Storm Stormwind with Hydra!

On Saturday, July 3rd @ 6:00 PM EST Hydra will be hosting a WPVP Storming Stormwind event open to all HORDE. Our goal is 200+ Horde to descend on Stormwind to make some Horde fireworks happen! We will have multiple streamers streaming the event. This is an open invitation to all Horde! Please join us in reminding the Alliance that Horde dominates in all PVP! We will be using Discord and listing in LFG to pull as many Horde as possible. View a previous raid: Hydra raids Stormwind!. Join Hydra Premades PVP Community and join in on the fun!

We are enthusiastic about the response from the Horde Community at large and really looking forward to July 3rd when we make Akatsuki, and the Alliance remember why Horde is superior in PVP. Bring your friends and stock the fireworks! I am.
Hail Hydra!

Join MY stream:


Is crashing the server the new form of wpvp?


This thread is so cringe.


So arch is nervous about this horde attack on stormwind. He wants to make sure that any horde raids coming in will be stopped before they get there. Beware of spys. The saltiness of the alli is strong lately. With bogus reporting and angry messages.

If servers were better and didn’t need to be on life support to barely hold a regular 40v40, I’d be all down for large scale WPvP.

Sadly, Blizzard is an indie company who doesn’t have the money to spare to create better servers and instead has to rely on phasing/sharding.

Count me out.


Sounds bad. -_- “Time to kill some Horde”

Hi, there! Blizzard is not an “Indie” company. They are owned by Activision and the game has made BILLIONS of dollars and continues to be a profit center. I agree Blizzard is stingy with server resource, but then they always have been. As an owner of a tech based company I understand the server issue, however it is a matter of prioritizing the end user experience and Blizzard has notoriously turned a deaf ear to the pleadings of dedicated PVPers to do anything on a large scale as a group, unlike pve and raids. If we have to split to multiple servers we will, but we’ve done a lot of this and we have a system in place that normally works so if you are interested I re-extend an invitation to you to come have some fun.

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Whoooosh…! :roll_eyes:

It’s a joke lol.


I figured they were since it’s been about 7 months since any significant new content. It’s okay Blizzard, take your time.


LOL this, retail wow is done

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Not sure how charging into an empty city is fun to you, but enjoy I guess.

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Isnt that statistically about average for a patch? Its not even top 5 longest time between a patch and next.

It won’t be empty long. The Alliance always rise to the challenge.

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Maybe alliance back in the day.

Not anymore. At least not for pointless Zerg city siege.

Someone fell into the sarchasm.

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If you attack SW on a RP server , alliance will retaliate . RP ers get real upset when the capital cities are camped .



They are already marshalling their forces. They know Hydra is coming. Swifty has a score to settle. We have Swifty to farm. Again. Hydra farms Swifty yet again!

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Ladies and GENTS.

IT is HAPPENING. (The RETURN of the Horde Hydra Community)

If you are HORDE, resub, you CANNOT miss to play WITH the greatest HORDE community in ALL OF WOW.


All ALLIANCE will perish, NOTHING can stop HYDRA.

No he isn’t, nobody is lmao.