Stop with this constant barely anyone will see top raids

Awww. Little baby mad that no one believes him?

Have a good day.

This is so sad. I’d be DAMNED if you ever win any real debates, arguements, etc when you bring NOTHING to back up your claims.

When people are losing arguments they resort to name calling, such as calling me a baby and saying I must never win arguments.

Your just asking for more links that I am unwilling to provide because of the time and effort to find them which I find absurd to do in the first place. Therefore We have nothing more to discuss lol.

There’s no chance 2-3% of Classic’s playerbase will clear Naxx. And in Vanilla it wasn’t anywhere near that number. It was more like .0003%. It was so astronomically low. Even if a vastly higher percentage does so in Classic it still won’t be as high as what you’re mocking others for saying.

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Because that is how the legal system works? You can’t just go accusing people without any proof of them doing that things you’re accusing of. And cherry picking some random person saying it as your ONLY proof is no proof at all. Trust me: My World Goverment teacher would of given you a HARD F lol.

Heralf look another one, mogar is saying not even 2 or 3 % will clear nax

There’s my 2nd link for ya. :slight_smile:

Now this is pathetic LUL

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How so? It’s another link without me even needing to go find it lol.

Because it’s not your own proof you brought to the table before the argument? You are literally using what is given to you atm. So I can disregard what these people are saying as proof because you are using them AFTER the fact that you lost.

Yea. If they have the patience of a tree. Oh and 39 other trees…
I’ll be happy with anything above BWL. Lol.
Gonna have me a mess of alts in pre raid bis though. Lol.


Because it’s not my own proof, it makes what I said un true? ?

We aren’t in a courthouse here bud. We are on the wow forums.

But the system still applies? That’s how debates work in general, no matter where it is being held. BUD.

OP will never see the inside of Naxx. :sunglasses:


Lol? You legit make no sense.

My original point was that people are saying this, u said provide links and that you didn’t believe me that people were saying only a small single digit % will ever clear nax

So if 10 people came in here saying “yes it’s true that only 2 or 3% of the playerbase will ever clear nax” you would disregard that information on a forum because I wasn’t the one providing it?? And you would continue by your stance that no one is saying it?! That’s a big lol from me.

You are being absurd and are arguing just to argue at this point lol.

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I don’t know about Naxx, but any player who wants to kill Rag or Ony will likely be able to find a group eventually. They will be pugged tons.

I feel like this is the forum equivalent to when I dream about something, and spend all day mad about it, even though it literally never happened.

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I think it funny,having people speculating what might or might not happen. By October we may have some real idea of how many are still playing and how fast they are leveling. There will be a few guilds that power level to 60, run the top raids and then get bored and quit but for most players it will take months/years to level up.

If you are not in the first or 2nd wave it will be very difficult to find 40 players that can run the top raids and are still willing to do so. After 2 years it is unlikly anyone will be running 40 man raids.

I can say the same lol. Becuase I can use your EXACT form of “proof” and say that your very first reply says many people will get to do Naxx. And that is my only proof thus my statement of no one saying wont do it is as strong as the Great Wall of China (when it was first made. Not the version we have now).

Bro didn’t you hear? All the world first guilds are coming to classic to destroy the raids as Classic World Firsts: the 2nd Edition.
Once they stream the secrets to face rolling Naxx that’s a wrap. Everyone will be doing it. Lol.
In a year everyone will be decked out in Naxx gear peacocking on Org bank roof or IF bridge. It will be the meta. Lol.

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