Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

We all broke poor Wallurian.


I wonder if it was the Grandblade slash fic that finally broke him?


There are days where I wonder about my mental health and societyā€™s perception of me, and judge myself. But then I see guys like this and think Iā€™m doing okay.


Iā€™m sorry the what now.


Itā€™s really good.

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I think all of our first rp characters were like that. I tried my hand at making up a motivation for a warlock I levelled once and it was literally what turned out to be the motivation for demon hunters. Power to defend home and family at all costs. It was so generic and cringey in hindsight.

If it doesnā€™t have a euphemistic reference to his ā€œhuman potentialā€ I will have no part of it.


Itā€™s alluded to

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oh my god.


I accidentally posted my reply in the original thread but ahaha that was great.


Yeah, I learned from Gal, and instead started taking singular facets of my personality or life, and inflating them into whole, stand-alone characters. I have three Warlocks (because I usually only play and RP a character as one spec).

My Worgen plays with the theme of being a scholar, vaguely similar to Gal. Heā€™s a former Mage, and used his familyā€™s money and connections to hunt down some of the few scraps of Arugalā€™s research on summoning. He tried it out, but ended up summoning demons, instead of whatever Arugal was looking for. But, some of those same familial connections, like the Crowleys, made it easy for the Royals to have him locked up on trumped up (in his mind) charges of dark magic, which in turn made him easy pickings for infection with the Curse when the Worgen attacked Gilneas city. Now, the feral nature of the Curse sometimes overrides his calm academic side, and he revels in the chaotic nature of the Destruction spec.

My Void Elf is a hedonist. Good food, good drinks, good friends, good times. He used to run a brothel off of Murder Row, and his forays into Warlockism introduced him to his favored Sayaad companions (still hoping we get an Incubus option, one day), who helpedā€¦ enhance his business for the more upscale clientele. He loves domination, and after finding out the higher echelons of demons fear the Void, he started following Umbricā€™s research. Now, he uses the Void to dominate powerful demons, and bully the weaker ones, as Demonology spec.

For my Dwarf (Ironforge), I drew upon watching my mom slowly die over the course of a few months, from complications with emphysema. She lost her parents as a result of one of the many conflicts with the Dark Irons (which, if I were still subbed, I imagine would be all kinds of fun, now), having watched them waste and wither away as a result of the Dark Ironā€™s foul magics. And so began her research into curses and dark magic, and her drive to give the Dark Iron a taste of their own medicine, as an Affliction Warlock.


Speaking of Warlocks, demons, devils, and dark pacts:
Baldurā€™s Gate: Descent into Avernus:


I actually donā€™t consider seeking power to defend home and family at all costs cringy in the least. A bit generic, sure, but not that bad.

Itā€™s actually what originally motivated my BE warlock. After losing all of her family except a brother and seeing how her people failed to stop the Scourge using arcane methods, she turned to the Fel and became a warlock.

This is one of the prime reasons she loves leading the Council of the Black Harvest. She now has a demonic army and allies at her command to help protect her people even if the Blood Elves may not approve.

Some of that changed over time. She still wishes to protect her homeland and her people, but now she seeks power to take down Jaina for her role in the Purge of Dalaran. She thought she lost her brother (he was a shopkeeper), but later learned he survived and was imprisoned before finally being freed at the start of Legion.

You see one reason why I hate this story being handed to us in BfA? My warlock is being forced to work with that Proudmore female dog. And after my warlock became friendly with King Rastakhan and how Jaina played a part in his death.

She emphasized with him over his deal with Bwomsandi for it was similar to her own motivations.

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I really really hope they keep adding to this list.


This is the best gift I could ever ask for. They thought they wanted it, butā€¦


I made a post on reddit pointing out the simple fact that, through nostalgia for something they experienced or from years of hearing the near reverent way people talk about it, classic will never live up to what theyā€™ve built it up to be. If they think BfA is a grind classic is no better. Long levelling times, walking near everywhere for ages, slow mounts, walking to every dungeon, attunements. So much about classic was phased out over the years for a reason and I feel people have just forgotten that. Naturally my post got downvoted into oblivion.

Edit: there we go, it quoted the wrong person the first time.


Yes, I did join discord, now can people stop acting surprised.

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Sometimes during the Alliance Darkshore Warfront towards the end Malfurion will call out the following, and a bunch of new trees will spring up and grow to full similar to when you save the ancients at the beginning of the warfront:

It has only happened sometimes when Iā€™ve done the warfront, and other times it hasnā€™t. Sadly I was already on my way to Sira when it happened this latest time, so I couldnā€™t get a good screenshot of the trees growing.

I have no idea what triggers this to happen sometimes and sometimes not. Anyone have any idea?

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You sure itā€™s not tied into summoning the archdruid at the left base?

Iā€™ll have to try it out. I donā€™t think so, since I think Iā€™ve seen the archdruid ancient stomping through the fight without it triggering Malfurion, but Iā€™m not sure, to be honest.

Iā€™ve just finished post-ARR myself! Andā€¦ damn, I love it.

I have to say, I love WoW, but years of playing WoW made me falsely believe of hard limitations of MMO storytelling. FF14ā€™s base game (and post game leading to its first xpac) quickly shattered those preconceptions. I still love WoW and still love Azeroth/Warcraft, but SE is really showing me the vast swaths of untapped potential (and incompetence) Blizzard is doing with their franchises.

Edit: Thatā€™s one hype/grandiose way to introduce an xpac.