Stop trying to remove melee

I personally love the melee hunter. We have enough dps classes that are purely ranged. I love running with a spear and getting in the mix with my pet. The others don’t feel as good to me.

I know they are giving us more options for weapons in 9.0, what if some of our core skills would have different effects depending on the weapon type we have equipped?


Sorry, this is my hunter. Not sure what character that is.

We have 1 (ONE) class that uses ranged weapons. And we are down to only 2 specs that use the ranged weapon.
If that is enough, lets apply that filter to melee as well. What two melee weapon specs should stay in the game? We’ll remove the rest and see if there is any crying from the melee camp…


It is, but not because of it’s focus on being a melee spec.

And like has been said before, the old SV when it was ranged had higher representation in general, in pvp, than what current MSV has.

Not sure if you’re only talking about hunter specs here or all classes/specs in general.

If you’re talking about the hunter class alone then that number is incorrect.

If you’re talking about all classes, that number is correct, but that also means that MSV is FAR behind the other specs. In proportion, a percent or two behind is a lot.

BM is the top hunter spec, sitting at 7.4% of all classes/specs.
MM is far behind, sitting at 1.1%.
And MSV is at less than half of MM, sitting at 0.5%.

The only time where RSV was ever lower than 0.5%, was during BRF/HFC in WoD when they announced that it was going to be turned into a melee spec and in combination with big nerfs coming to the spec at the same time. Resulting in it being so far behind most other specs that it wasn’t really worth it to bring into raids. This was the only time where RSV was that low in representation.

The thing is, performance wise, all 3 specs are near equal atm. Their output potential is fairly balanced. Bad spec performance, is not an excuse for why MSV is so low.


We all have our specs/playstyles which we prefer.

Many hunters preferred ranged SV over other specs.

Depends on who you ask ofc. But there are a few yes.

The thing is, we only have 1 ranged pure dmg class which uses weapons.
That is the Hunter class.

And within this class, we now only have 1 spec which actually focuses on the weapon.

BM uses a ranged weapon, but it doesn’t focus on that fantasy to any serious degree. It’s a pet spec, not a ranged weapon spec.

Compare this to the number of dmg specs who uses melee weapons during combat.

We currently have 12 melee weapon-based dmg specs. 13 with Feral Druid(even though they don’t actually focus on the weapon at all).

We currently have 1 ranged weapon-based dmg spec. 2 if you count BM as well despite the lack of focus on the ranged weapon itself.


So remove MM because it’s 1.1 % ?

Representing means little otherwise Sub Rogues wouldn’t exist today

When did I say this?

You’re the one who brought up spec representation in an attempt to establish a base of popularity for MSV.

In terms of whether specs get flat out removed or not, this is true yes.

As an example, RSV when being removed, had no one advocating for that to happen. No one was petitioning for it’s removal or for it to be changed into a melee spec.

The devs still did just that.

Which is my point.

The devs decided to remove RSV and replace it with a melee spec despite the fact(yes: fact) that the majority of current players were happy with the general approach to spec design back then.

Ofc the specs weren’t perfect. But no one was advocating for such massive changes to be made to RSV.

Before, some players might’ve stayed away from SV when it was ranged due to them not being fans of the DoT-style of abilities. And the gameplay it involved.
Before, players might’ve stayed away from it due to improper tuning/balancing compared to other specs.


Players might still stay away from SV due to the above. But now, many hunters will also avoid the spec due to it being designed around melee combat. A design/playstyle which most hunters have little to no interest in.

Isn’t that nice? A spec design/playstyle which doesn’t actually cater towards the majority of the players whom have originally chosen to play as said class…


If we turn this around a bit. Let’s say that the devs back in WotLK or even Cataclysm, decided to move towards a melee spec instead of having 3 specs focusing on ranged combat.

Let’s say that MSV would’ve been in development as early as back then.
In this case, the design MSV got going into Legion would’ve probably been okay for most players as it had already been an established playstyle for many expansions.

But this was not/is not the case.
It was not developed to be a melee spec prior to Legion. Which means that ALL players who played it, did so because they liked that it had a focus on ranged combat.

