Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

That’s just it, I already said it even if you gave the casual player base the same gear as a mythic raider they still wouldn’t be as nearly as qualified to clear it in their current state but if you do that then what REWARD/ACCOMPLISHMENT does the mythic raider get in return for doing that content other than some stupid achievement?

Why bother putting in 10x more time/effort to clear that content if there’s no benefit in doing it.

I’m pretty sure every console game in history would get pretty boring if there was only ever an easy mode for everyone because some of the people that play it aren’t capable of doing the normal or hard difficulties.

I totally agree with you there; Even with BiS, unskilled players will not clear your content. I also agree the Hardcore Mythic guys also should get exclusive rewards for that effort, but I don’t think it’s gear. Mounts, titles, 'Mog skins or something of that nature. Perhaps there’s even better perks that haven’t been thought of?


Which in this case, I won’t play. Because the gear I want to have is not earned through improving yourself as a player.

So you’re basically telling the people that like having better gear than others they can go play something else?

I get that too, but to me the satisfaction is actually earning it. And you’ll do that, regardless of however easier it was for Joe Schmoe to get gear…

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Thing is I don’t care about Joe Schmoe. I care about my progression. And if it’s just randomized from me getting upgrades from doing practically anything, then I don’t have any interest in doing difficult content. And since doing trivial content is boring to me, I just don’t play.

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This is one of the few reasons most players I know have stopped logging in or doing much of anything regarding end-game content.

Gear has always been there as a reward for those willing to acquire it, It doesn’t mean as much anymore but that is the only meaningful reward left for doing content other than mounts at least for me.
I sure as hell wouldn’t go into lfr just to get an achievement for clearing it. You can get mekks mount out of lfr so that’s worth it enough for me to go in there.

They sound like they’re bad players to me, can’t even get into mythic raids or push glad?

Because you like to raid?

What kinda question is that?

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Privilege? its a reward available to (ALL) those that have the time, competency and effort to put into upper level raiding. High end raiding, at least used to be, the endgame, and rewarded the best this game has to offer. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with any game having difference in levels of reward based on what you put into it, similar to degree of difficulty of jobs offering difference in pay.

What we have now are blurred lines, and a clear growing sense of entitlement. Free loot at every turn, alongside RNG, has made heroic level loot available outside heroic raiding, and in turn made people expect that without putting in the effort.

Not sure why you, or anyone, should expect similar results (gear) as someone with more time or resources to put into the game - theyve dumped a lot into raiding, they deserve more than average joe that logs on to only do minimal effort WQs. As stated above, loot is ubiquitous, and heroic level gear is rewarded for almost any non raid task, and is expected by the community.

Bottom line, others arent privileged; people simply dont have the time, desire or motivation to complete harder for greater rewards - so why exactly do you feel any lesser investment should yield similar results?

Its nothing to do with privilege. You are speaking from a sense of entitlement, which is a bi-product of what this game has become.

A good one that is an on going issue with the expansion.

To be honest I think I should get paid the same amount as the CEO of the company I work for since I think I can do a better job at it with my GED.

A better solution would be to leave the ilvl the same, but return the significance of “epic” and “rare” loot.

Open world content should be greens, dungeons and warfronts and emissary’s blue, leave raids as purple.

Everyone gets more ilvl, slightly better stats by color based on difficulty.


I am not stating this from any sense of entitlement; I’m saying I will play this game the way I choose; and the gear or content that anyone else has does not impact that in any way. I prefer to have options to get specific targeted item upgrades via a WQ if I need it, but ultimately I will do the content I enjoy regardless.

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So having 425 gear to do a crappy world quest you can do at 350 shouldn’t matter.

I agree with your statement, however I agree with the OP overall. I wouldn’t call people mindless, but WQ gear should not be that high since those are basically a joke and takes mins to do. I don’t think rewards like that for jumping in on one of those “Kill so-n-so” where they are down to 3% and you get 1 shot off and get credit and the reward.

That’s one of the main things I see about casual players is that there is gear available in a higher ilvl. But for the content they do it isn’t required. It’s basically the only reason why people try to do higher end content but when they can’t they whine about not being good enough or getting invited to groups.