Stop with this constant barely anyone will see top raids

That is a freaking beautiful bird.

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Oh. And Pad here just gave me another proof. So my statement is even stronger.

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Do you know they make great alarm animals? Their ā€œcriesā€ are very loud. My neighbor has one to protect his herd.

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Yes, that is how it works. Good job your learning.

Itā€™s almost like when a politician says ā€œthis is what everyone wants Iā€™ve been hearing everyone say itā€ people start voting on it and we see what they really think or want. Thatā€™s called was the politician right or wrong about what he was saying. Itā€™s almost like magic huhā€¦

Look at the noob tourists in awe. Yea. When I seen it I was definitely using it.

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Grammar much?

Yes. My buddy has a couple of them. Says their better than his Rottweilers.

To be fair you really only need to show 1 unicorn as evidence that they exist. Pretty sure that is an open and shut case. lol

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The problem with having ā€œguard dogsā€ is you never know if they will ever actually protect you or not. I have this big dog. An Akbash. She is a big dog and will bark like crazy at anyone on the other side of the fence. But the second that fence opens and they walk into our backyard: she runs away.

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Lol. Or one Sasquatch.


To be fair: I never said ā€œI have only one pic of the unicornā€. I said I had none lol

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This thread is going uphill quickly

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captures a sasquatch and presents it to the world

Scientists- ā€œdoesnā€™t count. he only has one! nothing to see hereā€. lol

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While it is true most players were denied the original Naxx simply because Burning Crusade was forced down their throats far too soonā€¦ it doesnā€™t change the fact that Naxx IS difficult.

I can tell you from experience from recent years of doing these contents that most guilds will break at Naxx, assuming they donā€™t break earlier in AQ 40. Thereā€™s a huge difference in difficulty between the earlier tiers and later tiers. Early on, 20 or so good players can carry the rest of the raid. Later on, everyone must pull their own weight. Youā€™ll know when youā€™ve reached the end of the road though when you reach bosses that require the entire raid to flask, and many players refuse to farm that much gold, just to raid.

Loath is probably the best example and Iā€™m sure heā€™d brag about how many guilds he broke. He demands that the entire raid chug several shadow pots (most expensive brand) per fight, on top of flasks.

But thereā€™s also the fact that later bosses leave no room for error. Early on, if someone screws up, itā€™s usually not a big deal. Maybe that 1 guy dies or you just take some damage you can heal. Against Cthun though, 1 guy screws up, half the raid drops dead on the spot from a beam. Against the lightning elemental, 1 guy screws up, half the raid drops dead. So again, you cannot carry bad players at this point.

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Grammar much? Like dude your insane. One moment you talk in run ons and misspell words, then you try to turn around and say grammar much? As I said you are just arguing to argue, and name calling just to name call. Grow up

I provided a second Sasquatch sir.


Yea. Dogs are not infallible in that sense. If you train them you have a better chance but still.
My dog just naturally took on a role as guard dog. Heā€™s friendly to people he knows but if he donā€™t know you he will be very leary. Any strange sound he hears outside and heā€™s at the window growling or barking if he sees what it is.
Shar peiā€™s are something else.

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At least mine are mostly understandable at first read. I literally had to stop and re-read the ā€œThatā€™s called was the politicianā€ part like 3 times.


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