Stormwind on Moon Guard Very Lagged

Hi there,

On the Moon Guard realm, Stormwind is almost unplayably laggy. My home ping is 66ms, my world ping is 66ms, but the actual real latency in Stormwind is 5-10 full seconds. It appears as though the server or shards are not scaling correctly. It has been not great since TWW launched, but is brutally bad now.

I am on hardwired internet which experiences no continuous lag in other zones (of course, there are always occasional spikes in populated areas). I’m on a 13700k, 4080, 32gb of DDR5, gigabit internet. When I try to open a ticket, I’m asked to get a network professional to come to my home to check my network, which is not the source of the lag, as even when the demonstrable lag is 5-10 second, my ping is 66-68ms. It’s also not based on my computer’s hardware, as I do not experience this lag in raids where there are many people casting many particle effect abilities at the same time.

I am hoping this can be addressed.

Thank you.


I’ve noticed this happening over the past few weeks. My internet isn’t the best and lag is to be expected in cities but then I started to notice that Stormwind was the only city where I was lagging. Whenever I’m in Dornogal, the latency is fine.

I also have the issue where the recorded latency in game is around my usual 75ms for both home and world, yet every action my character does in SW is taking significantly longer than that.


Exactly, in-game lag is brutally bad in SW, and isn’t reflected by recorded latency.


Thank you for bringing this up. I’m having the same problem. SW is as bad as Dalaran used to be. I’m running a high speed video card, processor, and pay for fat pipes to the house. Speed in all other cities in WoW and applications on the homestead are fine. Thank you for paying some attention to this.


Can confirm, I have characters on a ton of servers. Something is wrong with SW on Moonguard, especially when using the AH or warbound bank. It’s lagging and gives a lot of “internal bag error” messages. Completely goes away when you move to Ironforge.


I’m bumping this because this has been a problem for everyone since 11.0.5 was released. To the point where most are working to avoid the city now. I have friends who are taking longer travel routes to avoid having to use the portal network in the city because of the lag.


I am having the same issue and it was totally fine until 11.0.5 was released.

Kinda wild how this is still an issue. Stormwind is borderline unplayable.

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I just made a tune on Moon guard and transferred several. Now I am experiencing an unplayable lag. In the evening hours I can’t even sell or buy anything on AH, and the mailbox opens but doesn’t transfer the items to my bags.

Don’t know if this is an anomaly , but I am currently in SW and its little to no lag right now

Putting one in as well.


Its been this way since 11.0.5. People thought when Hallow’s End stopped it would ease up. But it hasn’t. Blizzard, meanwhile, appears to be absolutely silent on it. As per usual.


Adding to this; it’s a miserable experience trying to do stuff in Stormwind.

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This is still happening and does not appear to be related to the population in Stormwind at a given time. The situation is still the same even after Hallow’s End, and the Anniversary stuff is all in Tanaris. It’s like the population threshold for causing lag in the city has drastically lowered to the point where even a somewhat active Stormwind causes huge issues.

Today I noticed that there would be long periods where the lag would go away, for no apparent reason (no real changes in the number of people around) and then come back again, seemingly at random. It’s like there’s a DDoS going on, but only for Stormwind.

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Created a character on Moon Guard and headed to Stormwind but there was no lag on the AH, mail, or otherwise. Will try again tomorrow a bit earlier in the evening.

We, as a community, know there have been issues. We live them—all of us—to the point where some people take alternative routes around Azeroth to avoid the Stormwind Portal room when they can.

It’s just a matter of Blizzard noticing us and aiding at this point, especially since people would sooner suffer the lag than roleplay outside the city. (Not to mention we’ve likely got more introverts on our realm than anywhere else and most of them will not step up to complain out of sheer anxiety. I say this as I have tried to poke others to do so and such is literally the response I get lol.)

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I see a lot of people wandering in and out of portals, but still no lag showing up.

My home and world ping also seem normal since Las Vegas is farther from me than my usual Chicago realms.

If you’re lagging in that room right now, invite me. My name is Elocinmvp.

I’ve been on for about 45 minutes, wandering around the portal room and Stormwind. Visited the AH a few times, my mailbox, and bank. I asked several times in Trade chat if anyone else was noticing lag in the Stormwind Portal Room or the city itself and was told “no” several times.

I’ll check back in a couple of hours during prime time.

It may be linked to RP profiles or other RP addons, then, though I’m not sure how. The lag is quite sporadic, and has no rhyme or reason to it. Just last evening, it was fine for hours and then at around midnight server time the lag spiked again, particularly with inputs such as /emote and /say, not so with /party. There’s no way the population of the city suddenly increased enough to cause that much lag at midnight on a Wednesday, for example.

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Popping in to report I’m experiencing this issue as well, everything in Stormwind has been delayed for me since the Hallow’s End event started: crafting, buying/selling/searching the Auction House, mounting, casting spells (anything from the smallest fraction of a second delay up to 2-3 seconds before a cast starts), buying/selling/repairing at vendors, and more. The only thing that isn’t being delayed is myself and other players running around until you mount or use skyriding abilities. I hoped it would sort itself out when the Hallow’s End event ended, but it has not.

The strange thing is my latency for both home and world is completely fine, it’s at a fairly static 35 and 32 ms latency respectively, but lag still happens. The lag isn’t a result of FPS drops because 1) my FPS counter isn’t showing any drops happening; and 2) this feels like server lag to me, not choppy FPS lag. I play other intensive games on my PC with no issues.

Poised suggested it could be RP profiles/addons which sounded reasonable to me, but I can confirm the issue persists even after disabling all of my addons, not just TRP. Tried clearing my cache as well with no luck. As I’ve sat here typing this (and re-typing a few times for clarity), I’ve been waiting on the Auction House to finish loading something I’m trying to sell. I just get an endless “Searching…” pane with the loading wheel spinning trying to search for the item to populate suggested prices. Been about 5 minutes and no luck.

I do appreciate you hopping on MG to see if you’re having the same issue as us, Elocin, and I totally get that other people may not be experiencing it. I do want to note that this was a very common complaint through the entire Hallow’s End event. Stormwind was almost unusable for RP because the city isn’t sharded for us. I think they did shard us for a few events previously, but kept forgetting to unshard us afterward for a few weeks, so I don’t believe it’s something they do anymore.

So I’m at a loss at what we can do to try figuring out what’s causing this considering the event’s done and the issue’s still going on for us. Myself and all my friends on the server, RPers and non-RPers alike, can’t use Stormwind for anything anymore. We all have different ISPs, we all have different PC builds of varying quality (from low-end potato machines to high-end beasts), and none of us have issues in other MMOs or other intensive multiplayer games. I’ve asked around Lion’s Rest (the RP hub for MG-Alliance) OOCly the past few nights and about half the people there were having the same issues and were just choosing to suffer through it as it’s been the main Alliance RP hub for a while now.

Edit: A fun new lag-related thing popped up as I was leaving the city after typing this up – I was flying to Ironforge to continue working on some older professions, and the lag followed me from Stormwind all through the Burning Steps until I reached Searing Gorge. How do I know that? My skyriding abilities were still delayed, and I was still in SW General/LocalDefense and Trade chat until I reached Searing Gorge.