Storm Dust Economy

IF you spec fully into a herb you get an increased chance to get one. That and you want to max perception.

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Ya, this appears to be the key. Picked up 5 in the last couple of hours after I put some points into perception.

EDIT: Although it quickly dropped off like there’s a hidden weekly cap.

Getting really sick of this hidden “You’re on the weekly government dole” game design. Instead of rewarding harder work they’re punishing it by tricking you into some futile grind. If that’s what they want to do, be upfront about it. “Sorry we don’t want people that work harder to get ahead” or whatever reason they have for this type of thing instead of hiding it and wasting peoples time grinding for something that will never drop.


Can you elaborate a bit more on this please? I’m trying to research it more but haven’t no luck.

I solved my storm dust needs and then some by having my alchemist focus on mecurial transmutes… I get tons of mycrobloom from my herbalist, and 20 of those often becomes 4 storm dust and a couple other things, 7 storm dust and one other thing, or 11 storm dust.

Still weird that my enchanting needs are provided by my alchemist, but it works.

This. Transmutation alchemist is weirdly one of the better sources for some mats.

What are you disenchanting? I am a bit confused.

So I Thaumaturgy 20 Mycobloom, then what do I do after that?

That’s it, no disenchant. I will say you need to get a certain amount with each transumte though or you might as well just sell the herbs and buy dust.

Oh so I just break down 20 herbs of Mycobloom and it has a chance of giving me dust? Damn it doesn’t seem like a good ratio so far.

I wasn’t impressed when I did it but I didn’t spec into Thaumaturgy at all.

I tested it out a while back with 1000 Mycobloom, ended up with about 400 dust + other items (ore, cloth, etc.). It’s useful for yourself, but definitely not a profit margin by any means. More of if you have access to a transmuter.

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I found that Blacksmithing/Mining alt is perfect to help. Takes 1 core alloy to make a Proficient Blacksmith’s Hammer, mail them to your Enchanter and disenchant them. I normally get 2 to 3 dust per hammer.

Just keep a tally so you know if you wouldn’t be better off just selling the ore and buying the dust.

I find that Core Alloy costs more (or about). For example, right now Core Alloy* is 415g, while Storm Dust is 135/137/273g. One would need to either get 3 lower quality dusts, or be able to guarantee max rank for tie hammer to be profitable; otherwise I might as well just buy 2 dusts and save a little bit of money.

Of course, this - like the Thaumaturgy method, - is a workaround that requires another person. Which is the whole thing that sucks about Enchanting (and, to an extent, Tailoring), it’s an incredibly expensive profession to work solo.

Sorry but we are talking about different things. I am talking about Mystic Items, that would drop randomly from mobs…similar to cloth, but only for enchanters. They were worth nothing, and were a tack on to your item pool so it was just a bonus. The only thing they were good for was disenchanting, and it made for a much less losing to progress feel for enchanting.

Eventually someone took advantage of it and it broke the system by over farming…but I wish they kept it and fixed it instead of throwing it away. It was a good idea and something easily tunable to control the flow of dust.


Ah, I remember those.

If Blizzard nerfed it after that then it’d explain why the mystic drops felt so bad once I finally got to them on my enchanter. Makes sense.

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Yeah they nerf dnthem right off the planet. They don’t tend to move dials slowly. No idea why.

We’re working on a hotfix to address this.

The hotfix will add a new Shatter recipe to Enchanting, and the new recipe will let you shatter blue crystals and receive dust.

We expect this to become available in-game in the next couple of days.


Thank you. Exactly the change we needed.

of course after I leveled my enchanting last night :man_facepalming:


awesome now remove bismuth from algari crushing