Storm Dust Economy

Sometimes I’ll buy a green item off the AH to disenchant for Storm Dust, but it’ll be blue when I collect it from my mailbox. Is that because I’m level 80?

Small brain crafting design in tww. They have gone way too far how convoluted crafting has become. It is becoming another reason to just not play anymore.


Yeah there’s no way im doing this in its current state. Having to farm herbs for an hour on an alt so I can get enough dust for a few levels in enchanting or having to manipulate the game’s hyperspawning so I can get enough greens really does not sound like intended or fun design. Hope they fix it, and if not guess I spend the xpac getting passive income from selling shards. Inane design

have you tried hitting up the auction house?

The problem with the Storm Dust economy is that the amount needed in many patterns is too high. You need 100 Storm Dust for some recipes and 30/60/100 Storm Dust for crests. We have 0 cheap green crafts you can mass produce to DE for Storm Dust except for green tools. Storm Dust is hard to get in quantity. This is negative for everyone including casual players because you need to pay a lot of golds for crests to gearing up their alts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they will add a way to turn Gleaming Shard into Storm Dust.

You should look at how much Storm Dust is needed for recipes including crests and how hard is to get Storm Dust in quantity.

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it’s not because you’re 80, its the item ilvl you need to look at. Any thing from 564 or higher will be blue even though on the AH it looks green. When you actually go into the item to buy it, scroll over it and look at the rarity of it. I went 30/30 for uncommon DE because I saw how bad it was to make anything besides profession tools and get any dust from crafting. Then I went buying from the AH for cheap greens, I accident bought items that were 564 ilvl and realized that after a certain ilvl they are actually blue quality.


I like stuff being expensive. Makes other things cheaper.

I wish they would just let us DE crystals for dust.


My lock is an enchanter/tailor and this is the fist time I regret going for these professions. The deal with storm dust is terrible. I hate it.

At least storm dust should also come from blues and purples.


Crushed Gemstones for jewel crafting has a similar shortage problem.

I think overall, professions have serious a work / effort reward problem. It’s not an “easy to start, lifetime to master” situation, more a “lifetime to start.”

Need 30 Crushed gemstones for a first craft, It cost three gems to do a crush and it looks like you get 1-4 crushed geamstones. We’re talking 10-30 hours of mining to get mats for enough prospecting to do a single craft here.

I’m sure that in the end it probably all works out on the spread sheet, but it seems like the path to get there hasn’t been play tested for how it feels in the begining.


Legit right now Enchanting is in a TERRIBLE place because there aren’t really any crafted greens. The PVP gear is green buuuut requires at least 4 enhanced bolts, so you spend 4 dust to make one and get…1-2 dust back.

The ‘shattering’ tree based on the name and what’s it says it does comes across as old shattering (break a purple into 3 blues, a blue into 3 greens etc) but instead it’s 'delete rare mats for 30 min enchanting crafter buff)

Legit this is what enchanting is like right now (I spent way to long making this just delete the space after the https:// portion) https:// cdn.discordappcom/attachments/409731815394508830/1280585477048766585/92aat7.png?ex=66d89da9&is=66d74c29&hm=0e3e48dd8ec2f2aa0f02e64bf5df2f7a1b87025a7bbc7464eb2392a7c661a0bf&

There are, Profession tools. The problem isn’t a lack of Storm Dust. The problem is that basic enchants cost 5-10 Storm Dust, Weapon Enchants cost 50 and Crests require up to 100.


You mention profession tools (there’s outfits from tailoring also, but those require dust to make) but, the pairing has always been tailor/enchant because tailor is the only profession that doesn’t require a specific paired ‘farming’ profession so they’ve basically crippled enchanting as it now requires other professions, that also require other professions, to get the things to disenchant

The problem is you get very little dust per disenchant, and EVERYTHING needs a ton of it in both enchanting and tailoring (to make 2nd refined bolts needs dust for instance, and then there’s recipes that use those 2nd refined bolts and then a ton more dust ontop). Tailoring is super reliant on enchanting now, but, cannot provide to enchanting effectively in the slightest to justify that reliance.


The problem is that everything takes Stormdust. While in Dragonflight the better enchants didn’t take 50 dust, they took shards and crystals.

Again: that’s part of the problem.

Tailoring seems to use ALOT of enchant meterials (dawnweave gloves take 6 crystals and 8 dust for instance after all refinements) Polishing Cloths use leyline residue, some of the embroidery threads use writhing samples, all of the profession clothes need dust, and some need leyline residue and crystals too (ontop of the obscene aclurity requirements that are also, for some reason, needed to buy recipees, legit, we don’t have a ‘show me your mettle’ here that I know of, so why do things cost HUNDREDS of aclurity to make/buy?) All the bags need dust to make, let alone all of the purples.

The TL:DR is that they made it, completely impractical to get dust from tailoring, but made pretty much everything in tailoring to need dust which is the big dumb


Can’t believe Blizzard dropped the ball this hard… Being unable to turn Crystals into Shards then Shards into Dust is crippling much of the playerbase…


All I know is that out of frustration I maxxed out Designated Disenchanter and also maxed out Uncommon Utilitarian in enchanting, and with “maximizing quality” and 3 nodes of “you have a chance to create more storm dust when disenchanting uncommon equipment” I disenchanted 3 greens and got two 3 star dusts and one 1 star dust. So I got 3 dusts total from 3 items. What’s even the point of specializing?


I think a tangential problem is that a good chunk of the NPC crafting orders seem to be for enchanted crests, but the NPCs rarely provide the dust required (a lot of orders are also for galmours, which sucks of you don’t specialize there, but that’s a separate issue).

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The problem is that they don’t give you actual numbers. It just says a chance to get extra dust. It fluctuates, you can get 5 but you can also get unlucky and just get 1. You need to DE a massive amount to find out what the difference is.

I understand. But small sample size aside, for an investment of 40 skill points (not just one, but 2 nodes maxed out) I would hope results would be much more tangible. I’ve since disenchanted roughly 10 more greens tonight and I haven’t seen a result of more than 3 from an item with the norm being 1 or 2.

For that many skill points, I should at a minimum be getting more than 1 per item in my humble opinion. These are the lowest tier of mats, they should be a lot more common.

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