Storm Dust Economy

Thank you for this!

Any plans on adding shattering for purple to blue as well? Not that there is a shortage, but to complete The Shattering!

But why doesnt disenchanting blue and purples not give lower quality mats also?


Thank the Titans - I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so starved for enchanting “dust.” I can’t wait to kickstart my enchanting.

Enchanting dust has been a bottleneck resource basically every expansion because in the first days (or weeks in the case of this expansion) green gear has a disproportionately high value and in many cases it’s more lucrative to sell it rather than to disenchant it. Not to mention that enchanting is one of the most popular professions and many people are needing dust to level it. The slow pacing of this expansion in particular has exacerbated this problem because there is nothing else to do besides leveling and more people are keeping green quality gear for their alts.

The real solution is to drastically lower the amount of dust required for most enchants as well as raise the amount you get from disenchanting. And, you know, pacing.


Hopefully this somehow ties in with the people skilled into disenchanting, because as it stands we are getting low quality leather/cloth/ore from having 30 points into the disenchanting trees and something like this would actually make more sense.

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Now do null stones and tinderboxes. there are just some things that are too much. imagine having 6 patron orders up at once that all cost 40k (each) to fulfill.


Thanks! Great change

I gave them extensive feedback on this problem during the beta. Having the work orders require insane mats or insane number of mats while virtually giving no reward is the problem. They kind of fixed it but not really. I’m hoping to see more changes as well.

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I had like 40x70 chars, most timerunners, and just did the profession quest to get 40 storm dust in the bag, 40x40 = a lot of storm dust

How many dust will we get per shatter?

They must have already went the other way with Null Stones. Null Stone and Null Lotus prices should have started to crater. Instead Null Stone prices have stabilized and Null Lotus prices have increases.

Which doesn’t make sense because the supply, especially of Null Stones should have increased massively.

With this change, will Blizzard be giving a skill point reset to enchanters specialized into making dust, or giving them a buff to dust created from shattering?


Null Stones are fine. You spec into the specific node trees and you get plenty.

Tinderboxes on the other hand are an issue.

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Agreed wasted 30 freaking points to do this and now they will be pointless…or at least give shatter a buff from the disenchanting green items knowledge points…


The Disenchanting tree will still serve it’s purpose, because 3* mats are still important.

If anything, Shatter skill will probably scale with the Rare Disenchanting wheel.

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Then why hasn’t the price cratered?

The supply should have multiplied yet Null Stone prices have managed to stabilize, same with Null Lotus to a lesser extent.

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This was definitely needed. Thanks. Can’t wait to finish topping off my enchanting.

ok? so like the person before u said… reset enchanters points… because if shatter going to be buffed from “blue” spec…and everyone is specced “green”…this is bs.


Ok? so we’re wininng a enchanter profession knowledge reset right? or we’re staying with 30 useless point in the moment of game?


It will in time.

You have to allow Miners to get more Knowledge.

Right now my day 1 Miner has a total of 137 Knowledge, having bought 2 out of the 3 Consortium books, and obtained both the Rep (Assembly) and Kej books, along with every possible Treatise so far (including early access).

That’s enough to have 40/50 in the Skill wheel (Plethora of Ore), 52/60 in the Finesse wheel (Mining Fundamentals), and maxed out Bismuth so I can get full Null Stone drops from Bismuth.

I currently have 72 Null Stones and 60 Null Lotus, while having spent quite a lot of Null Stone and only enough Null Lotus to get the first time crafts on the Flasks for the Alchemist.