Stop speaking on sv

In other words you do that somewhere else in real life ofc , and someone will break your schnauze

This is us forum , so you have to tell specific people shut up right from get go. Other people will point my mistakes , but from certain people I don’t wanna hear anything. I wish I could ignore them somehow. But sadly you can’t. You still hear their voice on the other table :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

EU forums are way less toxic especially huntards forums.

P.S never mind ignore actually works. It hides their comments so there you go. Now they are just ashtrays outside the bar that you don’t even see :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Well pup the difference is this isn’t the other table . Where to be honest I would actually be polite and say excuse me first if I was to say something to them . This however is a forum where the only curtesy afforded to us is the fact that Blizz won’t let us call each other by George Carlin’s 7 dirty words . Other then that it is a free for all.

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True and I can’t stop them from saying anything. You’re absolutely rights. It’s just better to ignore them.

You know that experience when you have a coworker who is smart , but contradicts to everything what you say , and tries to correct you on everything? You just avoid him , talk to him when absolutely necessary. Same here , only it’s never necessary to talk to them :joy::joy::joy::joy:

To be honest I am one of those people in support of a 4th spec because I remember for at least 2.5 expansions Rsurv being actually a good raid spec and in some actually out performing MM .

I know from experience that neither RSurv and MM played the same . Using bows and guns is not the same .

That would be like telling rogues that they are making Outlaw spec ranged because it is the same as assassination and if you want to play stabby stabby you can play the other 2 specs . Or changing a lock or mage spec to melee.

To be honest I am having fun in TBCC doing an old school surv hunter where the focus is on the range weapon but has the utility of the melee to help get back into range.

That is what BLizz should of done is taken it back to where it was range offensive /melee defensive.


Allot of people on US forums ask for it. But it’s mostly US forums and thnx god US is not majority. But even if they add 4th spec melee SV would be ignored even more. Will see what future brings. Blizzard has its own ways. I was sometimes happy with changes sometimes not, but I keep going. I was sad when ranged SV was gone , I loved it with passion, but I adopted to melee SV and same I love it with passion.

I think not everyone loves a class with passion. For me Arms, Arcane,Disc, and Survival are go to specs no matter what they do with them. And I play with them 99% of the time , I’m not type of person who plays meta or best performing spec from expansion to expansion. 80% of these hunters where BM in BFA now they are all MM

Thing is I tried Msurv in legion and did not like it . I was hoping to but in reality like the majority ,we chose hunter to be ranged .

Ey like o said not everyone likes same thing. I don’t understand why we need demon hunters but they are in game, or why BM can perform 100% damage regardless of mechanics.

I didn’t like it at beginning as well. Then I gave it a try as orc first. I was alliance back then. And when I was leveling I started to get into it more and more. And realized potential in pvp. I’m not now 2K rated or something but i have fun when I do content

This was more like telling others at the table to shut up and not to speak, like he owns the table (IMO the point when polite went out the window).


Dude in that thread was posting from a warrior character of theirs, talking about SV. From their posts, they made it sound like they were super amazing, etc, and that many just don’t understand how to play it / how it can be so good.

Bepples being, well. Bepples. Did some sleuthing and showed they were pretty much lying about everything they said and were using alts to try and make their arguments seem better.

Ultimately, I think their posts were more harmful than good since regardless of opinions about the spec, you shouldn’t feel the need to lie to justify it and actively serves as disinformation in what is already a really contentious topic.

Just judging by the guild and achievement points which are almost exactly the same as the warrior from last month, I’m thinking Allyan is the same person as Mavailo.

Edit: Not sure why Deflux’s post changed so it isn’t linked to the comment chain any more. If you want, I can find the posts in question for you.



“Slips back to camo, goes out the back, and continues to have fun on his SV Hunter”


I feel one of the harsher truths about msurv is that it belies failures in the other hunter specs as well. MM in bfa got a really bad deal as it was target capped early, and also just lacked broken azerite traits that would end up being good for the entire expansion (in fact the one that existed in uldir lead to a meme build that was quickly replaced as of dazar alor), and yes I know it like everyone else had must picks, but I mean meta defining stuff like the fire mage mastery one, the shadow priest crit one and others that basically bulit the builds for those classes.

Bm along with the other pet focused specs has alot of issues with pet ai, and took a decent hit from bfa as it was greatly empowered by the borrowed power of the time, and I don’t think its gotten anything that really compensates yet. In fact to my knowledge hunters even now are fairly borrowed power dependent as a outsider hunter damage seems to shine mainly during their obligatory blue kyrian or night fae circle buff. Marksman has been a different spec under the same name for at least 4 expansions now. wod mm=/=legion mm=/=bfa mm=/=shadowlands mm, and it compounds the issue since mm is basically the only true ranged weapon spec. Bm uses a bow but its beast mastery, its about the beasts.

This leads to more irritation to the survival issue since survival like the rest of the hunter specs has not been treated well going through fairly drastic changes each expansion, and generally staying unplayed and somewhat unwanted. And in additon to all its problems it ate the design space of what was once a fairly mobile, fun ranged spec and instead became one of the contenders for least played dps specs fighting with real champions like feral druids, arcane mages, and sub rogues for the title of least popular.


What @Lazyguide said.

#Stop speaking on sv - #213 by Lazyguide-area-52

I find it…interesting…that he starts posting in threads even though noone asked him to, and then he complains when others respond to him even though he did not ask them to…

Not to mention how he, like has been shown already, uses alts to essentially bump his own posts in an attempt to make them seem more legit.


Yep, this.

And looking back, considering what the devs made to be the reasons that justified the removal of RSV, along with what they have done since with current SV, there isn’t actually any reason to keep it this way.

Simply put, the excuses don’t hold up.

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He went over here to throw a tantrum now.

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So many trash MSV threads filled with nothing but garbage posts and yet we get more and more every week, i.e.: posted by your good friend Allyan.


Cause you can’t play MSV :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: glup ko kita

Same as you. :smiley:

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All that because he doesn’t like it when Hunters post about wanting RSV back?


I play one you don’t , I get at least something done on it or some progress you don’t.

Only reason I’m average is because job and real life has much more priority. So I wouldn’t have to live in apartment or basement and eat junk food all day long while playing wow

And let me tell you something blizzard is going in direction of favoring people who have less time to play but more money to spend.

Thats hillarious, you have now hidden your grey logs.
You do not play a survival hunter. You cluelessly stumble around while being specced into SV. You have no clue how to actually play SV hunter.

I do play hunter and just for jokes i killed some mythic bosses as SV on reclears while getting blue-purple logs. I do know how to play it, i know it a whole lot better than you do.

You seem to prioritise spamming the forums with 3 alts all day long. Thats a really sad existence and trying to defend yourself with the old: “Everyone whos better than me is a no-lifer”? Really sad, dude.
You dont know how to play SV, but you still run around the forum trying to talk about it like you knew it.

It is completly fine if players arent able to kill heroic or mythic bosses, everyone can have fun the way they want. But you shouldnt try to frame yourself as some kind of expert, when youre clearly not.