Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

The mentality of the old timers has changed quite a lot over the years and the new generation is full of spoiled/entitled kids that expect to get a reward for logging in for the week. As far as community building in classic it won’t be anywhere near where it was in vanilla when the attitude of people was vastly different than it is today.
But that won’t be an issue in my opinion as I see most of the casual player base quitting within a few months due to it being too difficult whether that’s the start or end game experience that does it I can’t wait to see if I’m right.

But by no means am I trying to deter anyone from trying it but I’ve already seen tons of posts of players that were complaining about it already that it was too slow/difficult or what have you. Also those people that complain about it being difficult to gear in bfa are also going to have a hard time adjusting to classic if they attempt it.

expecting to get meaningful loot for 35 minutes of gameplay.