Stop speaking on sv

People can “brush off and adapt” without feeling as if there is no case to be made for a playstyle that was enjoyed by an objectively larger audience.

For instance, while I see little point in bothering with over 15s on my hunter, as my friends only have time for a few push runs per week and tend to prefer my Warrior for that—as we already have Ring, Soothe, Dispel, and Hero—it’s not as if I’ve shelved it just because SV is what it is now. It’s still plenty fun to me, likely more fun even than WoD RSV was, even if probably a bit less fun than what a modern version of that playstyle would be today (though then perhaps a fair comparison would only be had against an actually polished version of current SV).

:: In Fortified keys, my overall is higher on SV than MM or BM. In PuGs, MM gets the most playtime only because it has the expected utility and limited melee space is often a thing; SV is a close second already.

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Basically you don’t want to people respond to you, if it’s going to out your statements as stupid huh?
*which they are.

I don’t mind people stating their opinion, I was referring to hunter forum regulars who have to say on any comment something without being asked. My answer was purely intended to person creating this post. You can answer whatever you like but don’t quote me if I didn’t replied to your comment. That’s called being polite

sounds like your asking people that can prove your wrong not to respond, your argument so weak you have to ask that right off the bat.


Prove me wrong when I quote something your said or reply directly to your post.

Do you do the same in bar or outside when someone is speaking to someone ? You correct him without being referred to?

You come into the thread with some crap that 2 button would change MM to SV you deserve any grief you get, an shows how little you do know about the Class\spec… And dam straight if they are spreading miss-info I do correct it (when it’s something I care about).

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I didn’t ask your opinion neither did you created this post

so create your own forums if you don’t want people to respond when you say dumb things? try spreading mis-info on a tech forum and see how many un-solicited responses you get.

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It’s a public forum meant for discussions amongst many players. If you don’t want people to respond to what you post, don’t post.

You might not like that some of us “forum regulars” tend to respond to many topics similar to what is being discussed here. You might not like what we are saying. But telling “certain” people not to reply to what you post, doesn’t make what you write any more true.

The reason some of us here are quite adamant at replying to posts such as your own above here, is because you make claims of objectivity and you present it as facts. Which they are not.

You’re not the only one who does this ofc. Many others do as well. But again, this still doesn’t make it any more true.

Again, it’s a public forum.

You don’t ask specific posters to reply to you, but tell others not to do so.

Make a post, say what you want to say, and expect others to respond by agreeing or disagreeing with what you’ve written. Simple as that.


Genuinely speaking, some of my favorite posters are ones I often disagree with. I think you can have civil discussion and disagreement.

I think having different perspectives is important.

I don’t think that’s really a fair comparison. If I’m out at a bar (which to be frank, I’m usually not haha) or outside, I’m usually minding my own business or enjoying my time with friends. Perhaps if someone is attracting a bunch of attention or I think of something witty I could interject with, I might join in if I’m in the mood to do so. That’s actually part of the appeal for a lot of people with the bar example, which is meeting and chatting with people who may be total strangers.

This however is a public forum meant for discourse on various topics. When you post, it’s expected that others will interject with their own thoughts. That can vary from threads where players are asking for advice, discussion posts about the game, etc. It’s the norm to chat with people. I don’t think there’s anything rude about that, the setting encourages it by design.

I genuinely enjoy reading posts by players like Mawthorne for instance. While I think we have plenty of things we may not agree on, I think he is calm and often rational in his thought process, even if I may disagree with his conclusion.


First it’s not misinformation it was meant as joke to person who created a post.

Second I didn’t call anything you said stupid so be polite and to use stupid word. You my reconsider your words please.

I don’t have to create my own forums, when I create a post I expect people to respond, when I talk to someone I don’t expect unwanted people to interfere in conversation, in this case you feel free to comment but again it’s multiplied by 0

Old IT joke the fastest way to get an answer on a Tech forum is post the question under one account then post post the wrong answer answer under another, and you’re have 10 people in no time posting the right one. (just posting the question it will sit there for ages).


“joke” huh … well if it was a joke then you should not be offended by it being called stupid right?

2nd it’s still public and you didn’t quote anyone in your 2 MM button post so there is that also that left yourself wide opened.

(also not seeing only the OP respond just certain people which is just silly on a public forum + maybe I’m on his list too now :slight_smile: guessing that the cool kids list)

Right ……….

Doh!!! remember this thread and a certain poster (check the guild)


… Holy crap.


Yeah, now that you mention it…


I didnt see the op asking you anything, so why are you posting in his thread? Thats like busting through his front door uninvited!

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Am I missing something obvious here?

Translation : I only want to hear from my personal echo chamber