Stop Whining About Druids – They're not the problem. YOU ARE

Nuffydeus seems to fully utilize 4pc T1 which makes him really tanky against any physical damage dealing class. He’ll go into Defense Stance from Battle Stance and take 20% reduce damage for 15 seconds while still being able to pump with TFB procs, Slam, and MS as if he was still in Battle Stance. Its really strong against warriors, hunters, the few good feral druids out there, and even rogues, its much better than the big stamina boost from R13 gear against those classes. I think he’s also using the Sanguinist Shoulder enchant which gives him a flat 15% damage boost on top of that.

The bonus from stances is 6 piece of T1. 4 pieces is letting him use abilities from other stances for like 10 seconds after leaving the stance (ex: disarming in battle stance).

Anyway, the point is, he has all that and he hits a 375 non-crit on mail with dark edge. DR from armor+phys reduction in bgs is absolutely crushing warrior’s ability to deal damage.

The post should be named 375 with mortal strike. So everybody just can read the title and understand its another warrior whining monologe.

Thanks for your contribution sockpuppet. Warrior has been awful in pvp for 95% of sod’s run, if not 100%. Maybe the god classes should quit making threads pretending they aren’t broken and lying that they somehow lost to warriors. (Or maybe they’re actually so awful at pvp this is the only time they beat warriors)


And some lacklusters should quit making threads pretending they class are not playable and lying about numbers like “375 dmg with mortal strike”, because nobody in forums believe that worn history about warriors wanting be top class in everything as in Vanilla classic.

Nuffydeus is a night elf warrior. You can find the clip I’m talking about on his youtube channel Nuffydeus. It’s the 2nd video under shorts. ~19 seconds into the short he hits a 375 yellow attack (aka a special attack since you’re clearly uneducated) on the shaman.

He has a dark edge of insanity, is rolling the 6p t1 bonus for 10% more damage done, and has crusader proc’d.

I have done the work for you. We have video proof of it happening. You no longer need to take my word for it that I’ve hit a 350 mortal strike on a hunter with ashkandi. We have proof of even more egregious numbers.

Now do everyone in the world a favor, and start planting trees to replace all the oxygen you’ve wasted.


i can waste my time and check an irrelevant video and what…
that will stop people whining nonsense?
that will buff or nerf any class?
that will teach players how to play warrior ?
Sorry about the oxygen, probably you needs a lot… you looks so troubled for single forum commentary.

Did a warrior sleep with your mom or something?

I’m sorry, but from what I see, you don’t seem to be a very good warrior in pvp :confused: As others have rightfully pointed out, there are other warriors that have seen wild success in warrior pvp SOD and from the clips, they seem to be even stronger than their vanilla warrior counterparts… If you like to oneshot people, maybe Shaman is the closest thing to that right now…

okay then I’ll just play better next time while the druid who is a mile away just uses starfall and sunfire and I melt in 3 secs. Great game play

To be fair most classes are killing each other in 3-4 globabls, paladins, hunters, warlocks, rouges, shamans, druids. 1 mistake and your dead in a few globals vs any of them right now… just like in vanilla, which is the FOUNDATION for all of SOD.

This aint retail 10 expansions and hundreds of PVP systems later where a healer just keeps you up for 10 minutes in 3v3s . Vanilla endgame PVP is and always has been VERY fast paced and punishing on mistakes and mispositions. If you want that slower paced PVP gameplay you know where to go.

DIDNT READ, balance druids need a 30% damage nerf

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warriors have 100% needed buffs for PVP. Everyone should know this. But the warrior hate in vanilla is real so it will probably never happen.

Nobody is asking for warrior to be broken. But we have video proof of mortal strike with dark edge (currently the best 2h in the game) hitting a shaman wearing t1 pieces with a shield on for 375. There’s no amount of SKILL that will win that match up. That’s entirely on the shaman whether they decide to press buttons or not.

I’m sorry that you’re so abysmally bad at pvp the only way you can enjoy the game is to be godlike broken and still you’re terrified of other classes receiving necessary buffs.

I’m not even advocating for MS buffs (that arms would need to be relevant in PvE), but the spec definitely needs armor pen from somewhere. Whether that’s colossus smash or a way to apply 5 stacks of sunder instantly with mortal strike or smth idk, but it’s necessary.

Rogues are getting a stronger armor ignore than sunder, from a poison, with 0 stacking requirements. It just procs, FOR FREE.

Yeah thats what I mean. With the T1 4pc he can swap to Defensive Stance and proc Echoes of Battle Stance(which allows him to use Overpower/Hamstring etc) in Defensive Stance while also procing the T1 6pc Defensive Forecast which gives him a 20% damage reduction against physical damage which is like being in Defensive Stance with a shield on with a 2 hander on. This is very strong against warriors, hunters, rogues, and feral druids and with Sanguinist Shoulder enchant + Battle Forecast he’s doing a lot a lot of damage with that.

