Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

In reality if you’re paying 15$ a month just to log in for an hr to do world quests for 35 minutes then log out I think you should find another game that doesn’t require more time invested to actually get to the top.

All players and their play styles need to be respected and rewarded.


Yeah I’m kind of the same especially with revamped games like cod mw 4, I couldn’t stand playing it when they improved it. There are very few games I go back and replay like dark souls/red dead redemption.

But I’m going to enjoy the hell out of classic because I’m rolling a rogue specifically to corpse camp people. They’d better work on their cardio and get friendly with the spirit healer.

But rewards correctly with the Item level for the content they do.

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I felt the same way man till I played it, trust me. Sure, I’d prefer if live was good but at this point Ion has his head in the clouds and that doesn’t looking like it’ll change anytime soon.

Ahh yes, the “well too bad haha” comment that’s how you know you’ve gotten under someone’s skin :). I’m sorry that my stance on the matter has upset you bud, but your feelings don’t matter to me logically it makes no sense to hand out free gear to solo players/casuals in an MMO.

Pay to win is bad, participation trophies are bad.

By your standard this is just an example i don’t know if true this is only a example, but if make 1000000 gold a week I should get a reward of gold for making more gold then you cause I am better at it then you.

I played on Illidan, Alliance side, during Vanilla. There was this one Female, UD rogue who would camp the Inn at IF and just kill every person who hearthed in because it took a while for them to load.

If she ever got caught she’d spring to the trenches and vanish.

Rinse and repeat.

It was pretty funny.

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Absolutely. And this isn’t by my standards pre legion the game way like this for 10 years. Effort vs reward meant something.

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Damn I’m only clearing like 5-800k a week ish roughly.

I dont get any gold reward from blizzard for making that much gold. In fact i get penalized for being good at what i do… auction costs. Should i get a extra mount cause i farmed mine faster then you? Should i get free transmogs for farming and completeting sets faster then you.

Man we need to complain for not getting interest.

My friend has beta access and he’s in the same boat with me. Said he couldn’t stand how slow leveling was again.

I agree with the same point.

Getting to level 60… it’s just an obstacle. Once you get there you’re back to raiding. And I’ve done those raids.

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Anyway I’m starving, out for a few. Maybe I should say I deserve a free burger for picking their restaurant instead of their competitors?

2000Goldfor doing world quest seems ok?
5000 gold for table quest seems ok. But again pre wod when did we ever get that kind of free gold? This has just turned into less rewards for time spent.

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Not a good comparison.

The correct analogy is that someone should get more gold if they’re doing harder content to obtain that gold.

You shouldn’t get 50g from selling a grey item and then get 50g from selling a mythic level purple item.

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Fair enough, I’m mainly an arena player so I understand how live will have that while Classic doesn’t.

Honestly, PvP and it’s new system is so scuffed that it’s left a bad taste in my mouth. Then ofc the tossing around gear like candy aspect of it. they’ve just catered way too much to casual and participation trophies this expansion it’s disgusting.

My main hope is that Classic beats retail so Ion wakes up and makes the game less pay to win and more rewarding.

They’ve put very little effort into the game this expansion, they don’t even have class sets this expansion lmao.

Oh yeah… PvP.

Totally agree with you there.

I feel bad for PvPers in Retail. It’s…

It’s not great.

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Not a good comparison cause it don’t fit your narrative. Example again not true or not, but its fair if you get a paid carry through a arena or through a mythic but you get the same reward as though that you did it, or your part of a guild that takes you through that content.

I don’t think the players that like BFA will be too thrilled about Classic. But players that like a challenge with RPG elements attached to them like Dark Souls more than likely will. And I think there’s a large player base that’s looking for an experience that will last longer than the start of this expansion to 8.2

You paid gold for someone else who is doing the work.

It you could pay someone who will do all the WQ’s and they are able to gift you all the rewards, I’m sure that’d be a service too.

But no one is going to be able to charge Mythic raid prices to do all of your errand WQ’s for you.

It’s not a good comparison because you’re trying to compare gold which doesn’t have ilvl like items do. You get get 50g here and another 50g there, you have 100g.

You don’t get 2 350 ilvl items and expect that to be 415 ilvl… that’s why it’s a bad comparison… not because you don’t understand it.

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