Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

I dont think you have any idea how much time people are putting into the game


It’s scaling up and up so that it never ends. So someone can get to mythic raider status without doing any content other than WQ’s. It starts out at like 330 gear. Once your gear to 330, suddenly all the rewards are now 340? So on and so forth until you’re 410 getting 415 gear from guiding 3 orphans back to the school 100m away?

Nah… that’s not even on the same level as mythic raiding.

Time != difficulty, Jimmy shouldn’t get a gladiator mount just because he spent a year grinding normal bgs vs Johnny who spent a week grinding to 2400 and getting 50 wins for his mount. Johnny did the difficult content, Jimmy asking for participation trophy.

This isn’t pay to win, do difficult content if you want better gear.

When next tier drops, adjust accordingly to that tier.

I think they should just put this game on easy mode if it wasn’t already there with the majority of it, remove gear, remove anything that’s rewarding like gear/achievements/character progression “obviously not atm”. etc. Then everyone will be happy.

I definitely won’t be here to find out lol

Try playing dark souls on the hardest difficulty, or go even further and try a no hit run through the entire game.

But seriously, it often comes down to raider/m+ types whining, as they did during legion, that “I spammed m+ endlessly and now have such good gear that I can’t get any upgrades from mythic raiding, REMOVE LFR!” Or other such nonsense.


Because easy content for 50 hours a week isn’t the same as 6 hours coordinated group effort. Those people doing 6 hours coordinated group effort have probably spent a ton on mats and repairs… not to mention studying on the boss and working to understand the mechanics of their class.

You’re saying that someone who spends 50 hours a week practicing bball in his backyard deserves more than the professional bball play who maybe played twice that week for a total of 2 hours… even though that pro bball player has put a ton of effort to get to where they are now.

It’s more of the casual player base whining about not getting end game gear for doing a world quest in 5 minutes.

Classic is nothing more but a Bonus free money for blizzard BFA is the real money maker here.


Can’t remember a single post like that during Legion. The only thing remotely in the neighborhood of what you’re talking about is removing WF’ing and TF’ing which is a lot less of reward for effort and instead another slot machine that we’re supposed to pull the lever on.

The more difficult the content, the better gear you should get.

Time spent shouldn’t reward anything but gear for entry level content if you’re doing basic, effortless content.

Oof. That makes no sense. But you’re more than welcome to believe that.

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Boy, you’re going to feel silly when Classic has more players than live because live doesn’t feel rewarding anymore.

I never feel silly your reaching here.

Tbh I don’t think most of the player base will be able to stand classic after the free gear handouts they’ve experienced over the years. The quality of life/improvments, the instant gratification. I hope they don’t allow any addons to track quests like live. Making gold back then was aids, I remember having 30 gold and thought I was rich. etc. etc. etc.

Don’t forget, those addons were made back then like QuestHelper and then thotbot.

I think Classic will beat retail tbh with you, I was a huge naysayer of it till I got access to beta and played it again.

I can’t wait for classic, I only got to experience the end of the expansion of roguecraft. I leveled 6-8 60s in a matter of a few months back in vanilla, one character shouldn’t burn me out like that did and I should be able to get there quite a bit faster than the casuals to camp their corpses.

Yeah I’m sure anyone playing live for a year would like a change of pace and nostalgia but that’ll go away pretty quick in my opinion. It’s not like live has provided anything decent recently to give us enjoyment.

There you go. No gear for casuals. Or totally inadequate gear. But please, more for me. And keep paying so I can log in for 5 hours a week because I don’t like much of the game at all.

Can’t say I agree with you - it’s literally a “been there, done that” for me. The only thing I didn’t get to experience was clearing Naxx back in Vanilla. I leveled 4 times (as a rogue, warrior, shaman, and priest).

I have little interest in touching Classic.