[FanFic] Wallurian's Story of his Depression

“Wallurian came to the Tavern at Old Town in Stormwind after being insulted and mocked at by the New Allies and Old Ones from Void Elves and some of High entitled Night Elves and of course the Horde that Treated him like a punching bag like every other single poor paladin before.”

“What happen to you? Said the Bartender”

“Well I try to voice my support of old allies I like. Said Wallurian”

“Who? Said the Bartender”

“Well I want to have an original elven race back into the Alliance again. That is High Elves. I tried to reason with some of people within the Alliance who accepted the Void Elves into the faction. I was told no and just going have to deal with unoriginal blueberries basically… Then Horde started to tease me including Blood Elves saying I like every other human are nothing more than lowlifes. Also doesn’t help that some of Allies like Night Elves including that Death Knight Lady and other Black Eye Ones said We’re nothing more than generic knights and simple as flies… Said Wallurian”

“Well mate. The Faction isn’t what it used to be. I mean sure it is kind of getting little bit dull seeing Blue Elves but I guess that’s how it is. Its not like as if Hood wearing Elves are large enough in numbers as they used to be now in days. Now its just Void Wielding Elves. Through I pray for the Light that they don’t use the Void on us to corrupt the Alliance. Atleast that’s what I heard from the Lightforged Dragoons or Draenei whatever you call those Draenei Folk with the Light Beards and Tattoos. As for those Blood Elves that you mention. Yea its shame now in days that Allies that helped the Alliance in Second War Turned on us and thinks we’re the enemy. Its not our fault that one racist Marshall had to ruin alliances by his bigotry. I even heard from the old soldiers that some that survive said He was also racist to dwarves our common allies of smiths and craftsmen. But you know what can you do in dark times at like this. Its probably best not to let people like those Harsh Night Elves and Void Elves you mention brother yea. I mean with way how it is in Alliance in terms of Elves. Yes. It is kind of dull seeing Blue Skin Elves. But you have to work with what you got sadly. Want something to drink? Said the Bartender”

“Yes Hearthglen Ale Please. Said Wallurian”

“So the Bartender handed him his drink as Wallurian sat alone in the Old Town Tavern wishing he had better allies from the past of the good old days of the Alliance.”


“Oh, give me a friggin’ break,” a voice emitted from the other side of the bar. A paladin, clad in blue and gold, glared daggers at the two as they had their racist rant, boisterous and indignantly sucking down the last of his chocolate milk. He clapped the glass on the table, sliding his chair out loudly on the wood floor.

“Would you wake up and smell the ashes, you armor plated child?” he fired back with an accusatory finger, his boots clomping on the floor. “We HAVE Quel’dorei in the Alliance - we never would have got where we are without the Silver Covenant. And in case you haven’t noticed, they’ve accepted those ‘unoriginal blueberries’ just the same as everyone else that made your fragile self cry.” Ben jabbed the finger at the bartender now. “And for the record, the Ren’dorei have been a huge boon overseas - because of their aid, the war campaign has been a smashing success. So maybe stop enabling entitled little Lightswingers like this guy, and start practicing saying thank you.”

Ben angrily pulled up another bar stool, deciding to make his own rant of this. “Now, you say the HORDE started to tease you? What the hell were you doing talking to them? Don’t you know we’re in a war? Oh, they teased you, what a beleaguered life you live… you’re lucky they didn’t burn you alive, like they did with those Night Elves you whinge so frequently about. And say what you will about the Sin’dorei, but they’re not obligated to return to the Alliance because of your nostalgia.”

“And funny enough this guy should criticize Othmar Garithos for his bigotry, cause right now, I see no difference between you and him. The Alliance has changed, and that’s a good thing, yet you’re getting hung up on the days of old. The Kaldorei, the Ren’dorei… I would trade a thousand of you to ensure they stayed with us. So why don’t you stop your childish whining, accept that we ARE generic knights - not that that’s a bad thing - and start taking this New Alliance as the blessing it is.”

Then he stood, righteously slapping the Hearthglen Ambrosia from Wallurian’s hand. “You don’t deserve that drink, fiend,” Ben spat, now fuming. “As far as I see it, you deserve every inch of abuse you get. You have disgraced all Alliance paladins with your bigotry, and I’m ashamed to even share a faction with you.”


"You what we need?" Said the Death Knight Yvenathilm listening in on the conversation “More Elves! Green Wood Elves from some Continent in the Forbidding Sea and Blue Jungle Elves from the same Continent’s southern half!” He elaborated!


You just made a complete jerk out of yourself. I hope all of this harassment and mocking of me makes you the official True Jerkwad of the Human Paladin Males.

Nice Job for not moving on from your Childish or so call Man like ways. :roll_eyes:

(Don’t OOC in /say you troll)


After sitting and listening to Wallurian’s rant, Kaileena turns to her fellow sister’s next to her…

"This is exactly why I don’t frequent these places. Listen to that petulant child over there complaining about how he wants his old faction back. The Alliance has changed as has the horde, does he truly expect to win by staying the same? "

Sister Ashadora rolls her silver eyes… "Ugh I know sister. I may be cautious of these Rendorei but we need new allies, and maybe we can start to form bonds between the elves. This isn’t the first comment like this I’ve heard and frankly, I can’t wait to get out of this city. "


Galenorn sits at a table in the back, half in shadow.

