Uhhh, doing more difficult content obviously means the person is skilled/talented enough both of those take much more skill to complete than helping Bobby Joe take his pony to the stables. Taking Bobby’s pony the stables shouldn’t give the same as heroic/m10/rival ilevel gear.
I mean that’s fine, nobody is forcing you to raid but in turn you don’t deserve somebody who does dedicate their time doing challenging content for doing WQs with Bobby Joe.
I love PvP, I do it daily it’s my main drive in this game and has been since Vanilla. At the same time, none of the content you listed above is difficult in comparison to heroic/m10/rival pvp and shouldn’t reward the same because of that.
Rewarding should be based on difficulty/skill required not time spent.
this argument never makes any sense. you should not, in any game, be allowed to wear the best of the best without doing the hardest content in the game.
Blizzard should just start everyone at 120 with 400 ilevel at this point
That isn’t the argument, and you know it. You’re just trying to throw salt. Whatever. You win the internet. I cannot stand in the face of your NaCl wall of razor sharp sarcasm.
Look. Unless you’re M+'ing 15’s or higher and/or mythic raiding…you aren’t doing any content in this game that makes you a bleeding edge worker. You’re just not. So have fun or don’t.
I’ll continue “not working” for my AotC Crucible and “not working” for my 13-15 key progression. And I’ll be totally unconcerned with what people who don’t do that content with me are collecting from world quests.
Your point is useless. Raid ready ilvl 400 is heroic gear. Get they get there welfare gear and out gear heroic in a week. Get bored and quit again. Moving on.
And we’ve all been saying that the highest difficulty levels (that requires skill or memorizing knee-jerk reactions to scripted content) DOES give the highest level gear.
None of those things I do affect you at all and my gear level progress means nothing to you. And visa versa. As it should be.
Yall are derailing this thread with a pointless debate over who deserves what gear.
PvP doesn’t have vendors for literally no reason. PvP has to slave away and pray for gear at a worse rate than completing literally any form of PvE. AT Best, you can stack your group with friends and PvE and gear a boosted alt out in one day, trading yourself loot streamer style. At worst, you put in more time and just use a vendor to guarantee yourself loot.
And this is why this game is in the toilet took out templates for pvp but didn’t add vendors i’m not saying that templates were great but it did stop the pve’ers from having the advantage in pvp.
Again, heroic/m10/rival pvp should not reward the same as WQs. The skill gap between the content isn’t even remotely close.
It does mean something to me, it means that you’re being rewarded comparable gear to someone who tries to actually do challenging content like those 3 I’ve listed. It makes the game feel unrewarding and total diminishes what WoW, at it’s core, was about that being progression through difficult content for better gear.