Stop Saying "Yeah But You Wanted the Vanilla Experience"

Why 15?

I do have to admit this was not what I expected, or remember seeing in Vanilla. I did start way later thou in late 05, I was on a med pop pvp server and would only come across a wpvp encounter now and then not every 10 minutes, maybe high pop was different.

Plus right now its the only pvp we have, so i can see why most is doing this, but for 60s to spend all day ganking lowers at some FP etc is just ridiculous.

Also the answer of saying “ohh Just Reroll on Pve” also sounds shallow to me, my highest toon is 52, and with work all that it took me months to get that lvl, plus not to mention being in a guild and friends we enjoy being with, and we are suppose to start this hectic grind all over again and kiss our guild and friends good bye, because gankers wont let up a bit, will then that just sucks.

If this is what most players experienced back in day ( which again is not what I seen ) I dont think anyone would roll on pvp. I done tons of wpvp over the years and it use to be 1-2 vs 1-2 same lvls etc with of course some lower ganking here and there but not always, it was fun and not just mobbed rolled pvp bloothbaths.

Bottom line: in other wow expansions I died many times and also killed many, but it never hindered my leveling like it does now.

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This was exactly my vanilla experience, minus the rank 14 bit. I think you hit the nail on the head regarding current vs past experiences.

Problem with this logic is many remember how Vanilla was on PVP servers and it wasn’t anything like this, back then you could just avoid BRM and SS/TM and at best you’d run into a couple opposing faction members ganking in EPL or Burning, with increased server sizes its raids just about everywhere locking down the opposing faction and there isn’t squat you can do about it.

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Everyone wanted a high pop server until they dealt with the reality of high pop.

Come to Arcanite Reaper. And live the true vanilla experience.


So a single unorganized raid of people relying mostly on an area herd immunity where they’re safe because no one attacks them in an organized way?

A half raid of well organized players could probably start picking people off and guerilla warfare them down to the point they start going somewhere else to farm honor.

It would be a slog… But that’s the point. You rolled PvP not to get into BRD unmolested, but to have epic battles for control of an area so you could get into BRD.

Because it is the truth?

Sillidan is correct in saying:

As Bornakk says:


You understand this is when they had layering correct?

You must have played a low pop realm then.

On my pvp realms, the world bosses were highly competed by various guilds, locking down flightpaths was one way to shut the reinforcements down, but also camping MC and BWL entrance was a thing.

Truth is, on a pvp realm anything can happen and that is the beauty of pvp. You can not just say “today we raid xy” as you never know if it will be possible.

You guys have just become too soft due retail where pvp is gone. What happens right now on pvp realms is exactly what happened back in the days. Just that crappy Spy and LFG tool is new, which certainly helps gankers a lot.

That 1.12. is very different from a true Vanilla experience I would sign every time, but pvp is exactly as I remember it.

You understand that this was about server cap and before Classic started, right?

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Yes and they were discussing server cap with layering. Do you understand what layering was used for? Lol jfc

You do understand no toons have been deleted from servers for them removing layering? One point of layering was to reduce strain from so many peple interacting in one area.

Okay maybe you don’t understand what server cap means sweet heart let me dumb this down for you.

Server cap is how many people can be on one server at one time. Not the cap of how many people can make characters.

When classic started they increased server caps and had layering so a TON of people could get on at once without 2 day long q times.

When layering was turned off, this is why we had que times again. So instead of allowing (going to make these numbers up) 4K people online at once with layering, they reduced it to one and lowered the cap and put the rest in ques so one server wouldn’t be flooded.

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Pick a realm, I’ll use Faerlina because it’s one of the original large realms, it’s 5.5k population on both factions.

That is not much larger than vanilla populations.

What’s different is people desire to play this type of PvP. This phase 2 was highly anticipated. Why? Because it was a part of the vanilla experience.

Classic WoW is a Frankenstein version of Vanilla WoW, & the player-base/community in Classic is a Frankenstein version of the original Vanilla player-base, for lack of a better descriptor. People today are just more jaded, spoiled & entitled for the most part, regardless of their age bracket. I personally blame social-media for creating a flourishing narcissistic idiocracy.

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Yeah But You Wanted the Vanilla Experience

Yeah But You Wanted the Vanilla Experience

Nope. I rolled Horde on Sargeras. It was Alliance dominated (IME) before server transfers after ~1 year, and then it became apocalyptic.

It was never like this. The very simple reason is the pop difference. I’m on Stalagg now (with the faction imbalance flipped) and there are Sargeras-style zergs and death squads pretty much everywhere instead of two or three hotspots.

People who keep saying “it was like this in Vanilla” are either forgetting, lying or characterizing some pserver experience as “Vanilla.”

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You’re right in that the toon example was a bad point.

You’re wrong in that layering was solely for queue times.

If that were true, why did realms have queues when layering was available?

I would also point you to this wowhead article from around the late-spring early-summer info dump we got where it points out that layering is for reducing stress not for increasing caps.

I would also like to point out that most servers had two layers for a while shortly into September

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These are not mutually exclusive dude. The layering WAS to allow more people on each realm at launch (to have lesser ques) but they didn’t want their to be an infinite number of players on one server, which is why it still had ques.

And did you even bother reading your quote? Because I don’t think it’s saying what you think it’s saying.

Layering was put in to combat ques. They had to have fewer players on each layer at launch because they couldn’t have everyone in one zone, when people spread out it meant more people per layer. Do you think this simple explanation means layering wasn’t put in because of ques? I’m super confused in what you’re attempting to get it.

Regardless of this nonsense, none of this means they kept the increased server cap they had at launch, which is what you’re attempting to push. All it means is that you don’t understand at all what was going on lol

Oh I and forgot to mention

Layering is for increasing caps, which provides more stress, so they combat that with more layers.

If there were no layers, then they would have to lower the caps. Period.