Stormwind on Moon Guard Very Lagged

Disabling addons would not be sufficient. All you disabled was their visual element, they will still interact with the game.

That definitely sounds like a localized issue with the client/install.

This would still be something for Blizzard to handle, however, even if it IS on the client side via addons. My addons haven’t changed at all, and are updated for the current patch, and haven’t changed in their memory demands at all. We’ve had Hallow’s End before without nearly this much lag, and the anniversary is largely in Tanaris so that would account for a huge boost in numbers.

So this must be on Blizzard’s end, some change they made that is interacting oddly with unsharded servers.

Huh? If changes you made to the client via addons caused the problem, the onus is on you to resolve it.

Unfortunately, this logic doesn’t hold up. If a developer stopped updating their addon 2 patches or hotfixes ago and hasn’t pushed any changes to accommodate things that changed on Blizzard’s end, the addon could be the problem. When you install an addon, you are the tester for said addon. Blizzard is not reviewing whether they work with the game, only that they don’t break the rules/allow cheating.

You should always do two things before asking Blizzard to investigate:

  1. Full UI reset, including CVARs.
  2. Reinstall game/start from scratch.

Edit: These are basic troubleshooting measures that have been mentioned thousands of times in the forum, so they’re not coming out of left field.

Edit 2: I’ve been online on Moon Guard for about 40 minutes and still not able to recreate any lag interacting with town elements or other players.

Crazy latency issues started for me today. I absolutely never have these issues. There was a small bnet launcher update today… maybe that has something to do with it? I cant even log in. If I dismount I just run around with high speed. I get stuck in casting, but I can still talk in trade chat and see trade chat with a delay. What is the issue here?

This thread is about Moon Guard. You’re posting on a Sargeras character, so you should start your own troubleshooting post. These servers are also not on the same datacenter (Sargeras is Chicago, Moon Guard is Las Vegas).

How is Moon Guard on Las Vegas when it’s on Chicago time?

Realm centers have been moved, and consolidated, several times over 20 years.

Think it originally started with 4 data centers, but now down to 2. The time zone for the server rarely factors into anything now, save for guild or personal events. Most events having been moved to Pacific time.

Technically 3, including Australian realms.