it’s there before you content and rewards .
I never understand these posts. The longest I’ve been declined for persistent searching in LFG was like, 10 minutes.
People need to stop being lazy. Normal raids are a joke to get into, and the gear will prep them for heroic.
Yes, interest in raiding and attendance of raid groups has been steadily dropping across the board since better and better rewards have been given through trivial content.
The numbers would disagree with you. The participation rate has remained steadily single digit throughout many expansions. Interest decreases because of how badly designed classes are, and we saw this in draenor and other expansions
My shaman(416.87) that hasn’t killed anything past mythic champions is roughly two ilvls ahead of my Rastakhan farming hunter (414), and does way, way more damage.
It’s a joke.
I guess we’ll see next tier then won’t we. I can bet the numbers will be drastically lower though.
No it’s not.
The reason you can get into heroic raids and higher M+ and run into people that don’t know basic mechanics or how to do things like minimize the area a target you and drop aoe leaves is because they avoided having to learn those things.
And now world quests drop gear so powerful you can’t even learn these things in heroics because everyone overpowers the mechanics.
I agree patience and teaching are the solutions, but that’s supposed to happen in end game?
It probably will be because the perception of BFA is really poor.
I bet if you look at raid participation in Wotlk, MoP, and Legion, you would see higher participation rates.
If the class isn’t fun to play during a raid, you won’t want to raid.
My favorite class is DK for example. They are arguably the WORST class overall in the game. That is why I only tank on him because BDK is the only one that doesn’t feel as bad to play and is more viable overall. Why would I raid if I hate what I play?
That sounds less like an issue of skill, and more of an issue of carelessness. This game has been around for 15 years, if someone isn’t good at the game they simply are not good. Endgame or not, they’ll stay garbage. When you know you’re forced to crawl through content and deal with an impatient community it becomes less desirable to raid, especially if you need gear.
Look at MoP Timeless Isle’s purpose was purely for allowing people to get catch up gear and it was extremely well received, and iirc, raid participation was significantly higher than it is now. Catchup gear is not contributing to someone being bad. If someone is bad, they’re bad.
Hell look at PvP, where you see people who are 2k rated complaining about issues that skill would solve. Gaining the gear means nothing if you got carried.
In pugs yes but with raid guild no.
I think that’s the point here. People are getting carried by WQ gear into content they aren’t prepared for.
This is still possible even with all the changes. Just have to go out and do it…
This is so true,how many ads in trade chat come up with carries.I did one once just to get a mount, Raid leader said just stand there and die ? What I rather fight the raid and already know part of it in normal I just didn’t have enough people to form a group.And did i stand there and die ,No!
They also didn’t give out heroic raid gear for world quests/dailies in those expacs.
Are you invalidating raiding as a means to receive gear? And are saying that raiding is not putting in work to receive gear? I don’t understand, this is how every single mmo I’ve ever played has worked. And no, that expansion tanked because it was just a bad expansion, and it was pretty universally known for being a bad expansion, raiding was not the exclusive reason for this.
Bring back gear gating and offer WQs a non-gear based reward structure. Muddying the waters by throwing players into content that they are not qualified for because gear score is so brain dead to increase is bad for the game.
No saying raiding takes a lot of work while the biggest obstacle you may face which is developing a strat is already given to you before hand makes it a lot easier. All you got to focus on is execution.
Then don’t do it.
Because your time will always be “wasted”. There will always be another patch, another expac. There is no “beating” an MMO until the game shuts down for good.
You have to enjoy the chase of raiding in its own right, or you’ll always, always end up feeling frustrated and like everyone else is “doing less than and getting the same as me.” Gear will always be outdated, eventually.
And coming up it will be,so regardless how anyone views it the gear will.
Are you part of the generation that grew up and got a trophy just for participating?
Blizz needs us to still do the mindless content, need a carrot for that stick.