Stop with this constant barely anyone will see top raids

you are forgetting that people burn out and quit too.

it wasnt too hard the first time, people just moved on.

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A comma does fix that you are correct. However, you are arguing just to argue and are being childish. In a sense you are the pot meeting the kettle speaking about grammar issues lmao. Next your gone call me out in this sentence for saying your and not youā€™re. Grow. Up.

Loath? You give people too much credit. I have the separation being as early as Huhuran.

Want to know whatā€™s funny? I had a dog (sadly died to bone cancer) that was SO protective that she didnā€™t want to escape. One time: She wouldnā€™t stop barking inside the house. Like she would bark inside the house, then run outside to bark, then run back in to bark, etc. So I got annoyed and locked her outside for like an hour only to hear a scratching at my front door. I was confused as hell and when I opened the door: she was there and walked right back into the house like it was nothing.

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Whenever I hear about someone clearing AQ 40 past twin emps and Naxx all I can think of isā€¦

ā€œIs it possible to learn this power?ā€

ā€œNot from a casualā€

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The key here is the last few words of your statement ā€œif they chose to do soā€¦ā€

Personally I am not interested in raiding. I will have to be pretty damn bored to bother. I figure I have several years at least of playing the game as I enjoy it before I would even consider putting time into raiding. Am I alone? I doubt it. I suspect there are many like me.

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My dog is literally a window licker and she barks at her shadow at 3am only on weekdays when i have to work. Her name is Jojo toast to my girl Jojo

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The way I see it, barely anyone will see top raids unfortunately. Itā€™s just too damn hard,

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I have to agree. I never was super hardcore and i got to twin emps. Tried some naxx. My guild waa just not good and you had to be hardcore to play in good guilds back then. I think the selling runs for gear and small amount of realms will cause more people into nax. I do remember not really caring about nax because Bc made it pointless. I am sure i would of went far into it if bc didnā€™t come out.

I disagree. Itā€™s about time. They arenā€™t hard at all. People say rag was easier than lfr bossesā€¦

Time was the biggest factor in classic since we only had 2 years and it was Grindy as hell.

People are wrong, but thatā€™s more a factor of LFR being ā€œDo you have a heartbeat? Cool, hereā€™s some gearā€.


Donā€™t your am makes fun on them person from said mistake every now are than!

None bodies itā€™s pefect!

Every oneā€™s pleading tried gets along, okay?

Thatā€™s still a good doggy!

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