Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Serious question…

What the heck happened to moving through increasing levels of content being progression???

The reason that content rewarded gear commensurate to the difficulty was largely due to the fact that you would use said gear to progress through harder content.

That was the reason for more powerful gear.

There is no logical reason for easy content to reward the same gear as difficult content.

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Hyperbole on your part.

As someone that’s pugged, a lot, over the years… You’re full of crap.

If you know or are willing to learn the fights, have okayish enough logs to indicate you know your class, and an appropriate ilvl… you can get in a group.

And there are learning groups, chill groups, hard progression groups, farm groups… Pick what you are capable of.

Being declined is more likely due to group comp than anything else if you fit every other requirement.

You people whine too fricking much.

Moonguard isn’t known for producing exceptional raiders, btw. So you may be dealing with that stigma.

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Get out of LFR and find out…

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Though this is true you can’t have your raid group under gear and go in only to wipe even if you have the skill and experience you wouldn’t have enough dps,mitigation because the stats gear wouldn’t stand up.No one wants to be a wet noodle fighting a metal chopper.

This hasn’t been an issue. As i said, normal raid ilvl gear was still easily obtainable without raiding.

yep,and it works.Get the stats need for the raid ,contribute get the reward everyone wins.except those that just want to make it more difficult than it is.

Quest mobs scale. Hence, the gear should scale. Not any different than a gear reset.

It doesn’t. Look at the badge gear from wotlk.

How old are you? If you’re not part of the millenial generation, then its your generation that started it.
Quit bad mouthing previous generations. You think 10k habits would habe ended

how does it invalidate the harder content gear ?
if said player is not doing the harder content and all you do is the harder content you will never meet.
i fail to see how that effects anyone else at all.
if you want to feel special you still get color vriants and titles as well as mount and special gear from doing the harder content. yet bob getting an ilvl close to yours makes you want to rant about how unfair it is that you put more effort {as you see it} into a GAME.


so you are saying the insane way blizz is forcing us to have to upgrade because the mobs are scaling along with the gear… it is the same treadmill harder content provides just for doing not as complicated things.

Because I do world quests and raid. If I can get the same ilvl gear from world quests what incentive is there to reclear, or kill a certain boss more than once? Also, what incentive is there to run any key under +10? There really isn’t if i can get the same or better gear from world quests.

If everyone has a heroic ilvl, then no one wins a reward because it is essentially useless.

i am sorry but that is a YOU issue .
if you feel the need to not raid because you recieved another item then you are not raiding for the experience but for the gear and you are not going to miss anything on a reclear if you are not invested enough to care about the raid only what ilvl you have,


Pretty basic human behavior actually

People will always weigh effort vs reward. Welcome to reality

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The experience ends the first time you kill the boss.

Again, this is not any different from any other expansion.
The best gear always came from the hardest available difficulty.
When there wasn’t heroic gear, there was normal raid gear, and it was better than quest/crafted gear.
When Heroic came into existence, it was better than normal raid gear, which was better than quest gear/crafted.
WHen Mythic came into existence, everything below it became worse.
This is the EXACT, SAME, THING.

The hardest gear gives the best gear.
You only get the “same” gear for content that is considered largely irrelevant or on farm status.
Even then, if you compare heroic gear to “heroic” EQ gear of the same ilvl, that heroic gear is generally better because it provides better traits that WQ gear does not have access.
On top of this, the amount of high ilvl gear is usually gained on a weekly basis not on a daily basis. So they gear up more slowly and their equivaleny ilevel gear is not as good.

So what are you complaining about exactly?


Bragging rights.

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In past expacs that could have been the case. Not anymore. There is no tier set anymore, and raid sets have looked pretty bad all expac.


ohh i agree but why let some thing so trivial ruin your day?
you do what you like and it makes you feel a certain way however if bob gets the same thing i get then jealousy rears its ugly head.
i get it however complaing on a forum about how it is unfair that someone you will never see again has a better item then you do . as i said do what you like if you only do one aspect for the rewards then all you care about is yourself and not the group trying to down said content.

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Really no different than complaining you deserve the same reward for killing 10 boars

2 way road

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Only useless if not used.If i geared up because my dps is depended on my mana regeneration and intellect ,it would be pointless not to use my abilities in a raid or wq raid boss.

Now if I were to not use it ,just because I don’t want to achieve anything but the highest gear it would mean I’m just wasting MY time no one elses.

Besides this most people playing now are beyond heroic gear .And in 2 weeks it wouldn’t matter because we’ll have to start all over with the new set coming.