Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

As a mythic raider, the only issue I see with that is the M+ loot system with repeatable 415 gear acquisition. +15’s are fairly easy for mythic capable players. With the current M+ loot system, the entire mythic raiding scene would outgear the raid within the first week.

I too am for less RNG with gear, and am for higher base drops from M+, but you MUST change how fast the loot can be acquired with a weekly cap. Otherwise… as I said… week 1 of the M+ dungeons opening, the new raid will be out geared.

To be honest titanforging could be fixed by putting caps on the ilvl it can forge to, lfr to norm base, norm to heroic base and heroic to mythic base. But you’d have to raid mythic to get anything higher than 415.
People love mythic + and I’d make it so the gear scaled up even further but I don’t think it should surpass mythic raiding gear because it only takes 1/4 of the amount of people and less coordination and it’s also farmable/spammable.
As far as the rest of the gear from world quests/warfronts. If all you do all day is that type of content you don’t need anything better because you don’t strive to do anything more difficult for the better rewards. But it’s not like you don’t have a choice, go to dungeons or raids etc.

Yeah maybe i was a little to easy with that number maybe a 20? Yeah i think 20 would be good. Cause at 20 you would already ahve to have some really damn good gear to complete.

Whys that?

I haven’t sold a carry since wod and I find it’s a waste of time/effort and you make less gold doing so also all the while carrying a sandbag on your back.
But if you haven’t read the thousands of posts, this game caters to the casual community quite a lot and more than it should in my opinion. But that’s just it if you’re a casual and your skill level is that of wqs/norm heroic I don’t see why you’re trying to overreach when it’s unnecessary.

Honestly, the problem is with the underlying system itself. Even looking at heroic right now, a dedicated player can completely out-gear the heroic level of the current raid simply by spamming +10’s. As I said, you’d have to put in some kind of weekly cap on the amount of gear that could be acquired that way.

It works right now for mythic, cause the 410 piece is behind a weekly lock out, and otherwise you’re just praying for RNG to smile on you. But as it is right now, M+ completely blows heroic raids out of the water. Especially if you have a coordinated effort with armor stacking.

Oh how I yearn for the days of yesteryear when you geared up from 5-man content to get into Raid #1, and then took the gear you got from that one so you can beat Raid #2, and so on. Now you can log in, kill some mobs, clean up poo, and pick up shiny multi-colored rocks, all while yawning to stay awake, and bam - you’re ready for Raid #3 without even stepping into Raid #1 or 2.

I don’t see how it’s leeching off of people either if they’re crap at a game but they want their 10 for the week, you aren’t being forced to purchase a carry. Go make friends/get good at the game, join a guild and get it how everyone else has.

I agree 100% i have 14 alts/mains w/e all sitting at 405-412 gear ilvl. Never set foot into mythic maybe i’ve killed 7 bosses between all my chars in normal. And i’m mythic raid ready geared. Have tons of BiS items. All i do is m+ and arena. Personally i don’t feel like i should have those kinda rewards.

It didn’t take really much effort to get it. Didn’t take much time. But i’m sure i can keep up with early mythic raiders on all 14 of my toons.

Yeah I leveled a warrior in legion cause they were hella fun and op when it came to damage. I geared it in 3 weeks and played it for a month at most. It outgeared my fully mythic geared main and out dpsed it. It’s a joke to gear, I always laugh when people complain it being difficult as if they were actually trying.

I never stepped into mythic, only pugged norm/heroic also.

If you want to nail the point home… I’m a 8/9M raider with a 2100 IO score. I’m 415…

Hence why I say: The people who prioritize gearing over the challenge? They’re long gone. Cause at most you’re looking a difference of 3-4 ilvls between doing all that, and simply doing a single +10 key and clearing heroic each week.

For me, I prioritize the challenge, which is the only reason I’m still around. That and I enjoy running learning raids.

Sounds like you have alot of free time.

Im at a 50/50 on this. I love the challenge. But if i’m gonna dedicate my time towards something i want the reward to feel good as well. For me loot does matter.

No. I’ll do Wqs and do the odd raid or mythic + instead. Thank anyways. This won’t change either. This entire post is a waste of time. Blizzard will continue to cater to casuals or lose the playerbase. Noone likes to get charged for stuff in a video game by other players. Get a grip.

I hope the government gets more involved with dealing with underground economy schemes and pushes blizzard to either get rid of people that sell carries (usually for cash) or face fines. It is the only way to get you guys off other players and leeching off the game and them.

30min mythics a Mythic 10-14 spent across 14 toons =7 hours a week. zzzz
Sorry fixed the typo.

30 mythics?? LOL you will find me doing only 10 of those at most.

I agree with that but I don’t find it appealing to push raiderio score mainly because I find it boring. Haven’t done much of it this season and I’m over 1500 io but it’s only been like 1 15+ every two weeks. There isn’t any reward there for me which is the main reward system active in todays content.
Although it doesn’t mean as much as it did back in vanilla etc. since it’s handed out for little to no effort elsewhere.

typo fixed 30mins a mythic 10-14

And that’s exactly my argument for why there should be some level of reward progression throughout the difficulties instead of the base level of difficulty offering rewards that outstrip: LFR, Norm, most of heroic, and almost everything below +10.

Because while I still do it for the challenge, I recognize that that’s not enough for everyone. I’d rather we got those people back, then provide a hollow RNG experience for all.

As I said before, design a world progression system that does not impact the competitive scene and I’m all for it. You could do this with world only affixes, or with gear that affects your combat/movement capabilities in certain zones (think isle of thunder with the jumping saurok).

Lol I was going to give you a legit response but after that edit I can see you’re just a moron conspiracy theorist.