Umm… better gear is a direct testament of a players skill level because higher play should reward better equipment. A player who is only paying for fun to do WQ’s and LFR should not have access to the same gear as a Heroic lvl raider (430 ilvl). If you want to “have fun” and do other stuff, why does your character need high end gear anyways?
The fact that people really are being insulted for wanting effort = reward shows how downhill this game and it’s playerbase has fallen. I know gd is the badual hangout but damn.
Even if I had a full set of 430 gear, I wouldn’t be doing mythics and I wouldn’t be participating in Raider IO and I sure as heck wouldn’t be anyones competition but my own.
Gear makes open world stuff easier. That’s all the progression I need.
If you think the gear for WQ’s is too good, why wouldn’t you just go do it? You’re too good for it? You will NEVER see someone who does only WQ’s with a comparable iLvl to a raider.
No, you have stated quite clearly that you are comparing the content rewards of others to the content that you yourself participate in. Either the content is something you enjoy doing and the rewards that follow bring you joy, or they do not.
Your question is actually an obfuscation wrapped in an attempt to justify elitism, my sensual sourpuss.
I am not quite sure which is worse; the fact that you think I am insulting someone by simply opening their eyes to the truth of the their situation; or the fact that you felt the need to try and cause a wedge in the discussion by doing so.
I’m going to play Devil’s advocate here and say to the nay sayers that yes, I WANT to feel superior by having better gear. I WANT to know that I earned it by clearing mythic. I WANT to reap the rewards of everything in the game being easier because I earned that ilvl.
And you know what? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’m not going around around rubbing it in people’s faces or being toxic in pugs with “casuals”. But god forbid I get rewarded for my efforts.
Unique Appearances at Mythic level that no one else can get
The highest ilvl gear available
The Joy of downing raid bosses with your guild
If none of those things mean anything to you, then you’re better off getting the gear from easier/faster/less commitment sources so that you can do the content that does mean something.
Then don’t mog over the mythic raid loot. It looks different than everyone else’s and it isn’t given out anywhere other than the mythic raid. People will see it and know you killed the mythic tier…just like T2 and AQ gear in Vanilla.
When I am over geared for a raid there is no point in running it except for the single achievement I get at the end. That’s it. Why would i farm something when i will get no reward for it?
That’s not the argument being made. It’s that you folks are salty that your rewards aren’t higher in comparison to others. You need to feel your rewards are superior to others.
It’s sad that you have to resort to changing the argument that people are wanting to take something away from you.
No wonder the game is going downhill. A bunch of insecure people who need to feel superior over others in a video game. Sounds like you need more challenge in your real life.
You don’t need heroic ilevel gear for WQs lol. Why should you be rewarded the same gear as someone doing a heroic raid/m+10/1800-2099 rated pvp for mindless time gated play?
Gear should be awarded based on difficulty, don’t want to do the more difficult content? Don’t expect higher ilevel if they awared up to 415 even 400 ilevel you’d do WQs just fine.
Nope. I do world quests too. Why would i farm a raid when i already out gear it? It makes the raid content 90% pointless. The only 10% of it that has a point is the achievement at the end.
Why do you Raid, then? Merely for the gear? Then yes, you can certainly achieve that much easier now. If you Raid for the thrill of actually raiding though, then the gear you acquire is merely a reward for doing so.
You have confused reward with the journey of the content itself.
Except it’s not the “same reward”. Mythic raid gear levels will never show up on WQs. Heroic ones may, if it titanforges. But your own gear has to be high enough level to even see the top level WQ reward, if it’s still the same system as we have now.
My brand new 120 alt doing the same WQ as my main will get like 320 gear while Vix’s one is 395 or something. It’s not like every single char out there will have equal or surpass raider gear. Plus raid gear drops are set and fill almost all slots, no? WQ gear is sporadic and limited to certain slots.
…(forgot ~ makes weird quote boxes with weirder fonts)
The OP’s snide put-downs aside, this is how this game’s gear works. The world will be more dangerous next patch - even the casuals need to be able to kill their quest mobs.
Remember day one of past xpacs where you could barely fight yourself out of a paper bag much less kill the big elite quest mob? Yeah, think about that before freaking out over “high level” gear given to the lesser undeserving scrubs, Mr. Elite Wannabe OP.
This. The participation award-era minded people think they all deserve the same as every one else, it’s practically communism.
I mean if someone at work did your same job but did half the work because they were a slacker and still got the same pay as you would you be okay with that? I would be pissed…