It’s not though.
Among all hunters it’s far and away the lowest played spec.
It’s not though.
Among all hunters it’s far and away the lowest played spec.
I will consider what you post when you start looking at hunter class design and development objectively rather than basing it solely on how you choose to play yourself and with that, which elements you make use of. When you no longer base it on your “method of playing” but instead the “intent of (the actual) design”.
In short…
“Play MM because it has a few optional talents with the same names(but not the functionality) as they used to have while part of RSV, and therefore it’s the same as RSV.”
“Just equip a bow and arrow and you can get SV but ranged(RSV).”
…screams of how little you understand about the impact things can have on player choices and preferences, when speaking about class and spec design.
Funny thing is I have. I’m just not living in the past. Its 2021, You can understand the MM spec is what you have been searching for.
Trash post by a trash player.
Get in the bin.
Like I said…
While I dont see anything inherently wrong with that design choice, current SV is quite different from Legion SV. The melee element has been walked back quite a bit and I think the current playstyle does in fact have a lot to offer the type of player that has always been attracted to hunter. Aside from community perception, possibly opinions formed during Legion, and performance issues, I really can’t fathom the unpopularity of the spec among hunters.
In a game where a big part of the design intends for us to want to create and invest ourselves in a particular identity, focusing on our characters.
In any game such as that, any major changes that affect/have a big impact on the possibility to maintain your chosen identity, such changes should not be made on a whim and in any such cases, one should aim to still provide a core theme that resembles what used to be there before.
If this isn’t done, you will always end up with more or less extremely controversial outcomes that risk upsetting a lot of players as they might no longer be able to play how they want to. This is important due to how much IS invested into this game(type) on a per-player basis.
In the case of SV, it’s not just that they put in major changes to an existing identity. But how they flat out deleted that identity. They replaced it, with no possibility to achieve it elsewhere, with a different identity with no former ties to the class whatsoever. A playstyle focusing on melee-combat has never existed within this class prior to Legion, by design.
It’s only natural that this then, on a fundamental level, puts this new identity in a vacuum. That it causes this identity to be unappealing, by the choice of most players of the class in question.
It’s simple really. Most players of this class, when playing this class, they did not/do not play it because they’re interested in melee-combat.
In many cases, these preferences have been there since way before Legion.
“We want ranged SV back because we love combination of shadow priest and hunter in one spec” lol
They may add a 4th spec to the most playable class. Everything is open …oh wait this is Blizzard never mind forget about it
Are you thinking about the concept of focusing on DoTs here? If so, I would argue this to be somewhat of a flawed take on why players are asking for RSV to come back.
On a different note, here’s an old gem to watch regarding topics related to the origins of the Hunter class as a part of WoW. In case someone here hasn’t seen it.
I tried to find the uncut version but failed to do so. If anyone else has it, I wouldn’t mind watching it. (The link is set to start later in the video where they begin talking about the Hunter class. Feel free to wind back and watch all of it)
So, they had a better (more granular and intuitive) version of WoD’s Sniper Training… as far back as beta…
Why am I not surprised?
“And isnt it ironic…dont ya think? A little tooooo ironic, and I really do think.”
They could add to MM 2 spells and you would have Old SV back. Instead of serpent sting add black arrow, lock and load resets CD of explosive shot , and you have ranged SV back. A spec that was favored mostly in PVP , due cored control but in pve still BM and MM where way better. I was in a pushing guild back in EU and I know from experience.
It was played more than it’s played now true , still was last in damage for hunter specs pve wise. My guild was strongly against SV hunter in raids.
I would ask nicely for couple people here that just ignore this post , they know who they are I can’t name them it goes against TOS. People who are on every single hunter post contradicting everything
No, it doesn’t work this way.
MM has always favored a burst play style, whereas RSV was a DoT-based rot play style.
In other words, MM could kill a single target (let’s go with a simple mob spawn) in 4 hits or less. I should know, I did that many times pre-Legion.
