Storm Stormwind with Hydra!


Stop making up stories.

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Pretty sure Hydra is a dead community. Don’t worry, Ruin and Cryptids already know they’re planning this event. They won’t do much but run.

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Have more hope for ruin and cryptids than that. I am sure a few wont completely run from horde.

Are you calling your own communities cowards?

No I’m calling hydra cowards. Add in all of the pugs and it will be worse

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On a completely unrelated noted, Alliance players this is an open invination for all of us to sit around iron forge and finally let Stormwind fall. I won’t have any streamers there, and I’m expecting a solid 1 or 2 people total (I probably will just be there in spirit). But Stormwind has needed to much defending in the past. The king is kind of a jerk and always seems to get himself into trouble.

Here’s to making the alliance stronger by dropping the weak link to the chain. So on Saturday July 3rd @ 5:59 PM Est, meet me at Ironforge (or don’t) and lets let Stormwind go like a bad fart.

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Oh, you mean RUN Gaming? And Cryptdud formed originally to be a White Knight against Hydra. I knew we could count on a good turnout. lol

Hail Hydra. Cya in stormwind

Truly roflmao. Funny stuff. lololol

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Hydra? Did TE change their name?

Hydra has always been Hydra Premades.

Oh man I can’t to wipe the floor with you and send you back to the Stone Age just like old times

Yeah keep getting the word out for this, for both both Horde and Alliance players and guilds. Hopefully we can turn this into a good wpvp event.

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It won’t be a good event regardless.

Too few means a snooze fest killing NPCs.
Too many will lag out/break the server.

There are no winners.

Ditto. ; )

You DONT know your OWN community?

Ruin runs away from HYDRA on sight.

Ruin is not GOING to show up for any FIGHT, they will make excuses that they do NOT have the time for it WHEN in actual REALITY they are scared to FIGHT HYDRA.

The horde have been avoiding world pvp, now that HYDRA is back they will ALL rally behind Hydra.


ALL Alliance WILL DIE!

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Uh we don’t run from anything. Do I need to link the last video we have of Hydra where farmed them, TE and WSB at the same time?

1 fight out of MANY other FIGHTS where RUIN ran away or got farmed?

DIDNT WSB scare your GUILD to hide inside bgs after farming ruin in wpvp?


Uh no, because we are out every night doing stuff. WSB doesn’t even fight people not on ED anymore. Also, do you have MPD? You’re constantly flip flopping between supporting Ruin/Cryptids and raging about them. Please choose one or the other. Not sure why you’re trying to hype up a community like Hydra that hasn’t been a force in anything since WOD lmao

NO, you are talking ABOUT the time when HORDE was doing nothing in NAZJATAR, i speak in favor for horde and ALLIANCE. I dont BLINDLY support a group i WILL say nice THINGS where credit is DUE regardless of FACTION.

Horde FACTION is where i always was AT.