Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Well, that I remember, but everyone always changed names at the drop of a Saurfang cinematic. Hard to keep track of whomst was whomst.

Itā€™s funny how in Silent Hill 3 when Vincent talks about Heather enjoying the killing of certain victims and she asks him if heā€™s talking about the monsters and he asks ā€œThey looked like monsters to you?ā€ then says ā€œItā€™s a joke.ā€ in a way that looks like he is trying to calm the girl down that no one seems to realize that he is talking about the crazy Nurses and not the other Monsters of Silent Hill.

Vincent even mentions the victims screams and the only Enemies that scream are the Nurses who obviously arenā€™t Monsters unlike everything else in Silent Hill 3.

Why are the Nurses attacking Heather? Considering they revive her whenever they KOā€™d her they probably didnā€™t realize that they were attacking a Girl until knocking her out which is very easy since they are all staring at the floor in a daze.

What left the Nurses so traumatized they attack people while staring at the floor in a daze? Judging from the notes lying around the General Director of the Mental Hospital has been harassing the Nurses for mistreating the Mental Patients rather than firing them. Letā€™s also not forget that PTV is a commonly abused Hallucinogen in Silent Hill.

The withdrawal symptoms of PTV is for Pus and Blood to be everywhere even flowing from the water facets(in otherwords to see the Darkness/Otherworld 24/7) so the Nurses probably werenā€™t that sane even before the General Director harassed them.

Judging from the fact that the Nurses seem to become more aggressive to Heather when she applies a certain perfume(found in the Hospital) Iā€™d assume said perfume belongs to the General Director.

How did the Nurses get guns? Well considering the same Hospital had police tape after James Sheppard visited it and discovered a corpse being eaten by a Monster in Silent Hill 2 said corpse was probably discovered by the police and the Nurses were issued guns so that they could defend themselves from whatever killed the victim.

The fact that they shoot at anyone will probably get on the news and all the Nurses will probably be arrested and the General Director will probably continue to get lawsuits as usual(especially since Silent Hill is a corrupt town with PTV Addictions everywhere).

I wonder what Nobbel makes of this story.

IIRC he really enjoyed Sylvanas.

Whatā€™s the rp realm situation looking like for classic, anyone plan to roll on one? If so how do you plan to deal with the setting and can you mentally set the ā€œeventsā€ that have transpired since aside?

Go full peggy sue fanfic character and be a person out of time yelling about the futures youā€™ve lived and things that will never happen in the classicverse. Youā€™ll fit right in with the other doomsayers.

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Grats! You do look really fantastic. I wore that hat myself for a while ā€“ very witchy >:D

I recently finished up ARR content and moved on to HW, and it was justā€¦ so much better than I was ever prepared for. Canā€™t recommend that game enough. Even though I spend about 50% of my time playing it taking /gpose selfiesā€¦ xD

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Hanashi! Havenā€™t seen you around for a while. Good to see you!

As for FFXIV, I havenā€™t played in over a month. Real life and other commitments have kept me busy. Iā€™m not even sure where my character is right now.

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Hi Fythra! Good to see you too. Any new novels keeping you busy?

Iā€™ve been doing lots of gardening and other hobbies, along with FFXIV and FFXII. Staying as busy as possible while still technically being stuck at home. Itā€™s been fun! After the amazing Thrall cinematic, I wanted to pop back in here for a bit to vent my overwhelming joy ^.^ So excited for 8.2, too!!


I managed to finish the latest book my Warlock series (Murder Most Magical) and now Iā€™m trying something new, challenging myself.

Itā€™s contemporary romantic suspense. And yes, itā€™s been a challenge so far. Slow going, but itā€™s starting to shape up into something good. crosses fingers


I assuaged some (some) of my salt and rage getting out in the gardens today. I have tenants now, looking to start a family.


A true druid !


Gal was actually my first ever RP characterā€¦ and consequently my least imaginative. Heā€™s just my personality copy-pasted onto a 7ft tall purple body.


Amazing!! You are a fantastic gardener, Galenorn. Say hello to your new friends for me? : )




The male says hi.

Edit: Idk why itā€™s sideways, lol.


Thatā€™s so awesome! Iā€™ve always wanted to get in to light gardening. Itā€™s very impressive.

Hides catapult under sheet

Very impressiveā€¦


Can a Forsaken even hide something like a catapult? :thinking: I mean, their super secret assassins were followed across two worlds, and snatched out of mid-air while invisible.


Damn it!

I knew I shouldnā€™t have made my catapult dummy thicc.


Catapults have wheels, and thus are sneakier.

recalls Goblin shredders sneaking up on Night Elves, at night, in the forest