Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

MMO =gear matters
And casual want to rewarded for logging in doing minimal game play. The best way to settle this. What makes sense conversation.
Hard effort =Better rewards.
Less effort =less rewards.
Common sense to anyone who does not want to be ignorant to balance things just work.

I don’t see any link so unless you mean what I said previously about an entirely different conversation then yeah. But if you had a high enough IQ you could look what we were actually talking about, go into wow trade chat and look at the dozens of people spamming sale runs. So I personally don’t think you know what I was talking about nor read anything about the conversation in the first place.

Yeah then they’ll whine that they only get an hour a day to play a game and expect to get mythic raid gear cause that makes sense.

I’m sure some the gear has helped those who are pvping. I don’t think its completely useless to them. As far as I’m concerned you guys are already obtaining mythic gear. So in the end what is problem?? Has it ruined your performance?

So, you don’t have the IQ to see a link?

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I assume you mean that and yes I don’t think you actually read anything up to that post.

You really want to say that after watching how much time and effort Method puts into their world firsts? All the split raids? All the leveling of multiple toons to max level? All of the 14 hour days the spend wiping on bosses?

Now, take someone like me who doesn’t do that, nor my guild. I’ve spent time going to my class discord, looking at logs, watching kill videos, and practicing on bosses.

Not to mention all the time I’ve spent gathering mats or acquiring gold to buy the mats for flasks, enchants, etc.

Plus, killing those bosses wasn’t a freebie. I spent many attempts wiping to bosses until they were on “farm”.

It’s not just about hours played, it’s about effectiveness in playing.

There are people who will always better than me. And I will never think I deserve to get what they get even if I put more time into it. That’s just talent and some people are more talented at games than I am. I can’t demand that I have an easier time aiming at people just because Shroud is so good at PUBG, even if I play more than him.

That’s not how games should work.

Time =/= reward.

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It effects me because i feel like the effort im putting into the game should give me a powerlevel boost compared to someone whos not. If someone who is the same level as be and i am putting way 6 more hours a week than them. At the end of the month thats 24 more hours whats my effort really going towards?

Not improving your gameplay obviously otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Personally, I do take into consideration what years of experience and help from others means. But this is misrepresented most of the time by raiders themselves.

I seriously think it’s none of your business to try to force people to raid who don’t want to be raiding, regardless of what reason they have decided they don’t want to raid.

The fact that you despise casuals and want nothing to do with them is hardly an advertisment for raiding.


I was about to say something similar

If they don’t want to raid who cares, it’s not like I’d see you in end game raids anyway. But it’s been said 100x if you’re doing content that requires 350-400 ilvl gear, you don’t need 415-425 gear to keep doing that, but whining about not having access to it is bull. Get good and get into a guild/raid group, but other than I don’t think you deserve anything better if you don’t put in the time/effort like the end game raiders do.

I have nothing against casuals with the exception of their whining about not getting the same rewards as those with more skill and those that put in more time/effort and are more efficient at it than they’re.

I do not despise casuals. They pay to play as well. But i ask you this.
Why do you deserve Heroic ilvl loot if you do not raid heroic or push 2k rating? Why does any casual deserve this kinda loot?

I’ve been wondering this for a while. I took a break from non-lfr raiding a lot of this xpac, and when I started up with the guild raiding, I was rather disappointed that I outgeared normal battle of dazar’alor. I had 2 lfr pieces from Uldir at the time, and everything else was from WQ/warfronts. It just doesn’t feel right. #MakeUpgradesGreatAgain.

Oh by the way I asked for a free burger down at wendys, they spit in my burger. I thought it’d only be fair since I didn’t go across the street to their competitors. Oh well I was dehydrated anyway.

Maybe ask for an increase in ilvl or some sort of incentive. But ya know we already will be getting so much in 8.2 I just don’t know why we can’t be content. Right now it seems to be fair both sides have yet to lose anything. Only downside is they need to rework classes and rng. Also maybe more fun group activities. I strongly feel it doesn’t have to be raiding though. I mean keep the raid and dungeons but it shouldn’t be a primary source for obtaining gear.

Here is how i personally feel the loot scale should work at the moment.

Heroic instances and world quest=360 BLUE gear
Mythic 0s and LFR pvp 0-1400=370
Mythic 2-4 pvp 1400-1600=375
Mythic 5-7 and Normal BoD and CoS pvp 1600-1800=385
mthic 7-10+ and heroic BoD/CoS pvp 1800-2000=400
Mythic 20+ Mythic BoD/CoS pvp 2400+=415 gear.

That is my personal opinion on how gearing should work.

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OK… so we finally get to the heart of the matter… the truth in the charade…the entire reason why elitists are upset at people getting gear.

Not sure if your comment was a mistake or you just got sidetracked but… thanks for admitting it. Blizzard should read this and act accordingly in the future.

Yes giving WQ gear that is higher can affect your sales of carries…this is intended. you see… why should blizzard cater to elitists and make it hard for everyone to get good gear? Do they get part of your profit when you sell a carry? No. So… you feed off the game to make a profit… you charge others for gear that is in the game free. That is not right. You are effectively trying to charge your teammates for a team uniform… and you do not own the team or the game.

You call your clients scrubs and admit to wanting to charge others for gear, then whine when they get gear from an alternative source.

No wonder blizz wants to give out gear like candy. In no way, shape or form does anyone who plays this game have the right to gate people from seeing content or getting good gear. That is being a leech and feeding off the playerbase for profit.
Blizz will not cater to you and your excuse that players should get more for raiding is seen as just a jealous, self centered rant that shows what you guys are about. You do not care about the game, you care about making carry sales and leeching off the playerbase for profit. If blizz does not cater to you and help you leech off players for profit… it is bad :disappointed_relieved:

No wonder they are taking this route as they can see what you do is wrong in so many ways. You are already using blizzards platform to achieve your profit… now you want total control and expect blizzard to play along? Welcome to 10 years ago… they tried that, it did not work, people probably complained about getting scammed or used in a video game and… here we are.

Get a real job and stop leeching off the game and other players, then expect all changes to sway in your favor to make you pixel rich. pathetic.

I don’t even really see the point of arguing over this… like at all. With 8.2 you will be able to craft gear at the same il that WQs is handing out. What now? The only change that is needed is crafted gear should titanforge or godforge.

The mythic raiding scene is a fraction of a fraction of 1% or less… get with the program.

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Idk if I agree with the +10 part