Stop trying to sell items in dungeons

Its agianst the rules, no you can not buy blackstone ring or HoJ but do keep trying i enjoy reporting each and every single one of you for breaking the rules YOU agreed to when joining anniversary realms


Does non-raid loot count?

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report em all :expressionless:


of course it does :expressionless:


Per blizzard you can not buy any loot specifically BoP items from dungeons or raids for gold period full stop, these are the rules you agreed to when signing into the anniversary realms, and i for one get a large amount of joy seeing accounts actioned especially since i let each and every single one of them know they are breaking the rules and link them said rules and they still decide to break said rules


Great thread, hall monitor.


Im just doing gods work holding children accountable


Blizzard holds them accountable, actually.

Yep it’s GDKP and banned.


You sound like the child IMO. Mad because bad.


So im bad because you want to break the rules and i report you…got it totaly logical statements


Keep on glazing blizzard.


So you are doing Blizzard’s job…for free.

I’m not hating on what you are doing, but merely pointing out that the useless creator of the game should be putting in the work, from start to finish, to prevent and catch these acts.

This is like their request to report botting. I have seen bots fly, and run through walls to avoid aggro. I have not reported it because it is Blizzard who needs to put in the work, hire more staff and spend the funds to stop this behavior and ban bots.

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i have not seen this yet but it’s degenerate and the person should be kicked on the spot.


It’s our community. Of course we should report people that are breaking the rules.

And this is why bots will always exist.


Blizzard is owned by Microsoft. This is not a mom & pops operation. Blizzard asking their own players to police the game is like Amazon asking their customers to monitor other customers and report them if they see anything out of the ordinary.

Amazon is a mega company, like Blizzard under the umbrella of Microsoft. For anyone to think that the playerbase ‘should’ or ‘is expected’ to report other players or botters because ‘Blizzard can’t detect anti-tos behavior’ is quite strange. Again, this is not a company that keeps an on premise 2gb MS Access database in the basement. We are all quite sure they have the ability, tools, funds and servers to monitor anything they need or want to monitor within their own game - they just choose not to…because they are trash or their leadership is trash.


Amazon does in fact ask customers to report issues. I’d embed a screenshot but the forums don’t allow it. Just look up any given listing, they all have a “report issue with product/seller” link at the bottom of the initial product write-up. This is standard practice with pretty much any major social media network/retailer/megacorp. Part of it is trying to save money on moderation staff, yes. But part of it is also that these markets and systems are too enormous for any corporation to police at an efficient level. So they offload some of the work to their customers.


Thank you for this juicy information

Pat on the back and firm handshake, hero

can’t wait to sell dire maul loot on my hunter

just hit up shaldryn on nightslayer ill give discounts to forumies