Stop Waiting For Action and Be Action (aka the Cavalry Is Not Coming)

Any thoughts on shifting the pvp focus on era from WSG to AV or even AB so newcomers can play and not negatively impact the rest of the team as much with their greens? :slight_smile:

People are always receptive to getting AB and/or AV going; but habits are hard to break and we have come to expect WSG availability.

My recommendation for PVP play on Era, find 2 or 3 like minded souls and conspire to load the pool and build honor totals as a small team. At least on PVE Era, ranking up takes very little weekly honor, and you can top the charts running Silithus dust. Pool size is the bigger problem, but playing the game within the game and getting a bunch of lvl 1s into the pool is an interesting challenge. At least getting yourself a full blue set is in fairly quick reach.


Proof please.

My warlock on era is using all MC and below gear and I smoke t3 ppl. Full greens would be tough, but once you get a bit of gear you can do fine. I’d love ppl to boycott wsg and only queue AB once and awhile tho lol


Do you know who Aggrend is and/or are in the Jom disc rn

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No, my life is not as consumed by this game as yours is where I need to join their stupid discord lol.

Or we could go to private servers where they do wow 10000x better than anything we have been given so far on official servs.

Wait so Mankrik is good for alliance cluster? Did I pick the wrong server for horde raiding on era? I did start on Mankrik and it seems like there’s only one horde guild raiding weekly, although they seem nice and friendly and have others join them. Just curious if there’s more horde raiding options with bigger community? AH is just ok on Mankrik on horde side from what I’ve seen. Also, I’m def part of the group that is just “playing around” on classic era recently, trying new things, might be able to get at least one to lvl 60 and see if I can do ZG/AQ since I’ve never been to those raids before. Hoping for SoM 2 soon though, as having more people to group with while leveling up and very active AH, guild options, lively zones, etc. makes the world feel so much better. It’s already the biggest zone to level up in classic, so having small population can make you feel lonely lol.

It’s not that.
He mentioned the discord because Aggrend popped in there and listened to feedback and discussed issues with players. It was valuable to have access to a dev like that.

Discussing among other things the future of seasonal servers going forward.
Lazarak was simply illustrating how he knows a new, fresh seasonal server is coming.

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Is there some summary of this supposed conversation?

Okay then. Stay completely uninformed. Was just a question.

It makes no difference to me.

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lmao he literally was about to explain to you how he knows and you lash out


I am not personally in that discord but maybe someone else can point you in the correct direction. It’s not like it is a big secret or lie as Aggrend mentioned it himself here in the forum that he spoke with players and people in SoM talked about his presence in discord quite a bit in the forum when SoM was active.