Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

The moral of the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare varies quite a bit depending on the retelling. I suspect that if WoW’s community were to write a version, then the moral would be: hares are so angered when tortoises catch up to them that they demand tortoise-proof fences.


And I think you are missing the point. Did the person doing 10x more “work” have fun or not? That’s the other answer that matters (I had fun, did they have “less” fun because I had fun?) If we both had fun, this is a non-issue. If their enjoyment is only had by me having less fun, then, well there is some sort of other issue going on.

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There’s a competitive side to this game and you aren’t even taking that into consideration. If you’re a casual you can have fun with 90% of the game/content available. Just because there’s 10% of the game that is the same content you have available to you but for more serious players doesn’t mean you should just get free handouts equal to their rewards for doing far less.

Blizz thought that about flight and look where that is. If Classic starts out performing retail, I see big changes coming.

I don’t think classics going to do well at least for the casual player base. These and other active threads atm are proof that they don’t want to work hard for gear/achievements. They only have an hr of game time and expect to get their rewards for little to no effort, also regardless of skill/experience.
Even the sheer amount of time you spend in classic vs live there will be a huge gap along with gearing. I still have nostalgia healing as a holy pally wearing leather shoulders from domo, I think I was getting an upgrade maybe once every 2-3 months.
So I think live will be fine.

Different avenues for gear is ok, i promise it won’t hurt you. You also probably won’t be spending time with those that get it and if you are that too is your choice.

Good luck with your anger over what other people have or get and how they get it, i bet your life is full of fun worrying about the guy who lives next store and down the street or pretty much everywhere and anywhere and the things they have.


I understand both sides and agree that someone else getting something in no way lessens your own achievements. Yes we come from a history of gear being the major reward for high difficulty content.

Plenty of games still offer just that. WoW technically still offers the best gear for the hardest difficulty but they have significantly reduced the gap from high to low end. Now gear gaps are closed every patch instead of every expansion.

We went from 11/23/2004 until 10/14/2014 before needing a stat squish. That was almost 10 years. Then it only takes until 07/17/2018 to need another squish. That was just under 4 years. Here we are halfway through BFA and the new Mythic raid releasing later this month will be starting ilvl at 445. That is 1 years time from the last stat squish to being halfway up to the ilvl we were at prior to the squish that took an entire 13 years and 8 months to achieve.

The major issue which causes content to feel unrewarding is the constant resets we get. This was once a game where you built up your strength all expansion long. Now we build our strength each content patch only to have it reset to a neutral position again come next content patch.

Yeah I agree with that

Lets say we take out the gear and made it all the same ilvl lets say 400 ilvl and everyone started there, the only thing that separates players is by their skill/experience.

The majority of the entitled/spoiled people in here complaining mainly, they won’t be clearing the same content as the hardcore raiders even with the same item level.

I really couldn’t care less that you got a 425 piece through normal or heroic difficulty raid content, congratulations to you. But in turn that makes people less inclined to do the more difficult content available to them if you can acquire the same ilvl gear in easier content.
Mainly because people aren’t as hardcore as they were and they don’t want to devote 4-7 days of raiding to acquire it. You don’t need to raid 4-7 days a week to clear end game content.
But you do need to be skilled enough and put in the time/effort to learn your class, boss mechanics and how you can min max your throughput etc.

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Keep dreaming retail and classic have nothing to do with each other at all.

If I work 8 hrs a day and get paid 200$, do you think you deserve to get paid 200$ to work 2 hrs a day. That’s basically a dumbed down version of what were talking about here.

That doesn’t even include your qualifications for that pay.

This happens every day in real life.

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If you work a register should you get paid the same as the GM?

Wheres your proof and do they have the same degrees, experience.

I am proof!

That there’s trolls on the web, yeah but what about the topic at hand?

Yes, you are.

He’s right direct quote from Ion btw:

So yeah, if Classic starts overshadowing retail, you can bet they’ll start looking at why.


But that is just it, they aren’t going to have the same ilvl gear, it will be lesser gear than the most difficult content. I agree that most won’t put in the time to get there or have the patience to make it happen, the reality is that some will and the gear is there to give a sense of progression to people that don’t or can’t do the “harder” content.

The people that want to beat the content will move to beat it at the level they want, i don’t think that folks getting lesser ilvl gear through other means will change that.

Now if you want to talk about a waning raiding scene, that is because the reality of raiding is that for a long time it or high level PvP were the ONLY avenues to get good/decent gear and all they really care about is the loot pinata.

From my point of view getting the loot pinata people out of raiding and leaving it to those that want to clear the content with friends and the achievement and the rush of having their first kill will strengthen the community that is actually left raiding and will attract others in time that want to do the top content while leaving the loot pinata people (who are generally not reliable longterm anyways) to do other things to gear.

Some of this is true, but ultimately at the end of the day it’s about getting the group to coordinate and then having enough gear to get the kills. Yes people need to understand their class but at this point there isn’t alot of complexity to any of the classes. Some will say the “skill” is in knowing the fights or in knowing the class but in reality it is mostly just a coordination and gear thing, if that is skill for you then so be it, but i bet there could be a HELL of a lot of “skilled” people out there if they just tried. THAT is the real difference, most people don’t want to put in the time/effort to try for whatever reason.

So your saying all is well then got it old content is old.