Stop with this constant barely anyone will see top raids

I am so tired of hearing people say that in classic only maybe 2 or 3% of players will see nax or rag etc.

Do you not understand that TBC will not be coming this time around? Do you not understand people will have more than 2 years to get geared to raid, than they did in 2005??

I think it’s safe to assume by 2030, a good portion of the playerbase will have seen and participated in the top raids if they chose to do so…

Therefore stop saying only a small single digit % will ever clear nax etc. you are legit using a statistic that was relevant to 2005-2007 and thinking the same game that plans to stay classic for decades will produce a similar %…

Where are they saying that many will? It’s understandable if people say that many did, because that’s an established fact.

While I agree that a far higher % will see Naxx, the choice to continue playing that long is likely to be the greater destroyer of raids. People quitting because they decide move on.

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I have literally never seen anyone say that.


Most casual players wont do Naxx because just how consumable heavy that raid is. Not many people are willing to spend like 50k gold (figurativly) and like the entire day just for one raid.

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I see them all the time.

Got any links to back your claim up?

Here’s another post lol… most casual players won’t do nax??? A casual player can be in full tier 3 gear in classic easily in 10 years. It’s not hard to get good gear, it’s just time consuming. Ragnaros is easier than some LFR bosses lol… it’s all about the time, and as I’ve already stated, there’s no 2 year time stamp.

Big difference between these two

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It’s not that they can’t. It’s that they wont. Two different things.

Thread title reduce cost of respec thread.

Post #7 99% of players won’t even see nax”

And this one is just off the top of my head.

Not gonna go find more, but as I said, I see them all the time. U just aren’t looking like I look.

I thought I saw somewhere if Classic is successful blizz will do a Classic triology…(BC and Wrath) Could be wrong…

The difference is time lmao that’s it.

If you only had 2 years to complete both, then yes it is a big difference.

Only has one random post to back up his claim of him saying he sees it all the time and we are suppose to take his word like he is Jesus lol.

I love people like you. “ got any links”?

Gives you a link…

Oh wow 1 link and we are supposed to believe you.

You are ridiculous lmao.


LinkS. Plural.

Like I said, that’s the most recent one I have seen. Was I supposed to write down all the posts I have seen since classic release and then link them all to you in this thread?

I gave you the most recent one I have seen, to prove people are saying it and Have been saying it which already debunks the original point to me of “I literally haven’t seen anyone say this”.

One person saying it does not prove people have been saying it. And yeah. I totally saw a unicorn even though I have no real proof to back up my claim. You have to believe me. So unicorns really do exist.

Is he not a person?

When does it become “people”?

I think you are just mad I provided a link.

As I said I haven’t bookmarked peoples posts. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to find all the posts I’ve seen. However the post to me was “I literally have never seen anyone say this” where I said I see them all the time. U asked “any links?” I gave u a link of my most recent find… if you are asking me to go back through hundreds and thousands of threads and find these posts to give to you. Then you are being absurd.

I think you are just mad that I’m not taking your claim serious because you haven’t provided any substantial evidence to back up your claim of “I see them all the time” with one link of one person saying it.

U started replying before you even finished reading my post. You aren’t having a discussion. Have a good day.