Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

What do you mean, they get gear, just not the best gear for content they aren’t even capable of doing.

More or less; Since WQ drops scales with your ilvl, I have no problem with anyone being able to get good gear through WQs; it will be a bigger grind slowly increasing that average; It also shouldn’t titanforge unless perhaps you have a similar grade of gear. Just brainstorming there. Then by this system, even the Mythic riders that need to fill a specific slot to aid their mythic content could do this at will too.

Serves both crowds, no?

No, That is not the point here. The point is mindless game play (save 20 turtles, Kill 12 turtles, Do 2 pet battles) and you get heroic loot. We can probably agree 10 mins of game play. Casuals should get loot, but the ilvl worth the content that they do. Not take away from heroic and mythic raids loot table for the hard effort they put in on learning and killing a boss. Same to be said for a 2k pvper. Takes 15 (Wins) in 2s to get your ilvl 400 loot even on a 15 win streak take about 1 hour and 10 mins ish. Match last 5-8 mins with ques and the match it self. 3s Is about the same.

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might wanna look at the replies above- wasn’t me who did it.

Also: why do you care? If you like to raid, you’re not raiding for the gear. You’re raiding for the raid.


I raid for the gear, I pvped for the bis trinket prior the release of COS. Gear used to matter a lot more than it does now but that’s the only tangible reward you get for doing any content in general.

WF/TF/Emissaries you sure can, and next patch you can from bentheic gear(430).

If they want gear, they shouldn’t get it just because they pay $15 correct. You want the gear, do content that’s not picking the same difficulty as Valley of Trials quests like picking apples from a cactus.

WoW is an MMORPG, it’s not Diablo 3. You shouldn’t have access to gear with immense ilevel just because you spent a year picking apples. It should be about working with others to achieve a goal, that’s what made WoW great in the first place. When new patches drop, sure there should be a catch up, but it should be for entrance to that patches normal raid tier. If you want to play solo, that’s fine people did that in Classic but they certainly didn’t whine to be fed gear simply because they pay $15 they understood if they wanted the good gear, they had to do difficult content.

Used to sit afk on my end game mount in a full set of raid gear in vanilla and beyond and would come back to 50 people gawking at me. I’m not saying that’s why I like gear but it is basically the only reward you get for even bothering with higher end content. Achievements mean nothing to me as that gets you the invite, the gear and your skill as a player keeps you in groups.

So is there no hardcap in the gear you get? So someone who is 405 should be able to get 410 pieces from WQs? If so, I don’t agree with that.

The ilvl of world quest loot stops, that’s why they have dungeons/raids if you want to further your gear progression.

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Emissary gear caps at 395 base for regular slots and 400 for azerite slots. Also it takes all season to grind out tf/wfs. Mythic l/heroic raiders and mythic 10s will surpass them in weeks. Also raid gear is also up sac along next patch as well.


You literally get 400 ilevel azerite from emissary wym? Who cares how long it takes? You didn’t do anything difficult. You shouldn’t have access to it at all from WQs they should be for prepping for normal raids, m0, pvp entry.

I can’t tell you how many times though I’ll pug H COS or other things like m+ and there’ll be some casual player that gets hella lucky with his dice and gets an item ilvl capped.
I’ve seen people better geared than me from m+ spamming all day and I was fully clearing mythic raids which they never stepped foot in.

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You also didn’t do the hardest content either that being mythic 10s rated pvp or mythic raiding/heroic cos

Just the other day this guys first H COS kill coined a 425 socketed lurkers trinket. Or the guy back in mythic + vault in legion getting a 395 faulty countermeasure which I had farmed over 500 times to get but never got above a 370 ilvl one until the end of the expansion when the ilvls were increased or w/e.

We are seeing another reason why people are leaving the game, they see things they wont achieve due to the fact they don’t belong to the PVPer club, Our The Mythic Raider club, RP Club, Or the Casual Player club thus not getting the rewards of not being part of these member only content.

I use to be a PVPer and A Raider I dont do much of either anymore cause one a broken pvp biased system, try getting a group with 1200 rating not going to waste the time, and I am not going to go get gear that will obsolete in a week. I farm Gold, Mounts and Transmog’s and Level Characters, due the fact these are less manipulated parts of the game and don’t need someone’s approval to be part of these things.

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I see over and over again that casuals shouldn’t get loot, or it should be inadequate to do world content. Own it. You guys keep saying it.


Why do people who hardly play the game deserve a rich and rewarding gear progression, while people who play a lot deserve no gear progression system?

People who get that gear sometime in the next tier when it’s already obsolete and the world content has been buffed care.

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If it scales with you, where’s the harm?


Sure, but if that were entirely the case raids wouldn’t give gear. Gear is however, a reward for raiding, and right now it’s pointless. If something gives rewards, it should feel rewarding. That being said, i can guarantee you that if they remove gear drops from raids the raiding community would shrink rapidly.

WQs shouldn’t allow you to skip raid difficulties, or m0s, what’s the point of having those difficulties at all if that’s the case? Just make it mythic raids, m10 and only 2100+ rating gives you better gear then WQs. In fact, let’s just add templates and make it so everybody just has their templates upgraded a little when they down a m10, mythic boss or win a 2100+ rated game.

Gear should matter, it should be acquired depending on the difficulty of the task at hand. You don’t want to put in the effort to complete difficult tasks, don’t expect gear just because you pay $15 this isn’t pay to win.


I know, but the way Sylvan is wording it, there’s no more hardcap in the “amended version” they suggest.