Stop trying to sell items in dungeons

Typical Moryna L post…

Selling items in dungeons is 100% not bannable and has absolutely nothing to do with GDKPs.

Putting the two together is like comparing the color blue with the number 138.

All you post is Ls, maybe you should give it up sometime… 100% have weak arms.

Gee, you don’t say…
It’s also a community, one in which we can determine what we are willing to put up with. Go ahead and keep swiping/spending, you can join those who are feeling consequences for their actions.
In other words, many of us want you gone, and your tears are comforting. :droplet:

All these kids monetizing everything possible so they can grow up and be like their hero Felon Musk. Ship of fools indeed.


You didn’t play sod passed level 40, so let me tell you, there was plenty of item selling and no one got banned. Just like no one is getting banned for HoJ/Reed/Ring runs. Post on main so we can report you for violating ToS by abusing reports

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And as further evidence that Blizzard is garbage:
they could easily make a post on the forums clarifying whether or not buying a Blackstone Ring for 20G (or similar) falls under the blanket GDKP ban on the Anniversary Fresh servers. they could easily do that, but they havent. amazing communication.

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What does this statement have to do with swiping. You are part of the problem, allowing Blizzard to offset the ‘reporting’ process to the playerbase. They are owned by a multi-billion dollar company. They have the funds, they have the resources, they have the tools - they choose to be cheap and get away with the following statement ‘look out after your own community because we are too cheap and badly managed to care’.

There would be no reporting if there were no issue. This is completely on Blizz.
Not taking care of swiping & buying by players, setting up an automated system that can be manipulated.
The ones crying out against players reporting are those who are breaking rules, anyone else couldn’t care less.


I agree with you 100%.

I just hope you agree with me that Blizzard is the issue, not the playerbase. They allow this to happen and they have the funds to stop it but choose not to.

Nothing is going to change Blizzard.
Welcome to the United Corporations of America… enjoy your stay.

I mean wow this is the very essence of a forum troll. Why do you need to blare this? Why not just report and move on? Were you ignored as a child?

they’re trolling by reporting the loot-selling and making posts about it?

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This and doing logout skips. I’m not sure why they can’t just make a simple post.

My best guess is they want to keep their options open. If people start selling items for way over value as a means to transfer gold. Like buying a reed for 2,000g. Or if it becomes the only means to procure said items. That would go against the spirit. That said, I am not sure why they would need to “keep their options open”. They can do whatever they want whenever they want. Including never saying anything which tends to be way more annoying than if they change their minds, with rationale.

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Who knows, but this is what the blue post has stated:



They literally flat out have said its not allowed like point blank

They’ve been purposely ambiguous about it, and aren’t banning people selling HoJ/Ring/Reed/SGC so common sense says, not bannable lmao.

Nothing i have done is against the rules sorry you cant try to discredit me because i only parsed 97s

Not only that but the community clearly is not quite sure. So why not just be like, yes that is what we mean. No selling HoJ. No paying 100g to healer if sgc drops. etc. They don’t need to list out items. But they could say whats allowed and not. They obviously have to have a list. Or how would they action anything.

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Ew they care about parses in classic, thats cringe. Reporting people that you know aren’t violating ToS is in fact, against ToS and you know that you would be reported for it, thats why you hide

They have already literally said its not allowed

Nope, what they said was ambiguous at best, but keep trying to lie

Running dungeons with the intent to sell items, like a warlock soloing princess for ring is ban able. Begging healers to run arena with gold because healers have no business running arena is not ban able. That’s just begging. The difference there is the healer isn’t soliciting anything, that’s the same as tipping tanks.