Storm Dust Economy

I kind of agree. I think it does make crafting the cheapest profession items you can and disenchaniting them profitable but only because of the quality 3 storm dust you get.

Bump for shatter!

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Heres one for a laugh! Had a customer wanting a crest made, he had all the mats and all… ALL r3 mats for a crest… Tried to inform him that he was very much pissing away gold for something with no rank but he was adamant! R3 mats for the crest would mean a 590 ilvl guaranteed for whatever item he wanted crafted with it! So… I hit craft and sent him on his merry way.

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1 star storm dust is up to 175g a dust now and still climbing as more and more tailors and enchanters get into the 50+ range where it is used in basically every recipe.

If they don’t add a new source via a shatter or significantly boosting the drop rate from green disenchants we will soon see it over 400g a dust.

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Meanwhile, the shards are on the AH for like 5g.

It very clearly is broken when the common quality dust is 35 times more valuable than the rare quality shards.

I’m not sure a lack of dust is the problem. I think it’s that high level enchants require so much dust where they previously required very little. Just go back and compare DF encchants to WW enchants.

I find it hard to believe that this was an oversight and my cynical side thinks this was done to drive Token sales.

Dust is also heavily used now in other professions notably tailoring where a top tier tailoring item routinely uses 20 dust as part of making the intermediate reagents.

I don’t think this is to drive token sales I think a far simpler explanation is they didn’t correctly calculate the impact of the dust sinks in weekly quests and NPC workorders which suck huge volumes of reagents out of the market.

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I think you are being naive. They must have known adding 50 to 60 storm dust to high end enchants, coupled with detaching the supply of tailoring dust would have this impact.

This isn’t their first rodeo.

If they were really trying to drive token sales we would see similar issues on all professions.

I also do not believe that the devs make changes like this to drive token sales and consider it conspiratorial thinking. What drives token sales are epic mounts that are wanted by a much larger percentage of the playerbase. If they really wanted token sales to rise bring back the brutosaur and watch token sales spike!

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Take a look at Blacksmithing Patron Orders or the Jewelcrafting design.

Where you need 30 Crushed Gemstones to create one Gem. The only way to get Crushed Gemstones is to crush Gems. Which means you need to prospect an enormous amount of ore in orer to get enough Gems.

Look at the Token price, it’s dropped 100K since the launch of WW because people are buying tokens like candy right now.

stuff being expensive favors gatherers and to a lesser extent, crafters.

Why is it wrong for gathering gameplay to be worth something?

Token price is down because of a huge uptick in returning players who need gold for anything, not just crafting. This is a standard pattern at the start of any expansion.

Also re crushed gemstones yes it’s a stupid amount of reagents but there are plenty of farmers happy to go bang rocks to sell them on the AH and bismith is a fraction of the cost of dust. Likewise Mycobloom is a fraction of the dust cost as there is an infinitely farmable supply.

As the wise man says: When you hear hoofbeats in the night think horses not zebras!

What is more likely? that they picked one reagent to drive token sales or that they messed up the calculations of supply and demand by misplacing a decimal point in a speadsheet somewhere or getting an intern to pick numbers with a dartboard?

If this was their first launch, sure I could see them making these mistakes.

But I’m guessing they knew to target the parts of the economy that Raiders and crafters would pay money for.

The same people farming aren’t the same people buying Tokens. They are too different mindsets. One sees buying tokens as good way to save time. The gatherer sees spending their time farming as good way to save money.

Nothing wrong with gathers getting more money and we can see that in solid prices for ore/herbs/fish.

The issue with dust is that there is NO reliable way to generate it at all and simultaneously the demand has increased over demand in previous expacs by about 5 times.

Enchanting is supposed to be a crafting profession.

The optimal way to do enchanting should not be having it on 2 characters so one can be the gatherer and the other the crafter.

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But there is just not by Tailors because their crafts require dust. Which is compounded by the fact that they increased dust cost on high end enchants.

If you have another profession that can craft cheap tools and you specced into Disechanting you can DE tools for dust.

Yes and crafting profs pay a lot for their crafts (if they buy it all off the AH.)

The issue with dust is that there is NO reliable way to generate it at all and simultaneously the demand has increased over demand in previous expacs by about 5 times.’

2x4 farm.

That’s great and all, but every other crafting profession’s materials come either from open world nodes or from specific mob types with both being very farmable and requiring only 1 other profession.

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Making the weekly take 20 dust doesn’t help either. This feels very messed up right now.

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Patron orders: These should always supply all mats, or, if not, then multiply the rewards by at least 5x and ensure the reagent bags that drop from them only mainline materials for the profession that completed the order, and for Enchant, if you don’t grab the right tree you can’t do these any way

Work Orders: are still broken with the specialist 36 slot bags that buff professions not being orderable so folks, like me, that got the skinner bag to help guildies and fill WO can’t use it so the new version of Artisan’s Mettle gets used up for no reason and we can’t gain first craft skill points to get better resourcefulness/multicraft to help with dust economy (due to getting more bolts/saving dust randomly while crafting)

Skill Trees: Shattering tree for Enchanter comes across as being for making higher tier items into lower tier, but that was a lie. At least give a free respec for enchanters because of the misconstrued effects from the ‘main descriptor page’ for the talent trees and the names of those talent trees. I -could- have takent a more useful tree instead but the active design choices are more like a trap here, ESPECIALLY for Enchanting

Lack of craftable greens: ‘oh but non tailors can make them for professions without dusts’ yeah, but tailor/enchanter is paired because it’s always been a synergy, all other crafting profs need a dedicated harvester to go with it, where as tailor is kind of both, since cloth is a ‘humanoid enemy drop’ rather than a harvesting node type thing, and easy fix for this would be a ‘magical spell thread’ middle material being added, it could be a disenchantable green, using thread and spools to make, and be the ‘intermediate’ material for creating actual spell threads instead of the normal spool and thread requirements on them (Inscription has similar things with the orbs and such, so there is a basis for this)