Tyrande got her revenge

I’d ship that.

Edit: I did!

Here’s an excerpt:

…“Stop,” cried Wallurian softly, pushing Grandblade gently but firmly away. “You know that this is…forbidden. You believe in an Alliance that includes Night Elves, Worgen, cuddly bear-people, and glowing space aliens. I believe in the old ways, the just ways, the ways only known to regular humans, and short hairy humans, and even shorter, smarter humans. What is between us…what we desire…can never be!” Wallurian cried out in anguish and dropped his helm between his hands, deep sobs wracking his boulder-like shoulders.

“Shhh…shhh…” Grandblade slowly wrapped his pythonesque arms around the other paladin. “You cannot let the past dictate your future. Our future.” He lowered his head towards Wallurian. Their visors met with a soft, seductive “clang” as the metal of their helms gently kissed. “Open your mind to the New Alliance, just as you open your heart to me.”

Wallurion brought his gaze up to meet the eyes of the other knight, which he could just make out from within his helmet. He head told him that this was still wrong…but how could something wrong feel so right? Would the Light let him do something if it was wrong? He was resolved. He placed his gauntlets over Grandblades’. “I cannot fight this any longer. I will trust you.” At his belt, his hammer started to glow…