit: Or collecting candles from Kobolds. Killing humanoids for candles aside, thereā€™s only one way they could get the wax for millions and millions of candles. And thatā€™s just gross.


Sounds boring.

Yeah, it was truly breathtaking. Especially once all the cutscenes finished and I loaded into Ishgard with this beauty playing:

I had to log off and compose myself! It was so emotional.

WoW, GW2, and FFXIV form a trinity of games I adore that Iā€™m constantly comparing with each other. Not really in any negative way, since Iā€™m very happy with the joy they each individually bring me, but wishing I could have the depth of GW2ā€™s mounts as I explore Azeroth, or the ease of WoW/GW2ā€™s wardrobe systems in FFXIV, or FFXIVā€™s amazing housing and crafting in the other two.

I often find myself fantasizing about the perfect mix of each game for my ideal MMO, pondering which elements Iā€™d take from which game. Itā€™s a fun thing to ponder as I fall asleep each night~


If we had housing, I might resub, or have stayed subbed. Iā€™d do like Thrall, and just run off to my farm while the world burned.

Youā€™ll have to give me your verdict on it when you finish. Iā€™m on the fence about it, it looks like your typical ā€œeverything goes wrongā€ snoozefest tragedy.

Iā€™m not entirely sure how far through it I am. Maybe a bit over halfway is my guess.

Itā€™s story driven, so slow at times. And bleak is probably an understatement. The gameplay of stealth and unconvential combat is a nice break from the standard smashing your way through a problem. Plus, magic plague rats.


I read this, so now all of you have to.


entitled Night Elves

Heā€™s right. Here I am, demanding things like a decent place for the Night Elves to live, and a single tangible victory after nearly 15 years of getting their teeth kicked in.

I really do need to check my privelege. I hope you guys can forgive me.


B l e s s


Linking an old story and not telling us how old it is!?! Thatā€™s just begging for a Necro(I had to delete one the moment I realized it was a Necro)!

In any case the Alliance does need High Elvesā€¦

If anyone wants to know what my very quickly deleted Necro was about then I must inform you I was trying to continue the story by having my Death Knight Main and Archpaladin comedically ignoring Wallurian and the Bartenderā€™s misgivings by suggesting the Alliance get Green Wood Elves and Blue Jungle Elves!