Whereas MM would hit hard, RSV slowly brought down the enemy’s health with DoTs — but here’s the thing, RSV could do this to a full pack (like, think 5 or 6 mobs at the same time) due to the AoE in Serpent Spread via Multishot and Explosive Shot.
MM hit like a truck by opening with a single Aimed Shot, followed immediately by a Serpent Sting then Chimera Shot and finishing off with a Kill Shot (this often didn’t happen with world mobs because they were already dead).
But MM’s AoE was always the weakest out of all 3 specs, pre-Legion.
The Legion remake was an attempt to preserve RSV in MM. It failed. That’s because Blizzard failed to consider the two vastly different play styles.
The BFA version of MM was a very good step in the right direction — it feels more like the old era (Vanilla through WotLK) than anything else.
So we know from both experience and understanding of how MM and RSV worked that your suggestion wouldn’t work.
I think every class and spec has now dot , burst mode. It’s just better in one or other. It’s how they want it and they keep going this way with class design. In all honestly I like it
Wrong. It has been explained several times, not only why, but also why it would be a bad approach to the development of MM itself, and the players that enjoy it.
So, remove one ability with a lot of history and ties to old RSV, and replace it with another one also with such ties?
This would be true for Survival when it was just a talent category back in Vanilla/TBC.
Apart from that, it’s wrong.
Like with pretty much all specs throughout the history of this game, this would only be true for certain tiers/periods.
A blanket statement of “RSV was always bad/worse in PvE” is just as false as what you said above.
Well said.
I asked nicely to certain people to avoid my comment please. You see me avoiding commenting anything on your comment. Please ignore it, there is plenty of other people here.
It’s rude to talking to other table without being asked anything first
You could not, and not just because of what MM lacks but what it already has.
The only way to fit RSV into MM is if it housed essentially three sub-specs, with (much like current SV) its baseline kit being incredibly non-invasive to any potential playstyle that may form around one’s chosen build.
For instance, you might have a talent for Black Arrow, another for Aimed Shot, and another for, idk, some active variant of Wild Quiver for those who want neither to be quite snipers nor rot-build. In another row, you might have Envenomed Ammunition (Serpent’s Focus), Rapid Fire, and again some third option. In yet another row, you might have Precise Shots, Lock and Load (via periodic damage, including perhaps Auto-Shot, Wild Quiver, Rapid Fire, and your Stings, and obviously providing the most reward on instant Aimed Shots as to be ultimately balanced out), and again some third talent niched between the two. Etc., etc.
If we aim merely to imitate the latest version of RSV, where the (removed) additional instant ticks of Serpent’s Focus didn’t push Multi-Shot so far ahead but Explosive Shot could also roll-over almost indefinitely, then Explosive Shot could actually damn near be left out, as it only retained mild interaction against Arcane Shot (or vice versa), but if we wanted to bring back situations by which SV was more noticeably favored in cleave or it might actually spend an LnL proc on an ArcS in order not to overcap LnLs, then we have to somehow fit that rotational choice into the talent grid, too.
Simply put, it may be doable, but it sure as hell wouldn’t be easy.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s forum.
It’s a public forum. Anyone who wants to partake in the discussion may. If you don’t wish to have a discussion with those you might disagree with, why partake in a discussion thread?
I was just pushing buttons. They won’t make anything like old SV. We can ask whatever we want but they will stick with current class design.
I did pvp before legion and SV was amazing for me , now I still love it. This is just me , I don’t complain to much or cry on forums. I loved old demonology so much that I didn’t wanted to play legion till 8.3. But then from a class where you turn into demon I summon buss load of demons. I would still love to have old demonic form back but hey. Brush off adapt and stop crying on forums.
Whatever happens it’s their choice, I just to pretend to be forum grandmaster like some over here to talk like they are game designers , and want to have upper hand non stop.
As well I noticed hunter forums are most toxic from all forums