Stop trying to remove melee

Yes because nothing screams melee like a hunter?
Honestly im fine with there being a melee spec as no class needs 3 specs of similar nature, but there isnt much about the word hunter that suggests melee.
There are so many better melee options IMO.
But, as said im fine with it personally.

Survival is basically an undead death knight so they should let it do melee dmg but give it more traps bigger traps snake traps tiger traps. That way they can stay away and be good but still have to get close to balance the traps power. They shouldn’t be just using their bow like a marksman

Which brings me to marksman which should have the old survival abilities in their talent tree and give them deterrance along with the turtle shell for survivability

Beast master is boring so they should give pet talent trees which you can customize if your pet has bleeds or cleave or more tankiness. Like let you use whatever pet you want but change the abilities and passives for the pet and the pet mog. Pet sweaters and hats

Please more bum pulls

thats what MSV is now lmao a spec full of instant attacks. Except with mediocre damage and low representation in raiding and mythic +. Its legit only good in pvp and barely even that compared to what other classes have.

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The difference being that the ‘muh’ in msv stands for melee, as in can not do full damage while not in melee, vs rsv being able to do its full patchwerk pve rotation at any distance while moving and kiting and generally not needing to care about mechanics.

It’s even worse when you throw pvp into the mix, so you have a ranged spec doing its full patchwerk pve rotation while moving and kiting, with mostly instant cc it can use while moving, and simultaneously ignoring most armor because elemental damage. Even when sv was below tank damage in raids in 6.2, the spec’s mechanics and design made it a difficult to counter monster in pvp.


Hunter is based on the D&D Ranger, which used both ranged and melee. It is why in Classic Hunters have both a ranged and melee weapon, just Blizz had trouble making their melee weapons anything but a stat stick. It makes perfect sense for Hunters to have a more melee focused spec.


Im not aware of anything official that stated that it was based on that, but if there is it still changes nothing really, as you say “both” not one or the other. Having a melee only spec as a hunter makes little sense.
I liked vanilla with the exception of the dead zone which i believe was the only they they needed to take away at the time. I was fine with being able to do both.

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Just boosted this hunter, I have to say survival is one of the most fun times I’ve had in a long time. I can easily see myself swapping mains to this.


No. Play classic and tell me SV was pure melee. Hunter had no melee spec prior to Legion. What hunter had were melee spells that could be used to fill in the rotation when opponents were inside the dead zone. Huge difference.

The hunter melee spec was forced on us as part of the worst class redesign in WoW history and there are those of us that will never stop advocating for its removal.


Play vanilla / classic or however how you want, and know spec isnt a thing, only class.

There was melee hunters pre legion, it just wasnt known as a “spec” because there was none. Talent trees arent specs.

By your opinion, but for some others the greatest change they’ve done. You can keep “advocating” for it… but nothing will change. Its not going away, nor is rsv coming back. Every class has a group that screams of hate for a specific change and want a reserve… hey, guess what? None of them happened.

Legion Survival says hello!

RSV is halfway back already friendo.

The current version of SV that you love so much exists because of all the negative feedback they got from Legion SV.


Well darn, going by your logic, RSV was truly terrible and crap spec ! They listened to feedback and made it melee !

Thanks for your point, I see clearly now.



Do you take the MSV tank threads seriously?

Nobody took melee hunter suggestions seriously before Legion.


I like that hunters have a well-designed melee spec - it gives hunters a lot of flexibility in raid situations, especially when it seems that the encounter will be very ranged-unfriendly. Having the option to forgo ranged for a melee spec is a good idea.

The problem is that melee spec displaced an even better-designed ranged spec, and the ranged specs that remained were BM and a not-incredible MM spec. If MM played more like ranged SV, there wouldn’t be any complaints from me.


They got rid of the dead-zone. Its not like you couldn’t stand in melee range as RSV or BM.

Just sayin’

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Sorry, but you aint everyone.


Sucks to be them. Lol

i think survival hunter is fun


I personally found Legion Survival to be the most fun iteration of the spec. To me it was a very unconventional playstyle with a really neat flavor.
It’s all subjective either way.


Irony of the comments here is that Surv is the most represented spec of Hunters in Pvp and not far behind the other spec (by like a percent or 2) in PvE