It is, but not because of it’s focus on being a melee spec.
And like has been said before, the old SV when it was ranged had higher representation in general, in pvp, than what current MSV has.
Not sure if you’re only talking about hunter specs here or all classes/specs in general.
If you’re talking about the hunter class alone then that number is incorrect.
If you’re talking about all classes, that number is correct, but that also means that MSV is FAR behind the other specs. In proportion, a percent or two behind is a lot.
BM is the top hunter spec, sitting at 7.4% of all classes/specs.
MM is far behind, sitting at 1.1%.
And MSV is at less than half of MM, sitting at 0.5%.
The only time where RSV was ever lower than 0.5%, was during BRF/HFC in WoD when they announced that it was going to be turned into a melee spec and in combination with big nerfs coming to the spec at the same time. Resulting in it being so far behind most other specs that it wasn’t really worth it to bring into raids. This was the only time where RSV was that low in representation.
The thing is, performance wise, all 3 specs are near equal atm. Their output potential is fairly balanced. Bad spec performance, is not an excuse for why MSV is so low.
We all have our specs/playstyles which we prefer.
Many hunters preferred ranged SV over other specs.
Depends on who you ask ofc. But there are a few yes.
The thing is, we only have 1 ranged pure dmg class which uses weapons.
That is the Hunter class.
And within this class, we now only have 1 spec which actually focuses on the weapon.
BM uses a ranged weapon, but it doesn’t focus on that fantasy to any serious degree. It’s a pet spec, not a ranged weapon spec.
Compare this to the number of dmg specs who uses melee weapons during combat.
We currently have 12 melee weapon-based dmg specs. 13 with Feral Druid(even though they don’t actually focus on the weapon at all).
We currently have 1 ranged weapon-based dmg spec. 2 if you count BM as well despite the lack of focus on the ranged weapon itself.