Stop saying there shouldn’t be a melee spec. It’s awesome to have a pure dps class in this game that can do melee or range.
Hunter shouldn’t have a melee spec.
Rexxar sucks.
Congrats on your 1st post…
But let’s go ahead and agree to never see that post count increment.
Well, until they remove melee from the hunter class, these posts will certainly continue.
I’m not entirely sure why the “pure dps class” part matters here, + we already have several classes capable of being dmg-dealers both in melee as well as at range.
But yeah, I agree, keep the melee spec.
Give those of us who wants our old ranged SV back, a 4th spec option and all these discussions/problems would go away. Simple as that.
The reason is some people feel like when they play a hybrid there forced into playing the healer role or tank roles at some point. They should just blend the old sub hunter with MM not make a 4th spec
Fingers crossed that they one day kill off Rexxar so he stops being used as an excuse to ruin this class.
Fair enough. Though, this isn’t actually a problem tied to class/spec design. This is a problem originating from the mindsets of players playing those classes/specs, as well as players in general.
If you don’t want to play a healer or a tank role, then don’t.
This is a fairly common argument. Though as have been stated before, it wouldn’t actually work out that well, for several reasons.
The way MM is designed, focused around instant hits and burst windows along with multiple abilities having cast-/channel-time, which also ties into the base Focus-model(which is designed around the above mentioned time spent casting), makes it impossible to add in the core abilities from the old SV spec, which were based on DoT and instant casts, and make it sync up well and feel fluid.
In order for it to get to a functioning state, you’d have to essentially switch out about half of the current MM talents and replace those with old RSV abilities + passive effects to even get near something that resembles the old RSV playstyle.
This would, firstly, result in the thematic reduction of MM and it’s general fantasy as it stands now, catering to being a sniper/sharpshooter. You would have significantly fewer options that focus on this playstyle.
The same would happen to the RSV version you could in that case get from said talents. It still wouldn’t be a fully developed version of that old spec.
Not to mention that everything it would be, would require you to lock in a very specific set of talents in order to achieve it.
As well as the fact that this playstyle would be dependent on those talents being tuned well enough/balanced to the rest which you have access to.
In short, it would pretty much require more time and work to redesign the current MM spec to fit in a decent version of the old RSV, than it would require if you went with the 4th spec option. And the result still would not be anywhere near as good as what you could do with a 4th spec option.
Very good points and post! I agree to some points. Maybe make survival the only spec with 2 drastically different play styles based on talents taken. A melee focused build like we have today and a range build. But I can see the complications and balancing problems.
There should not be melee hunter spec.
Melee Survival Hunter was a mistake.
These official forum always have the all the negative feedbacks on them… sad. The amount of players using it are just there to post a negative critic most of the time about something they hate… yet they’re just a little % of all the players.
There’s quite alot of players that love the Melee Survival hunter, something that some even asked to have back (since it was a thing before the whole “ranged” SV) but so few would even take time to say it is good on the forums.
Im one of them, I wanted a melee hunter back and I liked it in Legion.
Should we tell him?
Tell him what? If your argument is the representation is too low then we need to get rid of several other specs too. Bye Bye sub rogue. See you feral, arms, arcane, demonology. Not enough people like them.
None of those were replacements to an existing spec branded as an improvement.
The closest you can get in that list are Subtlety and Demonology. They are, in fact, already reworking Subtlety and have reworked Demonology on account of their failed redesigns. Hell, they reworked Survival itself.
Besides, Survival isn’t just bad because of its low popularity. Its low popularity is a result of all the things that make it a bad idea.
There cant be an accurate representation either way… Forum already only have a fragment of the players, hating or loving the spec, they barely cover the whole Hunter population.
But with my personal experience and those I play with, there is more Melee Surv hunter than the other two. Not because it tops DPS or kill better in PvP… (raid lead trying to convince some to change spec for higher dps) but because they actually love their spec.

There cant be an accurate representation either way… Forum already only have a fragment of the players, hating or loving the spec, they barely cover the whole Hunter population.
We don’t base these arguments on forum posts. We base them on raid representation on warcraftlogs and worldofwargraphs… as well as Blizzard themselves saying it’s a niche spec.

But with my personal experience and those I play with, there is more Melee Surv hunter than the other two. Not because it tops DPS or kill better in PvP… (raid lead trying to convince some to change spec for higher dps) but because they actually love their spec.
This is one of the most egregious fairy tales I’ve ever seen told on the forums with respect to Survival. You can pretend that you see many of them but their low representation is a provable fact.
As I type this I’m in another Korrak’s revenge. There are 14 hunters here. ONE is Survival. This is a regular occurrence.
Both data sources are incomplete and doesnt represent the whole community at all.
warcraftlogs shows PvE players, ok sure… but missing the general ones, the pvpers and even those that just in to casual.
wargraph only puts in a fragment of the player that is in to push / compete.
For PvE it only takes in concideration people that did 1 Mythic boss at min? :
Last Database Update : 11 Nov 2019 - Players with 1/8 or more bosses killed in Mythic mode
For PvP, only people with 1800+
Last Database Update : 11 Nov 2019 - Players with 1800 rating or higher
And if you check global it only shows the class, not spec.
So that site alone shows such a little % of the players. Theres a F-Load of players that will never show up in those graph… because they dont do PvE past Heroic -too much effort / drama-, because they dont push rating… regular BG is just as fun if not more… Casual players, hardcore that dont compete.
Game isnt based around the top end players…
Also, again, forums is a terrible representation of the community.
Fel no, we won’t go!
Melee Hunters represent!