Every time I’ve encountered him in BGs he does exceptionally well.

I’m sure he does, but you also have to understand, the only people still queuing are either alts, or people who just really enjoy sod pvp. I’d imagine I’d have more fun queuing now than I did when I was ranking because every game isn’t a full lobby vs the sweatiest of sweats wearing optimal gear chugging consumes (and potentially being a premade). Warrior does fine still with a gear advantage and we do plenty of damage against clothies. But the outliers (SPECIFICALLY hunter, shaman, boomie. Honorable mention to rogue) are problems not JUST because they hard out damage warrior. But because they have better survivability against us on top of it. And a large portion of that is armor related.

to be honest i havent hit up any bgs for a week or two so i dont know the current meta with the new shoulder enchants but i would like to touch on the comparison and want to do as much damage as a pally does by some of these warriors.

simply put in wpvp if most people are gonna 1 shot you , then everyone should be capable of it or nobody should.

i will say on my way to kara the other day i was on my mount and a pally just rolled up and globaled me and then gloabled the mage that was right behind me . it was silly .

i dont know if its the same in bgs but if it is , it is broken.

I’ve been grinding bgs on my mage hit r13 this week and two more weeks of 418k honor will get me r14.

I’m having so much fun more fun than when I played my Shaman and Rogue.

PvP is almost pretty damn good. If they arent going to go back to that phase 1 damage debuff. I’m ok with this faster pace style. Just needs a few tweaks.

Hunters kill shot - get rid of it in pvp.
Boomkins need a 20% damage nerf
Rogues - get rid of the blind reset. Yes, they do lots of damage but being able to reset when they mess up makes them OP. Make it so blind doesnt drop combat.
Rets - are fine.
Warriors - seems like the ceiling is high here you are either a good war or bad. I wouldn’t have a problem is MS got a buff not sure on the armor pen. =P
Mages - make casting matter again. Deep Freeze is a lot of fun.
Locks - seem good just not popular at the time. I ran into an Affliction Lock last night that man handled me. lol
Ferals - I have zero idea here.
Shamans - get rid of the tank spec for pvp. Ehn 2h and DW needs some love and Ele is missing something to complete with the other casters.
Shadowpriest - not sure what they need cuz I dont play one. =) But I do hate that instant whatyoumacallit spell. lol


Can’t comment on the rest, I haven’t pvp’d in weeks, looks accurate to what i remember tho. Warrior feels strong against mage cause you’re cloth. You’re not benefiting from bonus armor from form/an actual shield+mail armor/mail+agi+ridic dodge (2 of those definitely have more armor than warrior does). Armor pen wouldn’t make us smash you much harder but it would make our chances against the problem children way better than they are now.

Ah yes, the classic “Druids aren’t OP, you’re just bad” argument. I love how every time a class gets called out for being overtuned, there’s always some enlightened forum philosopher who claims that everyone just needs to ‘play better’—as if Boomkins aren’t 40-yard snipers dropping two-shot nukes with Starfall as their personal death aura.

Let’s break down the holes in your argument:

  1. “It’s a skill issue.”
  • Oh, you mean it’s a skill issue when I get deleted in 2 GCDs before I even have time to counter?
  • If one class consistently forces players to pre-counterplay every encounter perfectly or instantly lose, that’s a balance problem, not a skill problem.
  • “Just interrupt them” is a joke when they can cast while moving, outrange most interrupts, and still drop instant spells like Starsurge.
  1. “Druids are hybrids, so they’re not the best at anything.”
  • That argument only works if their burst isn’t top-tier, which it currently is.
  • Druids are supposed to be versatile, but right now, Balance Druids get high burst, great range, strong sustain, and solid survivability. That’s not versatility—that’s stacking advantages.
  • Other hybrids don’t have the luxury of being one of the best DPS specs while still having utility and survivability.
  1. “You just need a better team.”
  • Oh cool, so now it takes a full squad to bring down one Boomkin? Glad to know we should schedule a raid boss strat meeting before queuing a battleground.
  • If a ranged DPS requires multiple players to shut down, that’s overpowered, plain and simple.
  • Other burst classes don’t require three people babysitting them to be balanced. Why should Boomkins get a free pass?
  1. “Just counter them.”
  • With what? A melee gap closer that gets kited into the next expansion?
  • A CC that they can shift out of or trinket?
  • By the time most classes get into range, they’ve already been chunked for 80% of their health.

The Reality: Druids Are Overtuned, Not Just “Misunderstood”

It’s fine for Boomkins to be viable, but when they’re capable of 40-yard burst, insane AoE, and have more escape tools than most classes have counterplay options, that’s not balance, that’s bad design.

So no, it’s not a “skill issue.” It’s a “your class is busted and you’re coping” issue.

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