Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Just uninstall already if you’re that bad.

Thats usually what people do is resort to personal attacks when they lose an arguement.

Get a job winner… and next time … stick to the plan and don’t admit you are leeching off the game and others for profit.

Raiders are a dying breed, they are on the way out. People are tired of chasing carrots in a video game and charging them gold or cash to get good gear is gonna die.

See ya.


I’d recommend playing a console game and set it to easy, you’ll enjoy it more.

I mean obviously you have no problem running them I’m speaking for those who do.

Like the government gives a crap about wow currency lol let alone sale runs for gold in a game.

At this point it is clear you are trolling and will just report you as such.


As a filthy casual I’m not demanding i be handed heroic raid loot for free…I’d just like some sort of way to slowly improve my overall gear. All I will say is that whatever cap blizz implements will be where I stop and unsub, because why should I pay for them to develop more content I cant see?? And so far in Legion and BfA blizzard isn’t willing to lose that potential $$. I’ll never beat a heroic raider in gear, so they shouldn’t care if I come close to heroic base just before the next patch comes out.


What do you mean problem though? Problem with time effort difficulty?

The thing is were talking about a single difficulty, casuals have world quests/warfronts/lfr/normal/heroic, mythic + which is scaled from very easy to more difficult.
We share in the same content, just because the only difficulty people are whining about is mythic because that’s where hardcore gamers put all their effort doesn’t mean they’re catering to hardcore raiders more than casuals.
The sheer amount of loot and in game content casuals have is weighted more than anything hardcore players do.
You can even do pet battling/pvp at it’s different difficulties, I thought it was a joke anything under 2100 rating and it was my first season. I hit 2400/glad in less than a month of game play, but some people may think it’s hard to get past 1800.
There is a skill gap but the conversation is basically saying that since the casual player base is paying the same 15$ a month they should be able to get into the more difficult end game content like gladiator in pvp or mythic raid in pve. You can but most of these people can’t/won’t put in the time and effort to learn their class, learn the mechanics, find a guild or group to raid with.
They just want it handed to them for logging in, which most of the rewards in bfa have been.

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The only people who say this never have played other Modern MMOrpgs were you get rewarded for time or skill 2 different paths and even just got logining in welcome to the future of Modern MMorpgs.

That’s not even remotely true but ok lol, in Ultima Online you got the best gear for killing Wyrms did you not? You couldn’t go to a graveyard and kill zombies for the same gear.

Never played it, is it still alive today cause I think the last time i heard that name was years ago.

Your request will be granted in 84 cycles.

My bad i was talking about modern MMOrpgs ill fix that.

And how are modern MMOs holding up nowadays in comparison to their predecessors?

Right, stop making games that are fun to play, we want strife and pain!!

For me, I had more fun in season 2 because I could get a weapon while I went 5 months of M+ and didn’t get a weapon - sorry, that wasn’t fun. I run a 10 or two every week, but I don’t run 20 a week and never will, and I don’t really care if you think I don’t “deserve” my gear. I am looking to have fun and I had fun season 2.


Final fantasy 14 is one of them and is doing fine and has grindable gear just takes longer then normal because you can change your job there anytime you want ext looks like its working time based reward ftw.And thats just one there are many MMorpgs as well with that system.Heck thats how they got the idea for patch 8.2 blizzard copy them lol.

You can have fun but shouldn’t be rewarded for doing 1/10th of the work that other people are willing to. That’s basically all I’m saying at least.
This reminds me of the female pay gap myth that’s been going around, check it out it’s pretty entertaining.

Yeah yeah 84 cycles… Be patient.

Don’t know where that’s from but you sound like a robot, a hot sexy robot.