Storm Dust Economy

It obviously was intended at launch to hit targets and now that those targets have been hit they have dialed things back.

Thank you! Please also look into the drop rates for Duskweave, which seems to have been over-nerfed or bugged or something…many players (myself included) are reporting they are getting near-zero drops (or none at all).


Unless you’re at home, 24/7 like some no-lifers, the AH market moves like the stock market.

They were about 15g each, now the least expensive one is 70g+

We still don’t know how much each shard will yield though.

It’s not hard to make quality 1’s, it’s the 2 and 3’s that you might have wanted to buy before the price spiked.

Whoops…I meant I was stuck at work lol.

That I had a Freudean slip and called it home instead of work is a bit concerning in retrospect.


which is trash.

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Thats great, now you can give us enchanters a 1 time knowledge point reset because we used all our points for disenchantment…


So when can those of us that specced into disenchanting greens expect a knowledge point refund for that branch?

The good news is that the Enchanting mats market will then crash (like it always does), and we won’t need to bleed tens of thousands of gold on enchants in preparing for the raid… They better follow the classic 3-from-1 ratio though…

Soon Crystals will be the primary source of enchanting materials from M+

AND… The Shatter recipe should also NOT just give us a 1 star dust as default otherwise we are back to square one… Actually now that I think about it… Why are there ranks on Enchanting mats in the first place? Leave the ranks to the other crafters if you really need to…

This game is getting worst by the mnt ,Blizz want to crash it before MS take over i guess

I’d think it’d tie into the actual shattering tree tbh

Why would they do a thing like that? It’s just like other specs where entire branches have been invalidated by newer additions to the game, and they didn’t get any refunds for themselves either…

A few days ago I bought 1,000 shards at 7g a piece.

Probably my only smart play so far on this crafting adventure

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To be honest, I dont care about the AH gold value of shards or dust.

I AM NOT HAPPY that I played the game since Early Access and spent 60 points into disenchantment of GREEN items for dust and will now never disenchant greens again, but more I didnt even choose shatter because it only gave a crafting buff…

Blizzard, you gotta make this right.

I could see null stones being fine, maybe with a small tweak to mining. Prices are high, but the sources are readily accessible and at least the pricing has been relatively stable.

But Profaned Tinderbox drop rates and pricing is the absolute worst for many professions. What is it 8000 per now, and that’s doubled in a week.

That needs major work to increase drop rates x5 at least and from more sources.

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How a bout a fix for Null Stones? the only rare mats that comes in pieces you need 5 of to make a single one, and that drives the costs of enchants and Whetstones through the roof alongside the just as rare Tinderboxes?

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You can get full ones if you spec for it.

We are gonna get KP refunds for our designated disenchanter tree being invalidated, correct?

And how about the alchemist friends who went into transmutes???


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Name one other instance where entire branches have been invalidated (rendered 0% effective) …

Once you are better specced in mining skill trees you can get full null stones - no bits. So they will come at 5 times the current rate. I have that for bismuth and with perception I often get 2 full null stones from a bismuth node. I used to sit on 3 or 4 null stones - Im up to 22 now.

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