Storm Dust Economy

That is how I do it.

Folks, just make a alchemy alt and xmute rank 1 Mycobloom into storm dust like 50% of the time using THAUMATURGY. No cooldowns, its just a bit random.

Blizzard, if you’re listening, please give us a shard shatter!!! Praise Ion.


After taking it easy getting to 80 I started diving into professions, lo and behold this is miserable.


So it went from being our best source of dust to… a slightly worse source that’s still the best?

20% as good, but yes, probably still the best source :sweat_smile:

I mean, your other option is to invest heavily into a secondary crafting profession on an alt/main and craft the profession equipment. There’s even a way to turn a profit and still keep some of the dust that comes from it to level with.

I’ve made probably 300k gold just in the last 2 days just sitting in town on alts and profession shuffling some things and DE’ing the end result.

People are not even in a hurry for the big enchants and crests yet. Also when the need for those picks up there will be even less greens (because M+ instead of heroics)…

I think dust is going to get far worse before it gets better.

And the weekly Work Order quest is for 20 Storm dust…LOL


I think I like playing the actual game the way it was intended. That’s just a player work around, which there’s nothing wrong with.

This. :point_up:


How does that work. What build are you using?

I did a little test a few days ago, having a guildie transmute 200 mycoblooms, and I got ~40 dust out of that. AH prices at the time were such that if I had sold all the transmuted reagents, including the dust, I would’ve made a slight profit, so it feels marginally more efficient to go the transmutation route over just buying the dust I need… but not by much.

At the moment it really feels like our options are, either another character (alt/friend), or 2x4 farming. Neither one feels like it should be intended way for most players to play.


It’s hard for me to imagine both not being able to craft greens and not being able to shatter higher widgets into dust was intentional and not an oversight.


It not ideal but I’ve taken to running PvP and buying the cheapest item and DE’ing those. Get anywhere from 1-5 dust per DE and the item is 525 Honor.

sure, but that shouldn’t be the optimal way to do enchanting


Also for idiots like me, what is a 2x4 farm?

A 2x4 farm is 2 groups of 4 players who coordinate pulling and swiftly killing mobs at such a rate that it forces the game to have “hyperspawning” kick in. Which means mobs will respawn in a matter of seconds to compensate for how quickly and how many of them are being killed.

This hyperspawning mechanism exists for newly released expansions where tons of players may be trying to kill mobs for a quest at the same time. Without it, people would be fighting tooth and nail to tag and kill any mob that respawns given the slow respawn rate. Hyperspawning prevents the mobs from “drying up” like this so that everyone can smoothly complete their quests.

2x4 farming groups means 8 players killing tons of mobs in quick succession forcing this hyperspawning mechanic to kick in. Usually only one group of 5 can tag a single mob, but if you only have 4 people in the group, then one person from the other group can tag the mob as well and all 8 players will be able to loot it.

Essentially 2x4 farms can kill mobs indefinitely and in turn acquire tons and tons of loot. I joined one only once and it was such a boring grind, I’ve never done one again since.

Here’s what a 2x4 group looks like if you happen upon one:


Thank you for the thorough explanation.


Dust costing 140g per, shard costing 8g per…

There’s definitely something backwards about this.

Big problem is there’s not a lot of greens that can be crafted.


Oppsie’s on my specialization choices

And the 20 storm dust weekly quest is a nice touch.

It is because of warbanding, they assume that people have alts with professions which can feed one another.
I dont give a dime about the prices, it is fine initially, but the crappy patron orders, not enough acuity. I want to build my dude, but it is boring already…

And there are other things that does not make any sense at all. ie transmutation r2-3, you get the same mutagents (no matter what the same rank), which means if you tmute them you get r1 mats. I do not get it…

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