Stop Waiting For Action and Be Action (aka the Cavalry Is Not Coming)

We must be the change we wish to see.

Stop waiting for FrEsH.

Stop waiting for SoM2.

Stop waiting for Classic+.

Stop waiting for Clones.

They are not promised, and the best way to increase the odds of any of these things happening is to join the thriving communities that exist today on Era! We must be the change we want to see.

I urge everyone waiting for a future that may or may not come to start playing on an Era server today (assuming you want to play classic level 60 wow and find it fun). This is what exists today. We will be lucky to see anything fresh/som2/classic+. Best way to increase our odds of any new vanilla wow experience is to show them that the community on Era is alive and active. That is how we got Classic WoW and Era in the first place. We are lucky to have a classic era today!

I used to hold out waiting until too, but the writing is on the wall. The cavalry is not coming.

Stop waiting for action and BE action.

Yours in battle,



Aye, there’s lots of help and support from the community who are doing a great job at filling in the gaps left by Blizzard.

Whitemane (US) is a great realm for both PVE and PVP for both factions. Faction balance is pretty good around approximately 50/50 +/-5%.

Mankrik (US) is also good, but I don’t know much about them. I hear they are good at PVE, but do not have as many as Whitemane cluster of realms.

The point is whichever faction and whichever realm you wanna roll on, you can do it – but if you wait, you’re just gonna miss out again.

Come play, take your time, do the dungeons with the leveling guilds (multiple guilds for that, too).

Notice the game and vision of the original devs. There’s a crap ton more detail and design around vanilla that are borderline “Easter egg” content than any of us ever realized – just in the starter zones.

From the old orcish ram catapult thing in Elwynn, a nod to Warcraft 3 history, to the subtle changes made to Hogger, even Princess the pig post-Cataclysm or in retail.

Experience the game how it used to be, without worry or wonder of a private server that dumbs things down, makes it “easy” or “cheap” to play and get started.

Just notice the game and play an hour here or there. You’ll enjoy it way more than anything else. I promise you.

Play your other games or go get a hobby, play this an hour or whatever you want. Take it slow, don’t rush to 60, and make new friends along the way.

This is Era. This is Classic.


Best of luck! Speaking for myself, it’s hard to sign on to Vanilla in its current state when my friends are playing DF or Wrath. A new SOM or fresh Vanilla would give me a good reason to tell them “Sorry, I prefer Vanilla”. So I guess I’ll continue playing other games till Blizz gives us what we want.


That’s not guaranteed. If you’re OK with just never getting to play Classic again, that’s your choice and we must respect that.

I really wish we could have more nice players such as yourself come along with us. You don’t have to just play Dragonflight or Wrath because your friends are there – feel free to make a little character to putz around on here.

You already “own” it – may as well enjoy some of it. Give it a try, 30 mins to level 10? No sweat.


Lately I’ve been playing a little Vanilla when my friends aren’t online :joy: Vanilla really is just so much better than any version of WoW.


Mankrik has been good fun for me. I did a PVP rank push there 7 or 8 months ago, took a long break, and I am back online now leveling 3 alts on the Horde side.

There seems to be some organized PVP ranking going on there now, though when a friend and I hit HW we were the only ones really pushing. At the time there were only 15 or 20 regular battleground players. The pool was so small people maxed out at about Blood Guard. So my friend and I created 3 accounts each and a crazy amount of low level alts, killed an alliance alt every week to bump the pool to over 170 and started running dust for weekly honor. We ranked up fast, everyone else noticed a rank bump but didn’t know why. By the time we finished people were just starting to catch on that we had a plan. HW on about 35k honor per week was quite the weird accomplishment.

My point is this: ERA is and will always be around. There are a surprising number of players about and YOU CAN INVENT YOUR OWN INNER GAME. It can be quite fun. Join us.


Fresh is 100% coming. It is foolish to think otherwise.

However I agree than era is a good spot while you wait.


I’ve been doing just that. It’s been a rewarding experience to watch my guild develop from a group of players that couldn’t even fill a 5-man dungeon to progressing through raid content with measurable gains each week.


This is what drives me crazy, the uncertainty. If fresh is coming then I can tell my friends I’ll play DF with them till fresh Vanilla hits. If fresh isn’t coming, I might just have to tell them sorry I prefer Vanilla. God I wish Blizz would talk to us.


The som1 servers aren’t even shut down and/or ended yet. They aren’t gonna say anything while that timeline is still running. Let ulduar/DF hype fade a bit, blizzard is not stupid with the way they like to release things.

^ blizz have comment bots now?

Whatever you say bro

Huuuaahhh! Teach it like you preach it!

I really get the impression that many people want to play BUT they want play during a big wave so they can get carried. They are RIGHT, it’s hard to level on a dead server without anyone to dungeon delve, it’s all about questing and hard work and TIME but the game will not get bigger if people don’t play it.

It is a challenge but one YOU are capable of with the years upon years of game savvy you have accumulated. Now get on in there and prove that you are NOT a N00b who needs a carry just to level, you are NOT a SCRUB waiting for their welfare epics, that you are 133tness with Chuck Norris Power!


how is doing dungeons with new toons your level being carried, but joining a raid with full bis naxx raiders not a carry?

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While I appreciate what you’re trying to do, it’s not a carry I’m looking for but instead this just seems like a good time to play other games.

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I’m confused by his logic. Is he implying that doing dungeons in groups to level is being carriedz/

This was the original design of the game. Was the original design flawed and instead you are being carried by playing and inteacting with others?

So let’s say i leveled to 60 solo without other people. Am I now not carried by joining raids with full bis nax toons? I don’t get it.

I think he’s just trying to motivate people to play Vanilla.


I get it, it’s a game, it supposed to be fun, not hectic stress filled job that you pay for, but leveling in a low pop or even dead server isn’t that bad. It’s different than what many people leveled in the golden age or even when it all relaunched, it’s a different type of fun that I highly recommend people try.

I fell in love with Low population servers back when I played Star Wars Galaxies. I started a test toon on a low pop server and got to see all the things that were permanently on farm status on even a medium server. It enhanced my love of that game, and it has done the same for my love of WoW.

The more people play, the more likely Blizzard will see Classic as a money maker and…you get the logic.


It isn’t aboput money solely, otherwise retail would be scrapped for candycrush as it out performs all avenues of wow.

It’s about subs. numbers. shareholders.

This is the biggest thing for me. I wish they would simply announce that its coming in like Q1 or Q2 2023, or be on the lookout for announcements concerning vanilla wow!

Anything really.

I have decided to start leveling something for fun and chill times. Have me another paladin going on SOM for xp boost and doing Soul of Iron challenge so it gives a different feel to the game.

Afterwards I’ll transfer to era, but hoping we get some sort of announcement. I’d love to see them just at least hint at it when they release Ulduar.

There really is like zero reason they can’t release classic while other things in other versions of wow are going on. Retail and WotLK are just raiding simulators for the most part nowadays. Wouldn’t really affect any of the attention there outside of the classic players just passing their time on those versions waiting for vanilla fresh, but meh

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