Warrior buffs ? Druid/Hunter nerfs?

Every class has a spec that performs MORE then warriors in PvE/PvP right now.

Druid and hunters out DPS everyone with 2 spells.

When was the last SOD PvE class balance ??

They dont care.


Hunters are like right in the middle of the pack with the majority of other classes being very close. Melee hunter is doing better in the better raid comps. The rotation is also more than 2 spells.

You warrior BUMs are the most entitled losers of all time. Go play vanilla where every raid is 90% war/rogue.

Yeah boomkins finally owning in PvE. Every warrior player “WE MUST STOP THEM!” “HOW DARE ANYONE EVER OUT DPS A WARRIOR!”

I hope they never do. Just so I can see wars continue to cry.


Havent seen so much BS ina post in a long time.

Another ret pally from classic that likes SOD because Ret are better then warriors lol

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I mean you can go look at dps ranking on wcl but sure.

And nah I play MM hunter. Enjoy not being #1 anymore.

What wcl logs tell me is that warriors DPS needs a buff LOL

what now ??


Oh wow look at that, hunters right in the middle like I said. WIERD. But I guess since warrior isn’t at the top its a big problem huh? Lmao

The few logs you have all gray green and blue and you are on here complaining about DPS. It truly is amazing. Don’t even have AQ logs on that char. Why do you care about DPS rankings at all?


You are really special lol

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they memed on warriors at blizzcon and Zirene, a dev, said Arms is not supported in SoD despite every talent tree of every other class getting support + new ways to play on top of the existing specs. Fury is barely kept at the bottom on the general graph and arms does half the dmg of the next worst dps in the game.

they intentionally are doing this, it isnt a mistake. I guess warriors in 2005 being able to spam heroic strike in raid to remove -19% hit penalty and glancing blows was a crime against humanity, but the fact that rogues/mages/locks were overpowered for the next 20 years means nothing to this analyisis.

In 2019 classic, the in-raid gap from a ret to BiS fury was only 70%. In SoD, the gap from the bottom to top is 120%, and then the outside-of-raid gap is infinitely worse. In classic it was like a 50% whereas in SoD its well over 300%.

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so why are you calling for hunter buffs? your own evidence shows them in the middle. even with druids its like a 2.5-5% nerf at most they arent doing any kind of crazy numbers.

like yeah sure warriors could use a buff. but demanding other classes be nerfed because they are higher then you really kinda makes me wanna see you suffer at the bottom some more.

bottom and top comparison is meaningless stat
balance is achieved through comparing to the median. SoD balance is vastly better then classic for like 90% of classes and specs. warrior is just a clear outlier inflating the statistics. and even than fury is only slightly underperforming.

Hes a troll that mains hunter , rage baiting on the forums. Ignore him

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Ranged do too much dmg at a distance in pvp on top of being tanky (hunters / druids ) its all flipped on its head.

Ranged classes have little to no downsides in pvp and stupid dmg where they can just delete from a distance meanwhile melees need to get into the “killzone” right up and personal where youre taking alot of damage cause youre vulnerable frontlining and do next to no damage compared to ranged that will just run spamming instants at a distance or dots etc.

You end up reaching them with half your hp and then you get meleed for more than you do to them (hunters) or deleted with another cast cause they LIPed (druids)

Rename it to season of ranged and just remove melee classes already

Hybrid should never be the best at anything beside versatility. Its really basic game design.
I really wouldnt care if rogue or hunters were the top dps, because in my eyes magic plus melee abilities is a true hybrid.

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Why does this matter? Its not like a boomkin can tank or heal while being boomkin spec. They went from being unviable to good and everyone is upset. Makes no sense.

I mean hunters and rogues are not even hybrids what so ever. I guess rogues can tank but they are a DPS as are hunters.

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but its not

they flipped the graph upside down and then skewed the gap from top to bottom even further

there are more classes floating at the top but the negatives are far worse negatives

and the massive elephant in the room is that by every matric, non-raid content has infinitely worse balance. A shadow priest that can sim 10% better than fury in raid will sim over 300% better outside of raid. Nothing in vanilla was anywhere near that. In vanilla, rogue was the top dog in basically all content and then fury was better in raid by a bit because of the heroic strike feature/bug removing -19% hit and glancing. And then outside of raid everything was fairly close between classes.

Using world buffs in all the balance considerations made non-raid balance hundreds of times worse than it ever was in vanilla. And raid is pretty bad too right now so overall its just a mess.

this is the correct stance

a boomkin is a ranged orbital cannon that ignores all armor and is among the best raid dps, does like 4x the dps of some classes outside of raid, can heal, has 55% armor, can swap to bear but it doesnt need to, can barkskin and keep pumping, throw out greater instant heals. Its the best at everything and makes the game pointless. Theres no tradeoff. At least when fury could use world buffs and raid buffs to remove the -19% hit penalty in classic it was still terrible outside of raid. There was some tradeoff or niche.

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you are factually incorrect
SOD- WCL 95% average
-13 specs within +/- 5% of median 2 spec being within +/-10% 2 spec being within 12%
-top/bot differential 81.2213%
-if you remove arms warrior as an outlier and arcane mage with is a healing spec in sod then the differential between top dps and lowest dps is 22.2543%

Classic Era- WCL 95%
-0 specs within +/- 10% of the median
-different between top and bottom 183.363%
-removing frost mage balance druid shadow priest ret paladin elemental shaman (meme specs) difference between top/bot 101.367%

Fresh WCL 95%
1 spec within +/-5% 2 specs =/-10%
top/bot diff 96.427%
-removing frost mage balance druid shadow priest ret paladin elemental shaman top/bot 68.8943%

Fresh is already less balanced than SoD in a raiding environment and the disaparity only gets greater in later raids and better gear as seen by era. again, you are factually incorrect and promoting a false narrative, please stop.

As for out of raid nobody cares about dps no one is gate keeping content and it is completable by every class and spec.

In pvp nobody cares about the dps metric. burst damage and mitigation are the metrics here. no one is complaining that they had a 3min fight with another player character and they were out damaged. they care about the boomkin #@$%ing 3 shotting them with burst. dps to burst is a apples to oranges comparison as in it doesnt work.

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Nah, it’s not.

Why are you bashing a hybrid class that is still suffering from hybrid tax and have just received a round of undeserved nerfs?

You say hybrid shouldnt be at top of the meters…? Healing is what classifies us as hybrids yes? What boomkins do you ever see healing in raid? And dont say restokin bc dmg is trash if you do any healing whilst trying to dps plus wed have to stay out of boomkin form to heal? Do you realize how trash wed be if your term for boomies had merit? Yes we can heal… but no boomies heal in a raid setting and if we do its not meaningful. Stop whining and making excuses about boomies FINALLY pumping we were trash the first 3 phases at the bottom of meters with tanks! Yes ill admit boomies are pretttttty good right now but dont say hybrid classes shouldnt pull good numbers bc all those classes with heal specs are not healing whilst pulling those numbers.