Some past RSV players are ofc happy with current SV as well. No doubt about that.

But the fact is that when the devs removed RSV, they took that spec away from nearly every single player who liked the old RSV. And despite the attempts from some players on these forums to downplay that significance, there were thousands upon thousands of players that liked/loved old RSV.


Nice projection but my original opening was replied to you guys initial comments that MSV should be removed because of representation.

no one petitioning for the removal? Have you literally read this thread ?

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Crazy idea.

What if they made a separate melee hunter class?

Call it Barbarian or something.

1 spec based on Legion SV. Huln Highmountain spec. 2h weapon. Heavy melee focus.

And another spec based on BFA SV. Rexxar spec. Dual-wield 1h weapons. Melee / range hybrid. Throwing axes instead of pocket crossbow.

It could be a brother class to hunters, similar to the relationship between warlocks and demon hunters.

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Not something that I have said. Ever.

What most people here are talking about when they bring up spec representation, they do so as an answer to other posters who claim that MSV is much more popular than RSV was. Or that RSV was so unpopular that it was justified to remove it.

Both of which are incorrect statements/claims.

As an example, RSV when being removed, had no one advocating for that to happen. No one was petitioning for it’s removal or for it to be changed into a melee spec.

Read what I wrote again…

When RSV was removed or at any point prior to really, no one was petitioning for that to happen. At the time, no one was asking for RSV to be turned into a melee spec.

I’m not talking about current MSV and about players demanding/asking for it’s removal. I’m very well aware of that.

AND, I do NOT agree with such demands/petitions.

We can get RSV back without removing or even altering any existing hunter spec at all. RSV has enough potential to be developed into a fully fledged stand-alone spec which can cater towards the general Class Fantasy while also at the same time, manage to bring it’s own unique identity and mechanics.


this thread lol. this class is beyond dead now

As per my last opinion then if it’s a 4th you want then sure not sure how you’d make it unique and won’t get any where became it’s either remove MSV or bust to some.

That part is easy.

What niche is the class currently lacking?

  • A spec that focuses more on DoT and on multi-dotting.
  • A spec that focuses more on enhancing traps.

RSV if brought into Legion and onwards, could do both. It was actually the logical path for RSV going forward with more focus on spec fantasy.

If you want specifics, feel free to check my own suggestions posted on my main account(not saying that it will be perfect for you, but it’ll manage what we’re talking about here):

Not entirely sure what this means. Sorry.


I mean not everyone wants to comprise a 4th spec, some just want MSV gone.


And that’s just sad if you ask me.

People(including devs) would rather create a divide between players, they would rather fuel a never-ending debate/argument, over actually implementing the one thing which would make all of this go away.

Works for me! Bring RSV back to Hunter, and put 2 or 3 melee ‘hunter’ specs in its own class. How about Ranger instead of Barbarian? Could also have petless options there too!


wands are ranged…

Beside, thats an old argument that is no longer valid. Auto attack arent as important as they used to be. Hunter is just a caster class using bow / guns instead of a wand / staff.

Because you know… rsv was the noob/easy spec to go to. A ranged class with no cast time all instant, the easist play there is for pve and pvp. Didnt have the big dmg or anything, but because it was derp easy to play it would shine in random bgs and alike.


Purely my opinion: Ranger = Hunter = Archer

All the rangers I can think of in WoW carry bows.

Rexxar looks like a Barbarian to me.

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To be fair though, Hunter, like Rogue and Warrior is kind of a broad term for alot of different things that fall within those base concepts. Rogues in the classification of WoW are evreything from Pirates to Assassins, Warriors evreything from Knights to Barbarians.

Rexxar is a beast master, aswell as a tracker and wayfinder and survivalist, all three imo fit well within the Hunter archetype aswell as rangers and archers.


Apples and oranges.

Spells are casted from the hand not the wand. Casters don’t use auto attack anyway.

Hunters shoot from the weapon not the hand. Auto attack is still a big source of damage overall.


Sylvanas, dark rangers, and more… they all use melee weapons as well. Have you not been in the Legion Class hall ? plenty of them

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