Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Because it means they can’t Lord it over people anymore.


Why would most people do WQs that reward heroic raid ilvl loot? Surely it’s just because they like doing the same WQs for months and not just because of the gear.


You don’t tell me what to do.


Same here sir.cait wait for those sweet sweet rewards.


Can you quote the part where i said you need heroic ilevel gear for WQs (lol)? Why would you care what gear I have if I’m not doing the same content as you? Gear is awarded on difficulty already. You’re complaining about a problem that doesn’t exist.


99% of the WoW population doesn’t mythic raid. I don’t mythic raid, i heroic raid, and that content is effectively being invalidated. There are no tier sets anymore, the raid sets look awful for the most part, and now the same ilvl can be gained for running around killing easy mobs.


Don’t tell him to stop telling you to stop telling other people what do.


We’ve add this argument in other threads.
Why do you think your journey is more important than them? All players wants gear progression, but if the gear is more accessible and easy to get one way that way will get done. You can’t ask a raider to not do wqs (or to put their titanforge in the trash can) just because he wants to have meaningfull rewards in the raid. And adding a reasonable cap to casual content to leave more incitative to other content is just a reasonable thing to do.


Your attempt at obfuscation none withstanding my waggle waifu, you miss the point entirely. The gear itself is merely a reward for doing content; but the content itself is the actual means of enjoyment and participation. Do not confuse the two, they do not mean the same thing.



Pvpers required to pve for gear

2100 rating is harder than any heroic level content and is certainly harder than WQ farming yet pvp is rewarded at a slower pace for inferior items and still doesn’t have any kind of vendor system.


I think current WoW has gone to far no going back. Gear alone should not be the driving force to play. If it was and now that its becoming less important sounds like more a addiction then a game. Who cares if other people have gear. Achievements and Skins/Transmogs are the only real thing to play for and Overwatch proved that.


Imagine being so dense and out of touch that you think WQs are as difficult as Heroic raids/m10s/1800-2099 rated PvP.


Honestly I just do the raid for the mogs. I don’t care about the ilvl anymore.

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Yea pvpers get always the worse end, can agree on that.


Heroic raid gear will be 430


I raid for the character progression via gear and downing bosses. The advancement of my character over time via clearing a raid tier alongside improving my character. They are two halves to a whole. If I wanted to just have fun and goof off with my guild mates we could just do lfr. But we play (or played) for that sense of progression. By eliminating that gear progression, now all there is is clearing a raid. Which yay, we got aotc, what now? We don’t need gear. We got the achievements. See you next patch!


I got your point, if people did raiding and WQs just for fun it wouldn’t need to have gear rewards at all. Some people get their enjoyment from getting gear, most people find WQs very repetitive and boring, and thus the high ilvl reward greatly increases the chance that people will do it only for gear.


“I like doing WQ’s and I also like spending 4 hours to progress on a heroic boss. They should drop the same thing.”



There is no gear elimination; you can continue to Raid to gear up your character. If you chose to engage in a different activity to obtain that gear, that is your choice and decision to make. It is, however, at that point in time, you who has invalidated the content you believe is worthy.

The content is the actual participation of the game, not the rewards of the content. If gear is all you desire, may I suggest you ask Blizzard merely to mail you the appropriate gear each tier? After all, by your very own admission, the Raid content itself is only a means to an end.


This is so cringingly wrong, and from my own server too.

Denying avenues of gear to players isn’t “narcissistic” lol.

Avenue’s of gear directly influence what the entirety of the game feels like. Everything you do in WoW you do with your character and your abilities and those two things are directly influenced by your gear.

Giving people easy gear from these mindless weekly quests or world quests completely changes the game no matter what aspect of it you choose to enjoy with the exception of non-combat players grinding fishing achievements who don’t care about 400ilvl gear anyways.

Never seen something more just blatant and outright wrong on the forums in my entire time playing this game.