Stop Waiting For Action and Be Action (aka the Cavalry Is Not Coming)

Blizzards lack of communication around classic Era and level 60 wow variants in general has been abysmal.

But that is exactly the point of my post. Stop waiting for something that may not happen. They’ve chosen to have minimal comms for what, nearly two years now?

I waited around for a while for… something… only to realize what I was waiting for (the game, to play and have fun with) already existed in era. Once I started playing a few months back and found a guild to play with… instantly regretted waiting for something out of my control.

To each their own though. Just realize you may be waiting for something that may never happen.

There’s also more games than wow to play out there:) above all else, go have fun in what you spend your time doing.


I agree, and thats the main reason i started a casual character on som leveling. But I’ll be honest, the MOMENT they open fresh, im moving over. I don’t think there is necessarily anythign wrong with era as a concept, i just love the MC-AQ rush. PvP, guild politics, drama…love it all lol


Season 2 will come soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have an announcement one month from now.

In the meantime, I’m having fun just logging on era and talking trash in LFG chat. It’s better than the endgame for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Trust me, I love it too. I’m all for Era, Fresh, SoM2, Classic+ what have you.

I do love the idea of Classic Era being a permanent home for decades to come, and all the seasonal/fresh servers feeding into it. Seems like the best of both worlds. Classic+ if it has new gear would complicate that a little, but that’s a theoretical problem for a theoretical game variant that may never happen.

Today… I just hope folks realize Classic Era is a very viable option to play level 60 wow!


You should post screen caps from discord.

I left that discord quite a while ago

just play turtle wow instead.

i’m not a turtle, so nah :expressionless:

If fresh gets released, i hope they create a server that disables dlc

I agree. Actions speak louder than words. :wink:

My guess is that Blizzard wants to let WOTLK run its course first before announcing anything vanilla related. At least for me, it makes sense. My best guessimate is if Classic+, SoM 2 or even just fresh happens we will hear about it right at the end of WOTLK Classic.

Well said OP.

Having been apart of other “dead MMO” communities, including vanilla pservers a ways back, you have to be just that - a community. Everybody has to chip in to make the experience a fun one for everyone involved. You get out what you put in.

In my experience that might involve playing multiple roles and/or classes and in our case here, both factions.

For example, I have 6 max level Era rogues (5 horde 1 ally) and one of my goals for all of them was to get their full T0 sets. That’s alot of dungeon runs but in order to help myself I need to help others so Im going to have to do other things like tank and heal so Im working on a tank and a healer (albeit very slowly) and probably run dungeons the character Im on doesn’t need anything from etc etc.


Me and the wife are looking for either Horde or alliance (preferably pve server, wife hates pvp :slight_smile: ) but I like PVP/pve missed out on raiding when classic relaunched but would love to tank all the end game stuff . Any tips on best places to look or reach out to? been leveling on SOM and going to transfer

come to mankrik server, alliance side. your wife will love it

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This deserve the comment of the year award :+1:t2:

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I am biased (as we all likely are) but if you’re looking for a small tight knit community guild, Legacy on Grobbulus Alliance is a fun time and low key vibe. No one else on the server besides us, so if you’re looking for numbers Whitemane and Mankirk are good too.

We are currently on AQ40 progression, and clear MC and BWL (plus the 20 mans and many dungeons and world bosses) weekly.

Hey fellow Relax leveler. Basically the main options are:

Mankrik Cluster: PvE server cluster
Whitemane Cluster: PvP server cluster
Grobbulus - RP-PvP server (non-clustered)

Mankrik and Whitemane Clusters are defintely the two "largest’ clusters to be a part of varying between 300-500 peaks on alliance side solely.

Grobbulus is obviously going to be a much smaller population but has always been known for its community and “Classic Spirit” with only 1 raiding guild (to my knowledge) being “Legacy” as Jarl as linked above.

When it comes to the PvP side of things, World PvP is sparse due to the lower population, but you will still see small skirmishes here and there daily on Whitemane cluster. Luckily, BGs cross server between all era realms with WSG being run the majority of the time with decent queues nowadays 5-10 minutes on weekends, 10-20 minutes on weekdays. AV is only usually coordinated around on AV weekends.

If you are more interested on specific numbers of players on each, I would entirely ignore the census data as it really doesn’t offer any real details that matter. You will have no idea how many “unique players” it is representing versus the wide spread of alts.

I would suggest logging on during YOUR peak times of play and doing a /who of each level bracket (keep in mind that if it shows 50 you may need to narrow your bracket search to get an actual number). This will give you an accurate representation of the amount of players that will be on while you are playing, which is really all that matters.

Many of these census posts want to show there are 6k players which can be very misleading or confusing to returning or new players logging on to see a MUCH smaller population running around.

Al that said, even with the lower populations, all servers are fully viable to play on, you just need to make sure the server peaks and the guild raid/pvp schedules line up with yours. You can be on a server of 10k people, but if no guilds or players raid during your playtimes, it will be worse than a 200 pop server that does.

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Any thoughts on how to lower the barrier to entry for PvP on era since there is no fresh and most people regularly pvping are Rank 10-14 or in later phase PvE gear? With the focus being on WSG, I feel like it’s hard for fresh 60s to join in on the fun…

Unless they decide to go back to wear p1-2 gear then there is no fix

Yeah no way to fix this. That is the problem with fully progressed servers. Basically you suffer until you are geared.

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