Stop trying to re-balance Wrath

Yeah, this is delicious. :popcorn:


I get it. We all have different perspectives and opinions.

This is a fair opinion that a lot of people share. A lot of people seem to forget just how much complaining Wrath received vs. Vanilla and TBC.

Wrath babies was a term for a reason.

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It’s a tricky line they walk for sure, but I think a lot of those folks who are saying they’ll quit if any changes are made are all bluster. I’m reminded of the “Boycott MW2” steam group from a ways back here. I understand wanting it to be the same but there’s a difference between it being the same version of the game and the same experience.

I didn’t think WotLK was “too easy” back when it was live content. I also didn’t think Vanilla was too easy either; however, I did think this in Classic. The bottom line is, the first go around meta gaming wasn’t what it is today. I didn’t have a BiS list to follow so I had all the best gear with all the best stats, nor did I have optimal class guides. I just kind of went and pushed some buttons and cleared some content.

So if you just want to breeze through the content in a similar fashion to what has been happening so far in Classic, yea for sure. But if you want the content to be interesting, you’ll have to accept that Blizzard needs to change something.

Only you can decide for you I guess, but here I’m happy to accept Blizzard experimenting with very tactical changes to see what happens.

I disagree, these are most excellent changes.

As of right now I strongly agree with three out of the four most recent changes blizzard has made. That’s 75%! With that kind of ratio, how could I not be on board with #somechanges? To be unchanged is to stagnate. Evolution is progress. I’m glad the classic team is being bold enough to try, occasionally stumble, but ultimately make the game a better product.


Exactly. Never appreciated the wrath babies term lol but it was a thing, 100% right.

Maybe less of a chance of them “breaking encounters” but a far greater chance of them utterly mutilating the balance of the game which would result in them “trying to balance it with their new item levels”.

I think the changes to the bosses would be relative, so Putricide could be hitting equivalently to +12 item levels to your tank.

The problem I have with them messing with gear is that gear is the fundamental basis for everything in the game. Boss mechanics are just a numbers thing onto themselves. Gear is the tangled web that will affect everything, so a change to gear will be astronomically more impactful than a boss buff.

Not to mention it’s a balance change in general. These should be a hands-off category.


This isn’t really true. Power creep was very real between tiers in TBC, and only a few items remained powerful throughout the tiers. And alts in TBC are horrendous due to rep grinds, attunements, and said power creep - if you’re coming back to the game when MH/BT or SWP releases and you quit during T4, you’re way behind and will have a hard time getting groups - without a lot of gold.

Wrath opened this up with catch up gear every tier and allowing people to focus more on current raids (and still do previous raids if needed). Which is a much better way of doing this for the average player.


Sorry, I meant Classic Vanilla.

Yeah, it was insulting for sure, but it characterized how the more hardcore and traditional MMORPG players felt about Wrath.

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Where are you getting your data from, other than from the number of whiners on the forum? You know, the last group of players that anyone should ever listen to.

A large number of players thought Classic Vanilla/TBC was waaaaay too easy. I’m all for changes that will make WotLK more challenging.


That summarizes it pretty well.

Right, that was a lot of raids to run weekly. And only certain pieces remained good because they used a % system rather than a flat rating. It was also due to how new Blizzard was at itemization and how many people wore clownsuits because not all gear was good. A lot of gear, in fact, was pretty trash.

Bad players have always existed. Wrath just let these players see content, too.



Wrath baby meant so much more than just bad players. It was an attitude and behavioral descriptor.

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100% agree, but it changed the game so profoundly that players who started playing in that era were being discriminated against. That’s quite profound… anyway from my point of view.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t support such behaviors, but the fact that it happened, makes you think.


Honestly having content like Ulduar be on Ruby Sanctum-patch talents and scaling is far more egregious than a slight gear itemlevel squish.

Also, people who never played wrath might not be aware, but there were multiple achievements (such as Herald of the Titans) for people to go back and defeat content with drastically lowered itemlevel, when said content was actually current. And people absolutely smashed those achievements. My guild used to love 'em.

Everytime someone refers to the minority, that auto translates to ‘Blizzard’.

Blood elves got discriminated against in TBC. It’s an attitude, and players who came before tend to hold some kind of grudge against new players - as if since they’re new they’re lesser. Even though new players used to come to the game all the time, including in Wrath, suddenly new players is a bad thing because they didn’t play the game in vanilla (or even TBC).

It makes me think a lot of the so-called, “community” that people praise - and also are demanding we try and preserve on Classic - are toxic and not worth engaging after all.