The Archdruid slowly swirls a glass of Kaldorei ginger wine in one hand, and softly pets a spectral green dragon whelpling curled up in his lap with the other, a faint smile of mild amusement playing with the corners of his mouth, as he watches the scene unfold.


Spuddy C is caught hiding in a corner of the inn

“Uhhh hey mon!!! Just on a lil ol’ vacation in da Stormwind. I be erin’ Saurfang was ere?”

Spuddy C immediately transforms into a ghost wolf and high tails it out of the tavern as slings of arrows fly towards him


Aanka enters the Inn, sees the commotion, and instantly sits down next to Archdruid Galenorn. She watches silently from their table in the corner.


Ashadora and Althera stare in shock as the ghost wolf runs from the tavern.

Althera still in shock, “By the goddess, was that a Troll? Is no one guarding this area? That paladin is complaining being called generic knights and yet they can’t keep the horde out of their establishments. Moron.”

Ashadora finishes her drink and signals for another, “As I said I can’t wait to leave this city. I’ve heard whispers of a settlement being started in Duskendale near the moonwell, I wonder if there’s an update.”

Kaileena says nothing but spots Arch Druid Galenorn not far from her table and raises a glass in his direction.


“Sisters.” Galenorn raises a glass, and gives a nod in greeting to the collection of Night Elves. "To your good health, " he adds, “and that of that other Paladin over there. The shinier one.”

He sniffs, then slowly drains his glass. After a few moments of savoring the taste, he produces an ancient looking bottle from the leather pack draped over the back of his chair. “Can I tempt any of you? I brought my own, much to the barkeep’s chagrin. I am honestly not overly fond of the swill Stormwind tries to pass off as drinkable.”

“Though, now I am curious which will be more entertaining. Watching two Human Paladins attempt to match philosophical wits, or, watching yet another Troll escape the… lax… security of Stormwind.”


“Why yes,” Aanka says, accepting the gift from Galenorn.


Kaileena smiles her fellow the druid. “Thank you Galnorn but I think I’ve have enough for tonight. This so called wine had spoiled my appetite”

Althera and Ashadora head over to accept the Arch Druids gift.

Ashadora happily sips the gifted drink notices and empty table next to Galnorns and signals both Althera and Kaileena to join her there.

Althera sips the drink and exhales happily afterwards. “Finally, a delicious drink. Mother Moon bless you Galenorn. Any longer with this Stormwind swill and I was going to have Kaileena start growing our own vineyards, hops, and barley.”

Seated in her new position in the shade, Kaileena regards the new druid. “Sister Anaka you just missed a Troll fleeing from the tavern, only Elune knows how long he was there. Oh and human complaining about… Kaileena waves her hands ugh who cares.”

“He was complaining about his oh so obvious inferiority.” Ashadora adds “I hope he continues, I need a good laugh.”


“Got nothing to say, boy?” Ben emitted as he folded his arms at the speechless paladin. “Typical of you lot. You swagger and curse those that don’t fit your worldview when it suits you, but the minute you’re faced with your own misgivings you hide.” He motions to the patrons - the night elves at the bar, the troll who just ran out, the~ wait, was that a troll? “Everyone can see your hypocrisy now, so don’t even think about playing the victim.”

Ben jabbed an angry finger at Wallurian, speaking close and vindictively. “You have just made a complete jerk out of yourself. I hope all of this harassment and mocking of the other races makes you the…” Ben reached into his pocket to remove a slip of paper. “As you’ve been quoted, the ‘True Jerkwad of the Human Paladin Males.’ Kind’ve an idiotic name, but it suits you. I would say you should grow up, but I know you won’t.”

He punctuated the end of his rant to him by spitting directly on the cowardly paladin’s face. “You’re a disgrace to the King, a whiny child, and a shameful person. The future is here, so why don’t you shut the hell up and do your damn job.”


“Well it seems that the paladin has been shamed into slience” Althera states dryly.

“Either that or Ashadora jinxed it” says Kaileena.


The warm, spicy fragrance of the ginger wine freshens the Night Elves’ little corner, washing away the usual tavern reek of stale ale. Galenorn inhales deeply, before focusing back on the two Paladins.

“It seems the nightsaber has got the other’s tongue. Maybe now my day in this city will be slightly better.”

The Archdruid takes another sip. “I admit, I find I have little patience for Human petulance, these days. I walked these lands when they were still central Kalimdor, and Humanity was a scattering of a few savage tribes under the protection of their giant kin farther north. Elune willing, I’ll still be here when Stormwind is but a footnote in one of my own history books.”


Mal’valen paused just after entering the inn, frowning anxiously when he heard the ongoing complaining and chastising in regards to all the “blue elves” in Stormwind. “… well this seems like an awkward time for me to be here,” the half-Ren’dorei remarked.


And then a Tauren burst through the wall, cleaving Wallurian in the head, splitting him clean in two. He then did a brief dance on the paladin’s corpse before rushing out the door, the sounds of male human aggro noises following him as he ran.


I somehow feel more complete after finding this thread.


Aanka gasps as the Tauren spills blood over the tavern. “Argumentative Paladins, trolls, and now this?”